45 acp damage human body

45 acp damage human body

The military is basing their decisions on dollars not dependability not the servicemans life! Im in the process to actually buy one. Bottom line, if you come at me and I shoot you with my 9 mm or my 45, or my 380, its going to hurt like hell! LE, south LA and Watts for 8 1/2 out of 15 years. A 45acp will deliver more damage to a human body that a 9mm. Real world combatants or keyboard commandos. I think it maybe a case of, its better to wound the enemy, than to kill him. Now, I read the officers story. I like it better than the small pistols and can conceal the 1911 easily. To everyone thats been in a shooting with a .45 Auto, and they say, Thank goodness it was a .45 because I only had to use one or two shots. Its just confirmation bias. He was 15.. If you dont have an excellent chance against a large carnivore with it. Is S&W so inferior that our domestic brand was eliminated? The 9mm is being adopted by military and law enforcement due to its higher capacity and lower price, as well as the reduced recoil which increases accuracy for many who find the .45 a bit much to handle. But thats me. So In a effort to This makes rifle rounds significantly more damaging than their handgun counterparts. The FBI Training Division reported in May 2014 that officers, on average, strike an adversary with only 20 percent to 30 percent of the shots fired during a shooting incident. Thank you Bill ! Okay 9s are cool, hold a lot of rounds, small recoil, cheap to shoot and buy. Were they not the agency who got thier asses handed to them that created this debate in the first place? Wilderness Arena But we generally would refer to them as cartridges or rounds as a bullet is just the projectile portion encased in a cartridge and loaded into the firearm. Richard, I guess I have little feminine hands as I prefer to carry my 9mm for self-defense and on duty. Ricochet off. Glad you are doing well. Now that you know where I am coming from. Most people get creatine through seafood and red meat though at levels far below those found in synthetically made creatine supplements. Core, you touch on something that I have often thought about. It has less recoil, is less expensive and its penetration apparently compares favorably with the larger-sized rounds. What I have seen over the years on this debate, is that the majority, not all, prefer the 9mm due to its minimal recoil, magazine capacity and concealability. The general plan of attack for officers is to use some weapon other than a handgun. You get the idea. Hollow points are designed to rapidly expand after hitting a target, causing as much damage as possible and reducing the chance of overpenetration. A .223 is just 55 grains. We traded all the 9s some years ago for the 40 which give knockdown power plus multiple rounds. SGT SmallwoodUSMC/LTC SmallwoodUSArmy retired. But I have some serious doubts about his understanding of external and terminal ballistics. Been hunting 49 years. It also drops in Air Drops, rarely as Tier Chest loot, or very rarely spawn as Tier World loot. Looking back at the stories we told, and which stuck with us, during an eventful year. Dr. Leana Wen, a trauma surgeon and the health commissioner for Baltimore, about the especially devastating effects of expanding rounds: often. How higher speed, greater mass, and more surface area increase the damage that rounds can do to human bodies. I find the heavy slide helps with the .40 recoil and keeps the barrel from jumping. I am former law enforcement from Florida, depending on the situation I actually carry both my Ruger American 9 mm and the Ruger American 45 caliber ACP oh, not at the same time lol. 45 ACP The FEE reports that there are between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually, which means youre more likely to use a gun in self defense than you are to be killed in a car accident. One round goes off, and you get a failure to feed. at 2,690 feet per second, and slows to 840 feet per second at 500 yards. As blood moves through the body, it picks up extra fluid, chemicals and waste. Request a quote for the most accurate & reliable non-lethal training, A shootout that killed multiple FBI agents underscores the need for cops to use bullets that will neutralize an adversary as quickly as possible. Several firearms in .22LR, .380ACP, 9mm, 7.62x25, 7.62 Nagant, .38/.357, 7.62x54R, .45ACP and .223. As Sir Isaac Newton pointed out a few centuries ago, for every action theres an equal reaction in the opposite direction. Great little weapon !!! I like my Colt GOV. 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Arming Yourself: A Woman's Guide to Self Defense and Concealed Carry (CCW), Protecting Your Family: A Parent's Guide to Self Defense and Concealed Carry (CCW), Arming the Elderly: A Self-Defense Guide for Senior Citizens, Holsters for Self Defense: A Guide to Carrying Concealed, Arming Toddlers and The "Kinder-Guardians" Program: A Shamefully Bad Idea, Self Defense for LGBT: Self-Protection and Concealed Carry (CCW) for the LGBT Community, Arming the Disabled: A Self-Defense and Concealed Carry Guide for People With Disabilities. The reason is recoil. However, the round stopped just short of entering Platts heart/aorta, only penetrating his torso about six or seven inches. Once you run out of rounds, youre done. If one of these conditions occurs, the human body should induce a counterbalance in the form of an opposite condition. Colt Defender 3" 45 ACP; Colt Gov't 70 Series; Kimber Warrior, w/ Rail; Kimber Warrior II; Kimber Super Carry Pro; Kimber Super