all hail megatron killing joke

all hail megatron killing joke

Entertainment Transformers: The Complete All Hail Megatron - Book Depository 1, January 1955, The American Cinematographer, Vol. In New York City, a green construction vehicle nearly runs over some humans in Times Square. TRANSFORMERS ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 APOCALYPSE COMICS KILLER JOKE HOMAGE VARIANT CGC 9.8 - VERY RARE Default Title - Sold Out 299.95 Quantity Add to Cart Description VERY RARE APOCOLYPSE COMICS CASET COLLER KILLING JOKE HOMAGE CGC 9.8 IN HAND READY TO SHIP TRANSFORMERS ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 IDW PUBLISHING Megatron stops an immediate retaliation by Starscream, wanting to let the humans get a few shots in first. Facebook: On your knees, human scum, and bow before the great and glorious Megatron! The first advertisement for the series was simply a red Decepticon symbol on a black background with "Swear Allegiance 2008" written in red. Tensions and tempers flare. Moundsville, West Virginia, United States. This article needs to grow up a little bit. As the human jets are decimated, one of the pilots, a man named DJ, attempts to crash his fighter into Megatron, who just swats him away. Key Collector Comics - Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 Judge Dredd Megazine (2003) 211-C (Magazine) By Rebellion. With no one to stop them, the DECEPTICONS' subjugation of the Earth began in earnest. We're lead to believe that Mirage is responsible for the Decepticon ambush that nearly killed Optimus Prime, but it turns out that's not really the case. DC/Transformers References Pt 1: The Killing Joke [Artwork] Killing Joke by Brian Bolland, All Hail Megatron by Casey Coller and Transformers UK #187 Lee Sullivan Contents [ hide ] 1 Synopsis 2 Featured characters 3 Quotes 4 Notes 4.1 Continuity notes 4.2 Transformers references 4.3 Real-world references 4.4 Errors 4.5 Other trivia 4.6 Covers (5) 4.7 Advertisements 4.8 Reprints 5 References Synopsis Content is used in good faith under \"fair use\" guidelines and no infringement intended. All Hail Megatron is the latest mini-series in the ongoing TF narrative, detailing what happens when the Autobots are forced to tend to a wounded/damaged Optimus Prime. Indicates a raw comic with no grade info entered. In 2012, a motion comic version of All Hail Megatron was pitched to IDW Publishing by Sideshow Productions. log in try for free log in . Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Sol Fury, May 5, 2008 #1. 11, November 1954, The American Cinematographer, Vol. Megatron is severely damaged by the combined efforts of Optimus Prime and the humans. ***PAYPAL PAYMENT ONLY.GHOST SHIP COMICS strives to provide the best premium comics with top-notch customer service. All Hail Megatron is a 16-issue maxi-series published by IDW Publishing, starting in July 2008, and set in the primary IDW continuity . It doesn't appear to be battle damage, and he has them later on in the present. All Hail Megatron #1 Retailer Exclusive Variant Cover All Hail Megatron #10; The Arrival TPB More than Meets the Eye Volume 1 and 2 TPBs All Hail Megatron TPB Star Trek: Countdown miniseries Classic G.I. Sparkplug's group is attacked by Dropshot, who was hiding as one of their missile launchers all this time, and panicking he asks if they can be under their noses all the time, where else can they be? Another handwave came much later when the. Issue #14 added an epilogue to Sunstreaker's story by the returning McCarthy and Santalucia, while line editor Andy Schmidt planted the seeds for future stories with his contribution to issue #14, covering the return of Galvatron, with art by IDW cover contest winner Andrew Griffith. Jul 2008 | View . Note Thundercracker in the background of pages 8 to 10, looking a bit unhappy about the rampage. All Hail Megatron Book Club Edition; cover art by Trevor Hutchison, The Complete All Hail Megatron; cover art by Trevor Hutchison, The IDW Collection, Volume 5; cover art byE. We answer questions fast, and ship even faster! The Transformers: All Hail Megatron - Wikipedia All Hail Megatron | Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki | Fandom One of the men beats on his door, yelling that Long Haul is going to kill someone. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Skywarp mocks the humans, telling Starscream that the humans will really be terrified when Megatron arrives. The captive Hunter is euthanized by Sideswipe, and everyone angsts. Discussion in 'Transformers News and Rumors' started by Sol Fury, May 5, 2008. The cast on both sides is basically the 1985 toy line, aka the Season 2 cast of the Generation 1 cartoon. