why are hudson bay blankets so expensive
All of these factors make Hudson Bay blankets more expensive than other types of blankets on the market. They are warm and cosy and are perfect for winter use. These blankets are marketed as luxury items, and the company spends a great deal of money on advertising and promotion. The Bay Blanket. The thick wool fabric is resistant to wear and tear, and the tight weave means that the blankets can withstand a great deal of use. Due to their high quality, durability, and luxury status, Hudson Bay blankets have a high market demand. Another reason why Hudson Bay blankets are so beloved is because of their distinct style. Hudson's Bay Company Mink Coat. Additionally, the natural dyes used to color the wool will not fade over time. Just be prepared to pay a pretty penny for one of these coveted Canadian creations! C $108.85. Beautiful original Hudson Bay blankets from 100 years ago. When buying a Hudson Bay Blanket at Costco, it is important to make sure that you check the return policy so that you can be sure that you will be able to return it if it is not what you wanted. they are very bulky and heavy and don't pack up well. First, the condition of the blanket is important. These iconic woolen blankets have been keeping people warm for centuries, and their popularity shows no signs of waning. Blanket from this educational YouTube video. If youre looking for a top-quality blanket, youll have to be prepared to pay a premium for a Hudson Bay blanket. It also has a large hood and fringe trim. C $46.41 shipping. 6. Over the years of fur trading, the design of point blankets grew to accommodate the preferences of various Indigenous nations. However, there are a few things to consider before selling an old Hudson Bay blanket. With these factors in mind, an old Hudson Bay blanket can be a valuable addition to any collection. But it was in 1779 that the Company first commissioned the English textile mill . Hudson Bay Point Blankets were heavy wool blankets made in the 1700's and 1800's to be traded amongst fur trappers in Canada and the native Indian tribes that lived there. For one, theyre incredibly durable. Hudson Bay Blanket is a blanket that has been used for centuries by Native Americans. Whether youre looking for a new blanket to keep you warm this winter or youre looking for something to take with you on your next camping trip, a Hudson Bay blanket is sure to fit the bill. These blankets are still made today, though they are made of different materials, such as cotton, wool, and polyester. Chiefs blankets were made for high-ranking Native American chiefs and are much rarer. Yes, you can wash your blanket. mon - fri 8.00 am - 4.00 pm #22 beetham gardens highway, port of spain, trinidad +1 868-625-9028 The cost of marketing of Hudson Bay blankets is also a factor in their high price tag. vtg antique 1920's PENDLETON Cayuse Indian trade wool blanket shawl rare. Hudson Bay blankets are some of the most sought-after blankets on the market, and for good reason. Why Are Hudson Bay Blankets so Expensive. Finally, Hudson Bay blankets are also cherished for their history. Hudson Bay blankets are expensive due to their exquisite quality and craftsmanship. about the point blanket. They are available in a wide variety of designs, so you should be able to find one that is aesthetically pleasing to you. Therefore, if you are looking for a genuine relic from the history of the United States, Hudson Bay blankets might be the perfect thing for you. For the white Europeans, the Hudson's Bay point blankets represented the fur trade and pioneering settlements of the vast Canadian wilderness. Just be sure to read the reviews before purchasing anything, as not all sellers on Amazon are created equal! By 1929, the HBC expanded their variety of colours in order to make the blankets an essential part of home dcor. This type of weave is extremely strong and resistant to wear and tear. Many people complained that they were lumpy and monotone, but new colors have been introduced. Although other colors may be used as well, the most common ones for the stripes are green, red, yellow, and indigo. The blanket is also available in other sizes, making it versatile enough to fit any bed size. Shrumm, Regan. [deleted] 7 yr. ago. Once it arrives at the mill, the wool is dyed and woven into cloth using a centuries-old method known as pointing.. Pendleton blankets have become popular over the years because of their warmth and comfort. information about the Hudsons Bay Point Blanket. 10 Reasons Why, The 10 Most Expensive Leathers in The World, The 13 Most Expensive Tequila Brands in the World, The 10 Most Expensive Bugatti Cars in the World, Why Is Merino Wool so Expensive? What does it mean when a Hudson Bay blanket has lines on it? Dating a Hudson Bay blanket can be easy if you know what to look for. Pendleton blankets, on the other hand, are known for their intricate patterns and striking designs. From the high quality of the materials to the intricate designs, these blankets are truly luxurious items. These have only been used two or three times. Theyre also available in new designs, and can be ordered through the Hudsons Bay Companys website. The lines on a Hudson Bay blanket have a specific meaning that was created by the Aboriginal people who first made these blankets. In addition, they are available in a wide range of hues and designs, making sure that there is something suitable for everyone. As a 100% wool blanket, it is considerably heavier in weight than two of our old acrylic blankets. A good