Carry Ultra, 45 ACP, 3" Remington 1911 R1 Enhanced 5" 45 ACP; Ruger SR1911 Commander 4 Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless the is bone different muscle mass fat and other bonds in our bodies Ive never liked Glock its sure a well made gun but definitely NOT the best gun Ive shot. I never had much faith in a 9mm til that incident. The 45 ACP is my choice of a Heavy Hitter. this was the part I couldn't wait to get to and dissect. Much of the difference is Also quoting from the Marine Corps Times: The arguments boil down to this: The .45-caliber round is the bigger bullet, so it has the knock down power to neutralize any adversary with one shot; while pistols that fire 9mm rounds are generally more accurate and can carry more bullets. For this reason, some dismiss magnum rounds altogether and sing the praises of the S&W .40 round, which supposedly combines the best features of the .45 ACP and the 9mm. Then moved to 10mm (after the 1986 Miami shootout). I believe the 45 ACP would scare many and they would rarely shoot to their capability. Glocks are cheap and reliable. Another reason why in war officers loved the 45 as for close infighting it usually too just 1or2 shots to land the enemy on the ground. Guns dont kill people. .45 ACP (230gr) One of the main reasons why military personnel and many LEOs made the switch to 9mm handguns was because of the deeper bullet penetration. When they enter the body, they spread out into a star-shaped pattern that enhances the damage caused by the wound channel. Gunshot Wounds Take it from me, a physics major. One of the best ammo in the market right now is Hornady Critical Dury which is 135 gr. A good hit from either will wreck an adversarys day . When a handgun is bought for personal protection, whether in the home or on the street, its purpose is the application of deadly force to protect your own life, the lives of others, and to prevent serious physical harm. 9mm Federal 150 grain Micro HST or Winchester 147 grain Ranger will expand 0.7", better than at least half the .45 defensive rounds out there (most common expansion is about 0.6", which is the same as many modern 9mm defense rounds), but there are also some.45 I carried a 1911 in Vietnam as well as a 12 ga. .45 stayed on the hip. Your shots have to count. An exit wound differs greatly from an entrance wound. You shoot when you can, at the place you most want. If the technology got better for one caliber, it got better for all of them!! I am a Force Recon Marine with 10 years of advanced military training and have served 7 separate combat tours. Projectiles incapacitate by damaging or destroying the central nervous system, or by causing significant and potentially lethal blood loss. They are a secondary source at best. Developed in the early 1960s, the .223 round was first used in Vietnam. And other trauma surgeons are on record as saying that they cannot tell the difference between wounds caused by 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP. WebRock Island Armory 1911 Rock Ultra CS Fiber Optic 45 ACP Sub-Compact 7-Round Pistol $ 679 99 679 dollars 99 cents $ 699 99 699 dollars 99 cents. I had a neighbor when I lived outside Fort Worth. Because of the impracticality of training for headshots, this examination of handgun wounding relative to law enforcement use is focused upon torso wounds and the probable results. Wound-cavity analysis tells a similar story concerning the .380 ACP, with individuals shot by the round able to function seconds to minutes after being shot. Chris Bartocci on a YouTube video explains why MARSOC went away from this 1911. Of course there are but in general the .45 with its bigger slower round is the better choice for knockdown power. Ill take an M4, even with the M855 green-tip ammo that everyone says sucks, over an MP40 or a Thompson or any handgun any day of the week. Because head shots are rare and extremely difficult, and torso hits are likewise difficult and do not result in immediate incapacitation, choosing handgun bullets for officers is a critically important task. But a .45/70 at 1597 fps equals a .270 Win at 3200 fps ballistically on impact and follow through. Now as far as the technology of rounds go, technology has improved for all of the basic calibers including 45 so there is no advantage there for the 9. Look for a box or option labeled Home Page (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) or On Startup (Chrome). Soldiers and police officers are far more likely to engage multiple targets in extended shootouts with adversaries, and therefore have a much greater need for a high capacity pistol than I will in a self-defense scenario. Use your heads!! What makes the .223 potentially deadlier than the .22 is its velocity. In this dangerous time period, an officers adversary can continue his deadly actions against an officer. The amount of energy deposited in the body by a bullet is approximately equivalent to being hit with a baseball.. For the spray and pray that they teach nowadays the high cap 9mm is good. Work scenarios out in your head before they happen. Penetration of this length and the tissue, blood vessel and organ damage/destruction that follows is vital to circulatory collapse. That is closet weights I can readily come up with from factory offerings. After hours of research, I ordered a Glock .357 sig. I have yet to see any really legit fair and unbiased comparison of the 9mm and 45acp calibers. There was no blood on the floor below him. Ultimately, your selection of a caliber should be based first on the penetration, and second on the unexpanded