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for The Transformers: All Hail Megatron . Joe Volume One TPB CGC grading various G.I. I finally found a use for all those voice-changer helmets! The end result: the Autobots defeat his forces in combat, and Spike shoots him in the face. 10, January 1929, The American Cinematographer, Vol. Then it cuts to the plane with the Nuclear bomb, and inside a Decepticon symbol flashes, as Tankor heads to New York. The crowd marvels at the giant robots, some thinking they are movie props. this auction is for transformers all hail megatron #1 cgc 9.8 killing joke homage variant*see photos of condition of items -----.from . Unfortunately for him, Megatron ominously makes his appearance mid-rant. Also included is an art gallery consisting of. The machine guns, surprisingly, have no effect on them. ", After it is revealed that Sunstreaker betrayed the Autobots, Drift tells Ironhide that the Decepticons had knowledge that Sunstreaker couldn't possibly have known, meaning there was another traitor in their midst. All Hail Megatron - book 3 chapter 1 | Cinematic Comics! Bonus material includes a cover gallery and the art sketches from previous collections. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, TRANSFORMERS ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 Apocalypse Comics CBCS 9.8 Killing Joke IDW. Issue #15 was dedicated to explaining character transformations; while Denton J. Tipton and Casey Coller dealt with Perceptor's change from scientist to sniper, writer-artist Nick Roche returned to the character of Kup with a story that bridged Roche's earlier Spotlight: Kup with All Hail. DC/Transformers References Pt 1: The Killing Joke [Artwork] Killing DECEPTICONS FINALLY WIN. This is one of the first comics available for Sony's Digital Comic Service for the PlayStation Portable. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron is the overarching title of a widely-promoted event in the IDW Comics Generation 1 universe in 2008-9. Satisfied with his demonstration of power, Megatron then orders his crew to attack, which they do with gusto. Shrapnel and Bombshell have modified Generation 1-esque designs, transforming into more bug-like insect modes. On the flipside, characters such as Prowl, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker were updated into new forms based on their concurrently-available Universe toys, at Hasbro's request. All Hail Megatron #1 All Hail Megatron #1 The Decepticons have won, the Autobots are defeated, and the time for conquest is at hand! I COMBINE SHIPPING FOR FREE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. All Hail Megatron was translated and released in Spain by NORMA Editorial.'s comic sales discussion thread, There is no such rank as "commander" in the United States Air Force. This story also mistakenly reiterated Cyclonus's "patriotic" personality, which was dismissed as a facade in Revelation, but future stories would continue to run with this depiction of the character as it proved far more interesting. Mid-grade copy, presents fine in a bag & board.I DO NOT GUARANTEE CGC GRADES, THIS COPY IS ***NOT NM****SHIPPING: FREE BOXED PRIORITY MAIL/TRACKING/INSURANCE. Frazier Irving "Killing Joke" Homage cover. "The Decepticons were forged through honorable combat, not senseless slaughter. Unfortunately for him, Megatron ominously makes his appearance mid rant. IDW Publishing's editor-in-chief has revealed the pencils to the All Hail Megatron #1 retailer-exclusive variant cover. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Key Collector Comics - Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 (2008 Originally, the series was slated to be issues #3546 in the IDW overarching "sub-numbering" scheme,[3] leaving Furman twelve issues set during the "missing year" to wrap up any loose ends he could (though in the end, only nine issues were published across Revelation and Maximum Dinobots). Megatron, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Jazz, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Optimus Prime manage to retain their unique-to-IDW bodies. Prowl, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker are now in their, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp are now in their. In real life, there is no such rank as "commander" in the, The equivalent rank in the U.S. Air Force would be a. DJ has a "soul patch" beard, which, in the real world, is not allowed for U.S. military pilots (as it would interfere with the sealing of the pilot's oxygen mask). Sunstreaker - In the coda, we find out his head is still somewhat active and his life flashing before his optics, over and over. New cover by Trevor Hutchison. Of course, this is all a joke and the Constructicons begin blasting into the crowd and street, blasting