primetimer forums dcc
I've said it before- any talk of weight or problem areas is using the metric DESIGNED BY KELLI and the DCC. 19 hours ago. If it was anything like last year's, then more are going to peace out and retire, not wanting to put themselves through it again (and likely not wanting to be the victim of Kelli's whims to amp up the drama and create space for the new girls). Here is your thread to discuss/speculate on who may be auditioning for the 2021-2022 DCC squad. My bet is they will lose 4 or 5 of those 8, so potentially the 4 firstgroup leader spots will just stay with the same old. Now in terms of TCC girls that I wish would re-audition are Kelly, Tori, and Ashlinn from Season 15 (Not gonna lie, even though I never really cared for her Tori was robbed) Brett, Madeline S. and Shaina from Season 14 (Madeline S. dance wise is not the best, but I like her nonetheless) I also want Alexandra from Season 14 to come back but the fact that she has tried FIVE TIMES and still hasn't made it is kinda worrisome. Self: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. . I noticed that too. This visit Kelli said she was posting about being in training camp, which is a no-no, so another bad decision on Ava's part. Most DCC girls retire after 3 years so we might see a lot of girls from the class of 2018 leave. I think Mackenzie is way up there. Not trying to be mean but that's a lot ofCasper goin' on. She ended up making the team in 2019 and is one of the most recognizable cheerleaders on the squad today. Megan announced it on insta May 28. KaShara KY|TX Matthew 5:16 Serve the world out of love . 45.5K followers. Savannah went on a USO tour before Christmas 2017. on the DCC Facebook, someone said in the comments, Amanda was asked to leave for a relationship with a player. While each season tends to focus on that years new rookie candidates, it seems like fans want to see just as much (if not more) of the veteran candidates that theyve gotten to know from before. I thought it might be fun to makepredictions about the rookie class. I think this is the best one they've ever made. I was expecting a better photo for Tori since she has had killer field photos. 16 seems like too many for show group anyway, seeing as they usually say most stages only have space for12! Who wants to place bets on howlong before KayDianna goes back to the straight extensions? Its been going on since last season its in last years forums . Same goes for Sydney. Did Lisa confirm too? It seems to be only the first/last show that every has to perform at if I remember rightly as formations seemed to change all the time in 2019! Before I began working on the show in season 13, I had little to no interest in watching a show about cheerleaders (nor had I even heard of this show). I love the tea . She seems so quiet and demure! They have finally found a good photo for her. Weve had plenty who havent been glam girls. Tell me your: Rockstar Rookie: Great dancer and ambassador, ROTY candidate, One and Done: Either retires or gets cutnext season, Sleeper Hit: Flies under the radar at first but starts to really shine in year2 or 3. The DCC are critiqued heavily on how they look, from how big their hair is to how toned their stomachs are. I wish they (PT) would STOP with the body shaming. Chandi is very, very, annoyingly photogenic. They're on to me. Powered by Invision Community, READ ME before posting in DCC: Making the Team, All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show, The Process: Auditions, Training Camp and Squad, Former DCCs: Where They've Gone & What They're Doing, Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation, The DCC Organization: Coaches, Judges and Owner Group, A Note from your Moderators about "DCC Insiders". Another rumor was that Rachel W. is homophobic and being around Janelle made her uncomfortable. but were thankful that our production company gave us the opportunity to work from home. She also hosted CMTs Redneck Island. 20 hours ago. Girls that I wish wouldn't retire but most likely will are Alanna, Amber, Ashlee, Jalyn, and Lexie. omg do you have her insta? Alora Rose. I keep my finger on the pulse of which reality shows are doing well and try to watch all of the major competition series that I can. I have my opinions about the other two, but I will keep them to myself. I think every single rookie will audition for a 2nd season, but its no secret that some of them are mediocre and need to go. Madeline S looks absolutely STUNNING in this. This. Mean girl type stuff with a mod who let it all happen. Don't know how I feel about it, but if someone is a great dancer, they should get the chance, IMO. Cici always looks like she is having fun, and stands outbecause of her hair. Which also leads me to speculate on the 2021 season of MTT:If hardly any of the vets leave, there arefew rookie spots, which means not much show content unlessthere is a massive vet culling which would make for great drama and plenty of room for new rookies ouch some vetsd better be warned! its kind of how eve, Do we know what she did specifically? This I can agree with! I know what you want. The best tea I read from PT was the Mavs