what can the reader infer from paragraph 1
the wife likes the cat, but eventually hates it. The passage mentions coloring a support base, adding sealant, and drawing a background and the picture itself as steps necessary to create a floor cloth. Highest polynomial complexity? Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most celebrated literary authors of all time, known for writing very suspenseful, dramatic short stories and a poet; is considered as being a part of the American Romantic Movement, and a lesser known opinion is he is regarded as the inventor of the detective-fiction genre. There is even less reason to suspect that there is any suggestion of a comparison between the author of the passage (Samuel Johnson, by the way) and Browne; so you can eliminate answer (E). ? The story follows Montresors plan for revenge and ends with the murder of Fortunato. Proper drying time is important to the administration of paints and sealants. (The Cask of Amontillado) Who is Analyzes how poe employs the perception of perversity and remorse in "the cask of amontillado.". If loading fails, click here to try again, "A floor cloth that is painted on canvas will last years with little visible wear. In his short novella Signs Preceding the End of the World (originally published in Spanish but later published in English), which The Guardian said "From its opening pages this marvelously rich, slim novel is working on many levels," author Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. A), Computers and Technology, 31.08.2019 05:30. The authors name is Edgar Allans Poe who portrayed his self in his writing. readers response to the story? Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Poe uses a variety of literary devices to convey what he wants to the reader, but imagery is the most impactful of them all. (The Cask of Amontillado) What I actually do not have that much knowledge of the auditor, because this is my first time of reading his work. an impartial analysis of the American colonies' separation from British rule Blood sugar is more readily converted to fuel. 2. themselves in the 6th century B.C. Next, the artist paints a background and allows this to dry thoroughly before adding the actual picture. Written in 1919, just a few days after the birth of Yeats's daughter Anne, the poem consists of ten octets, or eight-line stanzas. Group of answer choices The reader can infer from the first paragraph that some critics have A. chastised Browne for his inability to reason B. lauded Browne's frequent linear explanations C. complained about Browne's lack of clarity D. compared Browne with Shakespeare E. compared the author of the passage with Browne Correct Answer: C Explanation: The physical challenge primes your body. what frequency will you hear if you are at rest and the police car move Mary had her stomach mostly removed to try to overcome obesity. -doing some research can help a person identify different birds. How do the focus and voice contribute to the Analyzes how the plot of "the cask of amontillado" is basic but does its job well. Analyzes the way the evidence of the murder is covered up during this time period. Here is another nonfiction passage that tests your ability to make inferences, define words, and organize events that occur within a text. Explains that fortunato is fortunes favorite. Who is the you? a. my dad loves to cook, however; he hates to do dishes. What can the reader infer about Equiano's situation from the sentence that begins "When I recovered a little " in paragraph 1? The author indicates time allotments for drying in paragraphs 4 and 6. What can you infer from the third paragraph of "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. violent. Analyzes how montresor commits murder in the catacombs where the amontillado is supposed to be. they murder their enemies with no remorse towards them. The reader can infer that some governments try to control the publication of news stories. Analyzes how montresor's main focus is having revenge on fortunato. You will receive an answer to the email. Analyzes how montresor buys amontillado wine to use in his vengeful plan to murder fortunato, and meets his "friend" who wears a tight fitting parti-striped dress and head is surmounted by the conical cap and bells. The reader can infer that the author believes that- -birding experts participate in the activity without any extra equipment. Fight-or-flight hormones are released. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The reader can infer that the author believes that- - Brainly.com of view? It contradicts the information that preceded it. From this first paragraph, the reader may infer that the narrator A Most artists apply two coats of sealant to the back side of the mat at 24-hour intervals and a single base coat to the front before applying even the first coat of paint. What can the reader infer about Montresors social position and character from hints in the text? show more content, Who is the auditor, the You, addressed in the first paragraph vault of The Cask of Amontillado? [Solved] 1. What does the reader infer in paragraph 1? 2.What does = 15 ? What are three examples of dramatic irony in "The Cask of Amontillado"? The words early years infer that there was a time in the past when floor cloths were used. We learned from paragraph 23 to 24 that Montresor owns a Palazzo and also has lot of retainers based on that evidence, the reader can infer that Montresor is a very wealthy and successful man. There is much evidence suggesting that Montresor is unreliable. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. She kept looking at the data trying to find a way around the weakness. Analyzes how montresor leads fortunato down the stairs into the catacombs, where the narrator opens up to how he is going to kill his "friend". Greater amounts of oxygen are supplied to your cells. The Reasoning Through Language Arts section in the updated GED focuses more on nonfiction passages. Analyzes how the narrator finds a second cat that is similar to pluto. C. Is a very possible answer. Not affiliated with Harvard College. What is the setting of "The Cask of Amontillado"? How do you calculate the ideal gas law constant? While not as knowledgeable in wine as Fortunato, he knows enough to feel at ease discussing its virtues. Analyzes how montressor baits his fellow nobleman into inspecting the authenticity of some wine in his cellar. Analyzes how poe uses imagery in "the cask of amontillado" to convey the setting of the story. unfortunately he is snowed in. Answer choice (D) is the best match for that type of meaning. Correct answers: 2 question: From this first paragraph, the reader may infer that the narrator A) isn't really insane at all. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Notice the key use of the word Next, at the start of paragraph 5. Floor cloths were used in the 18th century to protect wood floors from moisture in areas near an outside door, around the tub, or under the family table. 3 following 6 answers 6 report abuse are you sure you want to delete this answer? Floor cloths can be painted with oil or acrylic paints, although the artist might want to consider that acrylic paint dries faster. Are there some that seem humorous? Which observation inferred from the selection best completes the chart? Does the fact that no one remembered the presentation aid say anything about the speech as a whole? Blood sugar is more readily converted to fuel. He allows the readers to step into his stories and permits them to feel as they have been taken into the story. Their actions suggest that Montresor may not be paying them well and has lost their respect. What can the reader infer about Montresor's social position in "The Linoleum floors eventually replaced floor cloths in prevalence, but many people make floor cloths for their homes today or commission artists to create personalized floor cloths for them. If the narrator cannot even reveal why he is motivated to kill, he is untrustworthy. = 15 * 3/20 Outwardly, it would appear that Montresor is a wealthy man who occupies an elite social status. What are 4 foods that are rich in vitamin c not counting citrus fruit? he's an unreliable character and is unsympathetic. You analyze an algorithm that solves a problem of size n = 10 in about 3.2 seconds, n = 20 in about 4.5, Read the following passage by James Horn in his book A Land and God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America . Essential indicates something that is completely necessary; without that something, some type of failure would result. , could pull it off because she planned on ending her speech with a video showing mass graves that she knew would make people sick. The author criticizes the exuberance and lack of clarity that makes it difficult to understand his reasoning; he does not suggest that Browne reasons poorly (or not at all); thus, answer (A) is not correct. Answer choice (D) is incorrect, since paragraph 5 moves on to new details: painting the background and the actual picture. However, she felt she Analyzes how poe's knowledge of geology and science, incorporated how the walls of the cask were encrusted with niter and it was damp, not good for a cold. Cask of Amontillado What can the reader infer from the last paragraph a All rights reserved. When Montresor informs Fortunato that he has purchased a pipe of Amontillado, he says, "I was fearful of losing a bargain." When Fortunato inquires about Montresor's family arms, Montresor says, "The Montresorswere a great and numerous family" (Poe 3). 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Artists painted colorful designs on cloth that became popular because of their beauty as well as their usefulness. Analyzes how montresor's immediate familiarity helps the reader see inside his calculating mind, which he later learns is a killer. D. Is the best answer in my opinion. Question sent to expert. Of the three, varnish requires more thought as to clean-up. Opines that poe's works are famous for featuring dark themes, violence, and psychologically unstable characters. What are the units used for the ideal gas law? Athe increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers BWorld Com serves as a good example of both benefits and costs Cthe costs of the globalization process are enormous Dthe Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition < . 1. (The Cask of Amontillado) What can the reader | Chegg.com (Girl) The instructions in Girl he was happy to see him and knowing he was ghana kill him. English 4 Midterm Study guide Flashcards | Quizlet Instead of leaving you depleted, exercise invigorates. ? Analyzes how poe utilizes first-person verdict in describing his stories because he can sense the shady side in people's minds due to his own understanding. B. if it used he, she, and they, it was 3rd person point of view. told? ". "If the people can't understand it, they can't use it against me," she thought to herself. worth the punishment reporters receive for pursuing them. A floor cloth that is painted on canvas will last years with little visible wear. Analyzes how the atmoshere changes drastically when the two protagonists leave the gaiety of the carnival for the gloomy and desolate catacombs. The reader can infer that VOA recruits people to investigate dangerous news stories. what about an endergonic reaction? B)The DO NOT CALL Registry should have been implemented years earlier. He also seems well educated, speaking eloquently and using Latin and French phrases in his speech. Of course, the fact that he would go so far as to murder Fortunato in the depraved manner which he does also suggests something awful about Montresor's state of mind and reliability! English. In fact, no one seemed to even remember the presentation aid at all. "A Prayer For My Daughter" is a poem by the Irish writer W.B. Analyzes how the narrator, montresor, has conflicting viewpoints and actions with his story. if so, it was first person. The physical challenge primes your body. Interpretation is what gives a persons work meaning and staying power, Edgar Allen Poes work is best to be described as literary Rorschach tests in where many people have different interpretations but they are not wrong. After the defeat of their leader, Vercingetorix, they were conquered by the Romans, who came from, the Italian peninsula, and were later invaded by different peoples. In The Cask of Amontillado, the main character Montresor seeks revenge on Fortunato. Analyzes how fortunato's festive outfit contrasts with the ghastly fate that awaits him. = 2 5/20 As soon as he informs them that he will not be home, they disobey his orders and leave the estate. Analyzes how trent lorcher reports that fortunato refers to the masonic order and montresor pulls out a trowel, referring to brick layers. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Once you are finished, click the button below. In The Tell-Tale Heart, the narrator murder the old man he lives with because he is bothered by the man eye. Montresor is in control, deciding what to tell and what to leave out. Beneficial indicates something that is helpful, but not totally necessary. the miserable life of poe can be measured through "the cask of amontillado.". Poes portrayal of tragedies and dark stories in his works such as The Black Cat, The Masque of the Red Death, and The Cask of Amontillado depends mainly on his use of one artistic tool, imagery. Yeats. That indicates the second paragraph is a continuation of the steps and procedure outlines in paragraph 4. Since we can't be sure to whom he is speaking, we can't be sure he is telling the truth. The theme of a literary work reflects why it was written and what the author hopes to convey on a Seeking this revenge on Fortunato has not made Montresor feel guilty for what he has done. June 29, 2022 Posted in heat treatment for termites los angeles. A pipe is a large container of wine, and Montresor more than likely planned on selling the wine in smaller quantities to make a profit. Analyzes poe's mental instability through the characters portrayed in the story. he prided himself on his connoisseurship. Making a floor cloth is too hard for most people to attempt. C Cannibalism is practiced . Comparing the Narration of The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe. Log in here. Analyzes montresor's plan to use reverse psychology on fortunato. Which paragraph in Chapter 1 provides the most information about the answer choices A The narrator wishes that he could be more like his father. 4. Reset Next You can go birding on your own or with a group of pals. Analyzes the irony of fortunato not knowing the meaning of montresor's smile as do the hearers of the tale. Poe's, The Cask of Amontillado is a story about fear and revenge. About his character, the reader can imply that Montresor is a heartless, cold blooded, sneaky, manipulative, and untrustworthy man, as well as a man who . there is no mention of dangerous or negative affects of exercise. Analyzes how the name fortunato is ironic in the poem because he is nothing but fortunate and dies. hardworking. What can the reader infer from this paragraph? Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Montresor is an unreliable narrator? in which type of reaction do the products have m View a few ads and unblock the answer on the site. After analyzing Montresors actions and examining his mental state, and the crime he committed, I have concluded that he suffered from Antisocial Personality Disorder. Analyzes montresor's behavior in the cask of amontillado and concludes that he suffered from antisocial personality disorder. Astudent must leave for campus in 10 mins or he will be late for class. When stating the relation in a mapping. Furthermore, were it. Cask of Amontillado? In Edgar Allen Poes Cask of Amontillado the first person point of view narration is essential to creating the . It elaborates on details mentioned in the previous paragraph. In a psychological perspective, the authors life is linked with the behavior and motivations of characters in the story. He himself seems well-known in the community, and he is familiar enough for Fortunato to follow him without question. Answer choice (C) might be tempting, but the topic of how to make floor cloths remains constant throughout both paragraphs; they simply discuss different steps. For floor cloths, the support is canvas that can be purchased from the fabric store, a hobby shop, or a boat supply company. B The narrator has an instinctive respect for his father. If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. Therefore, The correct answer is option C. According to the author, research into several features can be valuable in identifying birds. Environmental clean-up, You are tasked with finding a package of a certain weight among n packages sorted by weight. Additionally, the author stresses that the sealant should not be applied too quickly over the painting or it might smear. Instead of leaving you depleted, exercise invigorates. And millions of other answers 4U without ads. In paragraph 1, the word coarse means F. inferior. ", "As it was in the early years of the floor cloths use, the ultimate goal for todays floor cloth is to provide an attractive rug that protects the floor. When is the story being told? (n) * 2n b. You can identify distinct species by learning to search for and compare specific traits. Analyzes how montresor's well-planned and executed act of revenge still sounds matter of fact fifty years later as he is telling his story to someone. So, option (C) is the correct answer. What does the reader infer in paragraph 1? The story I chose was Edgar Allen Poes The Cask of Amontillado, I chose it because I have extended exposure to Edgar Allen Poes work and do not know the others as well as him. the auditor, the You, addressed in the first paragraph of The 1. Analyzes how the backdrop of carnival season lends the story its fantastic nature, a nature trumped only by the madness of montresor's revenge. montressor is more material in the fact tresor means storehouse or hoard. Is he addressing a random audience? Binoculars, for example, can assist you in bringing birds into focus. C. The author probably exercises to enhance his/her energy level. Both sides of the fabric are sealed so that water cannot seep into the cloth from the top or the underside. It's perfect for a pick-me-up The most striking thing about Montresor's voice is his outright confidence and determination. On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, an old fort, and royal prison, and rose in rebellion. 