everything and everyone in sight. With no one to stand in their way, how will the planet survive? After the whole event; Sarah, Bridge, and Charles are never mentioned again, while Spike and his dad become important in the next series. Megatron is far from impressed showing them the true meaning of destruction as he takes out a skyscraper with one blast of his Fusion Cannon. Bonus material consists of a cover gallery. Satisfied with his demonstration of power, Megatron then orders his crew to attack, which they do with gusto. a truncated version of the original scene, he fights for a people that hates and fears their kind, Notice how Roadbuster's shoulders are scraping on the ceiling, will have done so by crushing me beneath your heel. Sideswipe gives one to his own people, because he feels the Autobots have strayed away from the ideals they were supposed to represent, and as such, they do kind of deserve the state they're currently at. Megatron is far from impressed, showing them the true meaning of destruction as he takes out a skyscraper with one blast of his fusion cannon. This new Autobot made his debut in the pages of All Hail Megatron proper, and his introduction was heavily hyped by the company, garnering the character quite an infamous reputation as a polarizing figure in the fandom and marking him as one of the most distinctive elements of McCarthy's tenure on the brand for good or for ill. A small handful of other Spotlights were published while All Hail Megatron was running, but had nothing to do with the story; regardless, they would go on to be collected with Jazz and Drift in a trade paperback labelled as the third volume of the All Hail Megatron story. 7, No. It was Andy Schmidt's Galvatron story from #14 that proved most chaotic, full of legitimate errors rather than conscious changes, as the writer mixed up which of the Dead Universe Transformers could survive in the living universe longer than their comrades,[9] and invalidated an earlier reference to Scourge as a modern-day Decepticon (a nixed plot point that would have seen him presented as the Decepticon equivalent of Kup[10]) by presenting him as another of the Dead Universe legions. An illustration from 2017. Joined: Jun 21, 2002 Posts: 9,872 News Credits: 2 Trophy Points: 287 Likes: +17. Watch my video on the telling of the IDW All hail Megatron. Something went wrong. Suddenly, Bombshell surprises him and reveals that he was the one responsible for Sunstreaker's actions by toying with the mind of his former Headmaster partner, Hunter O'Nion. I found this a fascinating .. Cyclonus was just about to pull this on a dying Scourge until Galvatron showed up. Unlike Furman's ongoing series of mini-series and inter-connected Spotlight issues, All Hail Megatron's twelve-issue run is almost entirely self-contained, with the only supplemental issues coming in the form of Spotlight: Jazz, featuring a framing story set during the events of the main series, and Spotlight: Drift, providing some backstory for McCarthy's original character Drift. Listen to Cinematic Comics voice overs as I go through the retelling of the All Hail Megatron series.. Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 Review - IGN The Transformers: All Hail Megatron was the second major "act" of IDW Publishing's first ongoing comic universe, intended to serve as a "soft reboot" of IDW's increasingly complicated storylines and create a jumping-on point for new readers following the truncated ending of the previous collection of mini-series and one-shots. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Volume 1 by Shane McCarthy - Goodreads Each book is numbered and signed by artist. The event spans the 12-issue All Hail Megatron maxi-series, a 4 issue "Coda" (appended to the main series for publication) and various Spotlight-series tie-ins. This is possibly due to the writer Shane McCarthy being. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Starscream bristles, taking pot shots into the crowd and claiming how he is the master of terror. In this case, we show the FMV for the most common condition. During a running battle with the Swarm, Sunstreaker reveals that he was the traitor and sacrifices himself to save the others. A pitched battle with the Decepticons follows. Cookie Notice 1-E (Comic Book) By IDW. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Me Wheelie say, it lucky day when not used for AHM ay. Astrotrain does too, in his one-panel appearance, but starting next issue Guido Guidi began drawing him using his. Subverted with Sunstreaker and Thundercracker. Ultimately, however, the sub-numbering was dropped before release of the series.[4].

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all hail megatron killing joke