way to identify a real Hudson Bay blanket is by checking its label. If youre lucky enough to own a vintage Hudson Bay blanket, you can be sure that it will be a cherished family heirloom for generations to come. If youre looking for a truly unique and luxurious blanket, the Burberry Prorsum Poncho is a perfect choice. Watch this YouTube video of artist Rebecca I don't think it needs to be a particular brand; you often pay more for the name than any added value that accompanies it. So its no surprise that people want to know: are they still being made? Blanket: An Illustrated History of the Hudsons Bay Blanket (2002). One of the most popular items to come out of Canada is the Hudson Bay blanket. Because they can be washed and dried in a machine, taking care of them is very simple. Hudson Bay blankets are expensive due to their exquisite quality and craftsmanship. Well, it turns out that these blankets are actually quite well-made. Each blanket line is named for an Aboriginal tribe and has a particular meaning. To show their wealth during potlatches, participants cut blankets into many small pieces so that everyone at the potlatch would receive a gift. You wont be disappointed! There are several different styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect one to suit your taste. However, other colors may also be used. As long as I don't have to carry the damn thing, I absolutely love my Pendleton blankets. The yarns are twisted tightly together to form a thick, durable blanket. The point blankets colors are an icon of Canadian style. The blankets are also finished with a thick fringe that adds both beauty and durability. $19.99. The Prorsum Poncho is sure to keep you warm and stylish all winter long. The Hudsons Bay Point Blanket is an iconic piece of Canadian history. In addition, there is still a demand for Hudson Bay blankets among collectors and enthusiasts, despite the fact that their popularity may not be as high as it was in the past. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Finally, the provenance of the blanket is also important. Capotes became so popular that, in 1706, the HBC hired a tailor to construct the blankets into these coats. Every blanket is scrutinized for flaws, and only those that meet the highest standards are deemed worthy of the Hudson Bay name. Get the best deals on Hudson Bay Coat In Vintage Outerwear Coats & Jackets For Women when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. While the company has changed hands several times over the years, it is still in operation today and continues to sell its well-known blankets. Following the selection of the color and the pattern, the next step is to choose the material that will be used. Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum, http://www2.hbc.com/hbcheritage/history/blanket/. What size is a 6 point Hudson Bay blanket. Why Are Hudson Bay Blankets so Expensive. The beaver pelts were shipped to Europe to meet the demand for beaver fur top hats. Age, condition, size, and provenance are all important considerations. They can be a great investment if they are kept in good condition. The reason why Hudson Bay blankets are so expensive is because of the superior construction and materials that go into making them. The 6-point Hudsons Bay wool blanket is a cozy and comfortable blanket that is perfect for snuggling up on cold nights. Belmores. However, the blankets design has been the cause of some complaints. Location. Selling for a neighbor on the west end. why are hudson bay blankets so expensive. A good wool blanket is a good wool blanket. Or fastest delivery Feb 10 - 16. While Hackett has yet to find proof of this, he has heard oral histories that reference similar practices. Answer: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT WASHING THE BLANKET!!! So, what makes these blankets so special? Can kbuy fleece at Fabric store and just have cut to length you want use as is no sewing. Hick Industries Save Reply Quote grandma Registered (See also Cowichan Sweater. Both brands are known for their high-quality woolen products, but they each have their own unique style. The marketing cost of the Hudson Bay Blanket is high because the company spends a lot of money on advertising and promotion. Theyre also highly collectible. prince william county sheriff election. By 1700, blankets comprised more than 60 per cent of goods exchanged in the fur trade. But how good are Hudson Bay blankets, really? Come join the discussion about collections, gear, DIY projects, hobbies, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Do you ever cuddle up with a throw blanket when watching TV or reading books? VERY OLD! . Today is rainy and grey in New York, so let's talk about blankets! check out their construction materials before spending your money on them. The blankets can be used as bedding, clothing, or just something to cuddle up with on a cold night. The wool used in the blankets is sourced from a rare breed of sheep that only lives in the remote regions near the Hudson Bay, making the supply limited. According to the official company history, blankets had been taken to Hudson Bay as trade goods as far back as 1668. For example, when the HBC first established trading posts and forts in the Pacific Northwest, Coast Salish women who had been weaving blankets out of mountain goat and dog hair since well before European contact became determined to get high-quality point blankets. This is because they are made from some of the finest materials available. But what makes these blankets so special? The Hudson's Bay Foundation and the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund have announced that from now on, 100 per cent of the net proceeds from the sale of HBC's famed striped wool blankets will. Hudson Bay blankets are some of the most iconic and recognizable blankets in the world. Hudson Bay blankets are typically striped or checked, and each pattern has a specific meaning. They come in a variety of styles and colors that allow you to find one that suits your tastes. The wool used in the blankets is sourced from a rare breed of sheep that only lives in the remote regions near the Hudson Bay, making the supply limited. Was: $499.99. Originally, they were made for barter with Indians, and today they are a national symbol of Canada. In fact, a real one can cost more than an entire bedroom set. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. In addition, each blanket is hand-sewn by expert craftswomen, ensuring that each one is a work of art. When it was time . Hudson Bay Blanket - 3.5 point - Red Label - 1950s - Iconic - Wool Blanket - Trading Blanket - Point Blanket - Twin Size - Camp Blanket Ad vertisement by eNightmareVintage. Hudson Bay Blankets were originally created for use by the British Royal Navy. The high quality of the material used to make Hudson Bay blankets makes them expensive. Hudson Bay blankets are typically made from wool or cotton. The blankets first appeared in trading posts around the 1700s, and they served as a form of currency. It has a variety of stripes in various hues and each one has a distinct meaning. Wool blankets can be washed in a washing machine, although manufacturers recommend hand washing them. Wool, cotton, and polyester are just some of the modern-day materials that are used in the production of the updated version. Manage Settings Each blanket is made from 100% wool and requires extensive hand-stitching. The blankets are made at the Hainsworth wool mill, which has been in operation for over 230 years. Shop our collection of Blankets & Throws online and get FREE shipping for all orders that meet the minimum spend threshold. Why Are Hudson Bay Blankets so Expensive. Hudson Bay blankets have long been associated with luxury and status. She is a fun-loving person who loves to make people smile. 9. Many people consider them collectible, making Hudson Bay blankets expensive. Some of these items ship sooner than the others. If its much cheaper than that, its probably not the real thing. Blankets are collectible too, and none more so than the famous Hudson Bay blankets of Canada. The wool used to make these blankets comes from Canadian sheep, and it is incredibly soft and durable. In this blog post, well take a closer look at Hudson Bay blankets to see what sets them apart from other options. defense criminal investigative service jobs near berlin; A Hudson Bay blanket is a type of blanket that was originally made in England and then brought over to Canada. The rarer blankets are also more valuable because people want them more than others due to their uniqueness or history associated with them. It will usually include a yellow on white label, which is a hallmark of authenticity. My great uncle gave all his nephew who finished high school a Hudson blanket, that was over 30 years ago.. this blanket has been on unknown amount of hunting trip & camping still in great shape..yes expensive but great qualitybut mine was a giftwould i buy one not sure. Vintage Blankets. 0 HB Rewards Members can save up to 50%. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I recently bought 2 Italian Army for less than 20 a piece for deer camp. The bold stripes were meant to make the tents more visible from a distance, and they also helped to camouflage any dirt or stains. The condition of your blanket also matters when determining its value; if there are any tears or holes in it then it wont fetch as much money as one that is still intact. The blankets are then woven on looms that create a tight, dense weave. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'mostexpensivehub_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_8',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mostexpensivehub_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this adCopyright 2023 MostExpensiveHub.com, Why Is Shutterfly Shipping So Expensive? Hudson Bay blankets, also known as Point Blankets, are incredibly soft and durable. Why Are Hudson Bay Blankets So Expensive? What do the lines mean on a Hudson Bay blanket? While historians arent certain of this, they have heard oral history references to similar practices. But for many people, the quality and uniqueness of these blankets is worth the price tag. Vintage Hudson Bay blankets are highly sought after by collectors and history buffs alike. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Originally produced in British North America, Hudson Bay blankets are now shipped worldwide. These blankets were made by the Hudson Bay Company in the 18th and 19th centuries. Rinse the blanket three times to remove all the soap by swirling and squeezing it gently in the basin. It has come to our attention that the quality of production of these blankets is actually quite high. information about the Hudsons Bay Point Blanket. So if youre in the market for a new blanket, be sure to check out the Hudson Bay line. However, the reason for their expensive price is that there is a high demand for them. According to the company, products . They have been used on other products, such as umbrellas and smartphone cases. Hudson Bay blankets have a complicated history with Indigenous people in Canada. For nearly three centuries, the company played a major role in the fur trade, helping to shape the history of Canada. Why Are Hudson Bay Blankets so Expensive. The point blankets then became the standard for measuring every item the HBC was trading. Hudsons Bay Company (HBC) is a Canadian retail company that sells a wide range of products, including blankets. She loves learning new things and appreciates the little things in life. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Because of this, Hudson Bay blankets take a long time to create. These blankets are warm and thick, and were originally used by Native Americans as blankets, clothing, and bedding. People from all over the world love Hudson Bay Blankets because they are warm, comfortable, and stylish. The price of a horse is usually cheap compaired to the feed/vet/shoes over the 20 years plus you could ride them. Yes. One popular design is the Glacier Stripe line, which was introduced in 1916. Finally, the size of the blanket must be considered. Zelda loves clothes and shoes and is always up on the latest trends. While the HBC was not the first to create the point blanket, the company did popularize it among Indigenous and settler communities in Canada. They can be machine washed and dried, making them easy to care for. They have since become popular and are available in different colors and styles. You can also take the blanket to a dry cleaner, but keep in mind that wool blankets are delicate and should not be washed with automatic machines. The great cornholio. However, you shouldnt let that deter you from purchasing one of these blankets because they are well worth the money. At that time they were highly sought after for being very warm in the brutal Canadian winters. These blankets are handmade, using a centuries-old technique. Proudly powered by WordPress Their origins date back to the 1670s. (Top 11 Reasons). If youre looking for a blanket that will add a pop of color to your home, Hudson Bay is the way to go. In other Indigenous communities, the preferred design of point blankets differed. . Theyre also incredibly expensive, with prices ranging from $200 to $400. Hiking in the Hudson Bay Lowlands is like a game of hopscotch in a swamp. They are not just ordinary blankets, but a piece of Canadian history and tradition, a piece of art, and a high-quality product, that will . The Hudson's Bay point blanket with its instantly recognizable stripes has a long history, stretching back generations before this land was called Canada. Point blankets were bought by Indigenous and settler communities alike to use as bedding, clothing, room dividers and fabric for other items. During a job interview with the Hudson Bay House in London, England, that year, Germain Maugenest, an independent and experienced fur trader, offered suggestions to improve the company as part of his service to the HBC. Blanket from this educational YouTube video. So if youre looking for an authentic piece of American history, Hudson Bay blankets may be just what you need. These blankets are often very well-made and can last for decades, making them a valuable investment. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Blankets played an important role in many Indigenous communities as all-purpose clothes and household items, as well as status symbols. Vintage 1930s Hudson Bay Point Blanket Coat Womens Wool Tan Brown Sz L XL RARE. The reason why Hudson Bay blankets are so expensive is because of the superior construction and materials that go into making them. The modern version is made from a variety of materials, including wool, cotton, and polyester. The blankets originally appeared in early Canadian trading posts, where they were used as currency and fashioned into robes. The production of a Hudson Bay Blanket requires a significant investment of both time and expertise, which results in a high wage requirement for the workers involved. W.R. Swagerty, Indian Trade Blankets in the Pacific Many people have old Hudson Bay blankets that have been passed down through the generations. Since 1779, Hudson Bay blankets have become a staple in every high society Canadian home with a rich heritage of producing quality blankets. Canada This short video provides more If your blanket is more than one hundred years old, it might be worth more money than one that was made more recently due to the fact that there are fewer of these older blankets available on the market today. Courtesy of Hudson's Bay Company. Harold Tichenor, The Belmore argues that while the blanket is an object of beauty, a collectors item that belongs to the Hudsons Bay Companys history, it is, for many Indigenous peoples, still viewed as a trade item that once contained the gift of disease.. This item: Hudson Bay 6 Point Blanket, Natural with Multi Stripes. A real Hudson Bay blanket will also be made from 100% wool. A genuine Hudson Bay blanket will cost around $300-$400 USD. These cozy woven blankets are perfect for snuggling up by the fire on a cold winters night, and their iconic designs make them a popular choice for gifts and dcor. Eventually, it would become known simply as the Hudson's Bay Company. British Columbia, Macleans (2017). They remain a popular choice among collectors and are an authentic piece of American history. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hudson Bay blankets can be found in a variety of sizes, including 3.5, 4 and 6 point sizes. Show details. Additionally, the long history of Hudson Bay blankets makes them highly sought-after by collectors. If youre looking for a cozy blanket that will make a statement, Hudson Bay is the way to go. They are toasty, plush, and comfortable to wear. The Hudsons Bay Company still produces this style of blanket as well, and it has become a symbol of Canadian heritage. Hudson Bay Blankets are a popular choice for many people because they are very affordable and they offer a wide variety of designs to choose from. Before the point blankets arrived in North America, Indigenous blankets were used in such ceremonies. why are hudson bay blankets so expensive. Theyre made from high-quality materials, and theyre built to last for years (or even decades). 1. The Hudson Bay point blanket has a complex history with Indigenous people in Canada. many are a wool blend with a certain percentage of other fibers woven in. For centuries, these blankets have been reserved for the wealthy and elite. You should always lay it flat to dry, out of direct sunlight. Whether youre looking for a new blanket to keep you warm this winter or youre looking for something to take with you on your next camping trip, a Hudson Bay blanket is sure to fit the bill. The high price is due to their durability. Theyve been around for centuries, and they remain popular to this day. The first point blankets were created by French weavers who developed a point system a way to specify the finished size of a blanket sometime in the 17th century. Belmores, The Blanket (2011). I have a US Army blanket that has been in my vehicle for 30 years. Older blankets are usually worth more than newer ones. by | Feb 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Feb 21, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Even today, Hudson Bay blankets are seen as a symbol of success and prosperity. Thinner, skin-friendly sheets were made . There are a few reasons that Hudson Bay blankets are more expensive than other types of blankets. So if youre considering purchasing a Hudson Bay blanket, keep reading for more information. Each line has a different purpose, and together they create a design that tells a story. They are made of high-quality wool, usually sourced from New Zealand. $190.97. You can find them at thrift stores and yard sales usually for $30 if you keep an eye out. When it comes to cozy blankets, there are two brands that stand out above the rest: Hudson Bay and Pendleton. ". Additionally, the blankets provenance is also an important factor. The short answer is yes. These blankets have been made in Canada for centuries, and they have a rich heritage that is deeply intertwined with the countrys identity. While the production process has certainly changed over the years, these blankets are still being manufactured today. Belmore is referring here to the history of Europeans intentionally giving blankets contaminated with smallpox and other infectious diseases to Indigenous peoples. 5 out of 5 stars (170) $ 298.00. I have one that I bought maybe 30 years ago. Currently, these blankets are still made and available in a wide array of colors and quality. They are like . Finally, look at the price tag. If you really want the name of a hudson bay blanket go for it I guess. Faribault began making blankets for the U.S. military in the 1890s and proudly continues the tradition more than 100 years later. Add all three to Cart. Whether youre looking for a cozy addition to your home or a thoughtful gift for someone special, a Hudson Bay blanket is sure to please. Hudson Bay blankets are traditionally made from wool. Theres no doubt that Hudson Bay blankets are some of the most well-made and expensive blankets on the market. Hudson Bay Blankets are some of the most expensive blankets in the world. In the early days, all blankets were made of wool, which provided warmth and was resistant to fire. Once the color and design have been determined, the next step is to identify the material. FREE delivery Feb 16 - 28. If your blanket is older than 100 years old, it may be worth more money than newer ones because there are fewer available on the market today. For starters, Hudson Bay Blankets are incredibly well-made. Among the factors that determine the price of a Hudson Bay blanket are its age and condition. You could probably buy several good surplus for the same price. Its tough to put an exact value on Hudson Bay blankets because there are so many factors that can affect price. 1 - 4 point green and 2 - 4 point white. Later, traders introduced lighter blankets to suit coastal climates. The story told by the lines on a Hudson Bay blanket is unique to each individual blanket and can vary depending on where the blanket was made. These blankets are also extremely durable, which makes them an excellent investment for your winter wardrobe. Hudson Bay blankets have been around for centuries, and can be a perfect gift for a Canadian friend or family member. Youll pay a lot of money for a Hudson Bay blanket, but youll have peace of mind knowing that youre getting a quality blanket. Be aware, old items (especially wool) can have unseen ins. As this blanket is made in such a way that it is breathable, you will not sweat under it when the nights are slightly warmer. Because each blanket is handwoven, no two are exactly alike. Theyre also among the most expensive, with prices typically starting at around $500. Pendleton blankets look beautiful, rustic and all-American; I love the stripes and saddles. The Mackinaw was created after British Captain Sir Charles Roberts found the winter in a fort near Sault Ste.
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