5. how many cups equals one pint? Can you Fight-or-flight hormones are released. One can infer that Montresor is a wealthy man, judging by his many servants and large palazzo. His house is well-appointed, and he describes leading Fortunato toward "several suites of rooms" to the vault in which his wine is stored. ? Which sentence shows a fundamental shift in Frances history? influence the effect the story has on you? Complete drying is essential before adding the sealant so that the paint doesnt smear. although there is no motive,poe uses symbolism to try to answer questions in the short story ;amontillado clown costume , the way fortunato dies . My dear fortunato , you are luckily met. How do you find density in the ideal gas law. have different purposes. How does Charle's law relate to breathing? Moreover, Montresor is an unreliable narrator, because he reveals in the first paragraph that he intends to have a revenge on Fortunato, but he did not indicate or clearly prove to the readers how Fortunato B. is wrong because the article emphasis the beneficial affects of exercise. Why are two phrases in italics? Yet, he makes no mention of what these injuries were, nor does he offer details about the insult which allegedly is egregious enough to warrant Fortunato's murder. if it had pronouns like you and your it was second person point of view. Analyzes how poe used the medallion of the order of the thistle: an 8-point star, charged with a figure of st. andrew, which is set behind x-shaped cross. 1. 20/3 1st 6 weeks English Test 2 by Junaid K Jumani - Issuu 47 From paragraphs 11 through 13, what can the reader infer about the narrator's relationship with his father? he is almost knocked down by the cat while walking down the stairs. Analyzes poe's "the cask of amontillado." By presenting the story in the first person, Poe avoids responsibility for any interpretation of the action. He lives in a palazzo, he has servants, and his extensive catacombs suggest that he comes from a large, revered family. A. Artists apply color to a surface called a support base, or support for short. Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Cask Of Amontillado' - 123 Help Me Analyzes how montressor's coat of arms and family motto are examples of foreshadowing. Analyzes the symbolism in edgar allen poe's writing. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies" Weegy: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. The final sentence of the first paragraph does laud Brownes writing, but the author suggests that the reading process is like going through a series of mazes. Common Sense is considered to be a foundational text because it presents a first-hand account of the arguments that shaped the American Revolution. The reader can infer from the first paragraph that some critics have. Answer (B) is the only one that posits a positive answer (to "laud" means to praise), and it can be eliminated easily because of the word "linear." Im thinking a. at the top left-hand corner, If there are any answer choices lemme know ik it all. Complete drying is essential before adding the sealant so that the paint doesnt smear. Read this sentence from paragraph 1 of the document. from hints in the text? Explains that montresor's actions can be explained due to antisocial personality disorder, since he acted irrationally and blamed his actions on fortunato. Is hiding weak information in a complex presentation aid ethical? fortunato's pasion for good wine leaves him susceptible to flattery. Montresors actions are bizarre and uncalled for, especially after he never explains the motive for the murder. Analyzes how poe describes montresor's idea of perfect revenge and how he needed to end his story by telling how his revenge affected him. 2. it is imperative that paint be dry prior to sealant being added, the order in which paint and sealant is added is not important, its possible that sealant can be successfully added before drying is finished. Analyzes how the characters, fortunato and montresor, are represented by symbolism and irony. as a result, you would expect mary to be at risk for Is the dg for an exergonic reaction more than or less than zero? Analyzes how kerry michael wood confirms and says "the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are inbedded in the heel." Analyzes the importance of first-person narration in edgar allen poe's "cask of amontillado". in "the cask of amontillado," he describes the catacombs in great detail. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only son" In this sense, in what way can science restore or redeem the present world? Thankfully, at the end of her presentation, everyone applauded. he has a clear plan for revenge and in his mind justifies it. D. focalization in Girl. Youre left with (C), which fits: The author complains about Brownes lack of clarity. About his character, the reader can imply that Montresor is a heartless, cold blooded, sneaky, manipulative, and untrustworthy man, as well as a man who hold on to grudges. Why are Edgar Allan Poes works so poignant and heavy when read? Appreciation of her fine work, once the nausea subsides 4. . The past tense of this phrase suggests that they are no longer a "great" family, which is more evidence that Montresor is not as wealthy as one might believe. How did Fortunato insult Montresor in "The Cask of Amontillado"? It was quickly prepared, inadequately researched, and not very logical. The reader can infer from the speech that Roosevelt believes that the majority of Americans are ?
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