girls drama with Ashley H, Lisa, and Julia now that was good stuff. The Proud Family Revival Makes Great Strides in Autism Representation. That was the no-no. Most reality shows, by nature, are meant for mainstream consumption. And her opinions but that's of course personal and YMMV. seem like shoo-ins for2nd GL. I also want Alexandra from Season 14 to come back but the fact that she has tried FIVE TIMES and still hasn't made it is kinda worrisome. Rachel A. I would rate her on a par with Gina as a soloist (and that's saying something). Cici always looks like she is having fun, and stands outbecause of her hair. Its tough because our production team literally films around the DCCs schedule, and most of the cheerleaders are already working full-time and then coming straight to practice afterwards. There's nothing behind those eyes. Be against everything CMT, Charlotte and Kelli do. All rights reserved. Her dancing has gained power, but probably won't be on the squad while the other blonde legacy is there. Claire, Darian, Marissa, McKenzie, KayDianna, Tori and Tyra. Tess was not happy about her evaluation and confronted her group. I found the Dani thing pretty bizarre too. A few seasons back, a typical dance sequence on the show was full of tighter, close-up shots. Wow in Thunderstruck video I felt like a Judy was in my mind yelling LINES! I also noticed the girls adapted to the photographers step stool being in the way of the last three girls. She had a fun personality, but was young and inexperienced (at an etiquette lesson, she thought that quail was seafood). For this little-known cable show to continually improve its numbers each year is no small feat. They took some non SG members. Is that Erin and Tori completing the triangle? (Seasons 1 to 13 are on CBS All Access.). Funny thing is, the 3 founders of Television Without Pity sold that site to Bravo (price was confidential, but no doubt substantial), then at least 2 of them started Primetimer. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You heard it here first: Tori will be 2023 point, Also it stresses me out that Kelcey and Chandi will be group leaders without being second leaders first. If I were Madeline S. I would be takingevery power pomclass I possibly could. I'll still come here for the news, but I'll ignore next season (if there IS a next season) just like I ignored the majority of this season. With regards to FB, I've tried to join 3 times and have never been allowed - I don't know why - but it's probably because I don't have be account as public and I don't share photos. These forums aren't a great representation of public opinion. Cause the mod on there said not to mention other forums. I hope its not true, she (Armani) was one of my top 4 faves from last season. Posts I think I remember her saying she pushed the envelope on it. Rumor has it that she made Lilly cry. I believe she's homophobic but she's smart enough not to voice her disgust and her pageant face never shows any emotions. Maybe I'm wrong? Watching from an 'outsiders' perspective (as in not in the US) it seems like the US is in a bit of a shambles in terms of covid. . Agreed, that and the entrance were messy. Give us new girls! It's getting as toxic is the damn locker room can be. Powered by Invision Community. It was a bit sad not being able to be together (we all get along!) Everyone looked so good at the performances. I'd forgo the drama just to give them the extra time to allow them to be able to finesse everything. While the DCC style of dance at its core is power pom, the ladies are often taught more emotional/lyrical styles of dance, as well. . Not the vaccine. I actually don't get all the Kelee love. I liked how they announced the team this year. I think Junior DCC is Cassie's "only" job now besides being a full time mum. If Rachel W makes it 5 years as a DCC (I assume she will- she seems to love it and at the very least she's one of the favorites of Kelly and Judy), without getting selected to the Pro Bowl then we'll know for sure that PBC is selected by the team. Does a show from the 90s retroactively shed its cult status if fans and streaming services allow it to become mainstream over the course of time? I saw some of her tweets before she made her Twitter private and she definitely has no issue voicing her opinions, but I dont know if she has or would ever do that around team members or in the DCC environment. But rest assured, we always try to do as much as we can outside of rehearsals to give each candidate their own unique story. Kristin, plzdon't set yourself up to be cut, I'm begging. They don't seem to have a lot going on past their glory days. PT doesn't seem as toxic as in the past. Primetimer forum has "Insiders" that are purely there to put certain girls in a negative daylight due personal dislike. The entire filming/post process was delayed by a few months as production figured out how they could safely put together this season, but once it started up, it was virtually the same process from when we were in an office. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Season 15 was filmed this past summer during the pandemc, meaning the entire production took place inside of a bubblethe Gaylord Texan Resort so cast and crew lived together cut off from the outside world while they filmed the show. Fans of CMT's Dallas Cowboys' Cheerleaders Making the Team, Press J to jump to the feed. If its going to bring attention to a business venture, sure, stick around. Shes just not memorable in terms of dancing. Speaking pf photogenic, Claire looked fantastic in those pictures! From this Marketing Managers opinion, the DCC don't realise the importance of social media. Calling certain girls names. all with successful dance studios and choreography business. my exact thoughts on Marissa. Most Disappointing Veteran Photo goes to Gina. Make sure to zoom in in ever detail of the women their bodies (especially the ones you like). Tess was a bad GL. I agree. If things are done the exact same way as last year, is it worth staying until they get a "normal" season to leave under? Last year, we started leaving wide shots of thegroup dances up longer and it helped a lot with showcasing who was excelling versus who was struggling. Shoutout to the real OGs. While Victoria made it through to training camp, it soon became clear that she was not quite ready to be on the team. I likely won't be surprised at exactly who leaves since they're probably going to be exactly who I suspect they are. Thats just me though. please do not come back. Whos the blonde rookie in Lexies group? And it looks like they dont know much information. It exposes transitional images that the human eye would probably never see or the brain process. 2021-2022 Squad - S16 - PRIMETIMER All Activity Home TV Shows Competitive Reality & Game Shows Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team Past Seasons S16 2021-2022 Squad 2021-2022 Squad By CrazyInAlabama, November 20, 2021 in S16 Sign in to follow this 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Page 1 of 32 CrazyInAlabama November 20, 2021 u/eyerishdancegirl7. Seriously so embarrassing. Ava's Instagram post. Im not a huge fan of Rachel but I understand why shes one of the points - she never has a bad shot. No drama intended. Willwe see four more vet cuts Wow, 2021 speculation feels so surreal; didn't we just get out of TC? All rights reserved. We all know at the top of the re auditioning is our very own "charming" Victoria Kalina. They criticize and mock the women with more vitriol than Kelli and company combined, yet at the same time, they criticize the unattainable standards that the DCC organizations sets for being a cheerleader. Was Darian a strong rookie? It takes some getting used to. Also, women who are cut from training camp and dont make the team one year often return to try again in following years. Look at the culture of DCC and how KELLI has evaluated the girls. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Likely other contenders would be McKenzie, Claire, and Darian. Lets not bring this drama. I dont enjoy looking at blown up pictures of body parts. Ava ignored what she was told, and paid the price for it. Oh and on reddit it says Alora Rose also confirmed? I think she probably doesnt realize how awkwardly worded that is and doesnt realize it sounds l. I would say for sure Tori will try out, and I am hoping Ashlinn does too. Restrictions in place for some areas - followed by some - flatlyignored by others. If it were up to me, at least the last two weeks would be the final team rehearsing considering how soon after TC the first game is. Do you hate these women or support them? I really think only two of that group will come back. The Mole behind the scenes: how it was produced, Desi Williams on her DQ, rules, theft, and more: not everything in The Challenge is fair, How The Amazing Race started: an oral history of CBSs first race around the world, interviews with producers and reality stars. They hate Kelli, Charlotte, Tina, Victoria, Tess and Lisa. Not fandom drama. Itll be interesting to see if they try to rebuild their brand next season and actually select girls who will bring light to their reputation; this year they did the opposite and ruined themselves by keeping women who are involved in nasty scandals, and cutting vets for BS reasons. Is it wrong to say that I want another HUGE group of rookies again? I think she looks great here and I also think its awesome that we have another legacy cheerleader. A major thing we hear from a lot of fans is that they want to get to know the cheerleaders better, which can be difficult when the format of the show largely focuses on dance rehearsals. Are all the comments about Reddit from yesterday gone from the PT board 2020 auditions and speculations? Read that on another board. Things were a bit different this year, though, as the candidates were all in one hotel during the entire filming process. Also I can see it going both ways where people would want to stay because they missed out on most perks of being a DCC, but also people would want to retire because 2021 might be the same as 2020 and there's no point in staying. u/RayHans03. This site's reputation is almost good, but it is important to note that its child safety .
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