size of the round. With the spine on the backside with the arteries running along it, coupled with the obesity of the fast food hoodlum, that penetration was considered more key. The one he found had the best chance was the .357 magnum. The rest of the argument as far as damage goes, should be common sense. If Agent Doves bullet had entered Platts heart, he would have perished quickly, before launching his life-ending assault. The comparisons that I have seen conducted under those conditions seem to be pretty equal. And I am surprised that this was not mentioned. But ideally you need a brush rifle. When the cavalry at the time switched to the .45 round, the round was effective in doing enough damage to put them down more effectively. I use a 1911 as thats what I learned on, prefer the way it feels in my hand. Four ribs had essentially turned to dust. I do like the capacity of the 9mm for in town carry and lighter weight than my Govt model 45s. Browse our site today and place your order with confidence. The officer fired three round from his 9mm Baretta 92F. Anything else is a simple failure to prepare. Even long range shots! We have came a long ways with jackets, cores and construction of bullets in the last 50 + years. Thats why were here right? Walked closer and finished it with a 44 round between the eyes. Any weapon is only as good as its owner, making the person behind the trigger the single greatest factor in how much stopping power a gun ultimately yields. I know this is off topic. A round put through the central nervous system of a target is likely to be incapacitating regardless of the caliber chosen. Were investigating how it spends its money. there is no substitute for Cubic Inches. Now I am a fan of 45s. The 7.62 round is not as fast as the .223, the round fired by the AR-15 (Americas most popular semiautomatic rifle), but it, . He gets there with his partner and the front door of the bus opens. The pistol is not their primary weapon. the article mentions that where a bullet hits the human body is also a major factor on whether it inflicts a mortal wound. Okay, I have to give them props on this part of the statement because this is 100% correct. Rookie year. Its a High Point .40S&W. That much is true. When all else fails, when the rounds fail to stop the bad guy, then you need time on your side. I own 9mm, .40 and .45. I have a Ruger American 9 mm full size and its twin in a 45 caliber, I will say yes the 45 caliber is a larger round with more in a way push behind it, but I totally agree with the proper placement of that round when firing is the deciding factor. Looks like a Chinese-made toy gun. Going back and reading over your original post, by the by, I can only say this: Also, there are documented cases from New York and other law enforcement agencies of officers shooting criminals and having their bullets pass entirely through the criminal and striking a civilian bystander, thus wounding someone not engaged by the police officer. Trauma surgeons, the guys actually opening up peoples chests and trying to put them back together, say otherwise. Its proven knowledge. If the first bullet ricochets off the windshield, the succeeding rounds will make it through. I carry a 9 as one of my CCW, a Sig P938. If you have been hit with any kind of bullet large, fast, expanding, or otherwise please, Gunman Used Heavily Restricted Assault Weapon in California UPS Shooting. It depends where they get hit. My father was hit in the arm with a .50 bmg round during the Falklands war and it took his arm off from below the el Witnessed it first hand. The one thing Ive learned and seen over a lot of shooting is that a 9mm with FMJ bullets is mostly useless. He also competes in USPSA and 3-gun competitions including numerous top-10 finishes at major matches and championships. Testing shows terminal ballistics of modern 9mm is virtually the same as the .40S&W or the older .45ACP round. You do your failure drill. At that long distance, the .223 will slam into its target with almost twice the speed of the .22. Using the cone attack gives you a low ammo condition that imposes disadvantage on attack rolls until you reload, and you have 2 reloads per day. Military ball ammo leaves some things to be desired. Heres what they found it did to those enemies bodies, as republished in, Bullets can also increase the surface area that transfers energy to targets by expanding, as in the case of hollow-point rounds. Youd be much better served with HOT 357 mag loads or a 44mag. Matthew McConaughey tells the story of those killed in Uvalde in emotional plea for action on guns. Not concerned with concealed carry. Died instantly. .45 Actually killed to individual who I shot vs the others who all but one lived. F=MA is not applicable. This was an interesting discussion. All this is much different than the British Armys approach to marching headfirst into conflict, taking aim and firing. We need to dial back our expectations of how effective a pistol is, regardless of caliber, barring brain or spine shots. You may be knocked down and have to squeeze off a once and last shot to save you life. I think that the argument here has gone the wrong direction. Creatine is an amino acid located mostly in your body's muscles as well as in the brain. Ive hunted with both 9 and 45. After receiving this wound, Platt initiated a devastating attack upon the surrounding FBI agents, killing two (including Agent Dove) and severely wounding two more. The fifteen round magazine contributes to the spray and pray thinking while the 1911 makes one concentrate on placing the shot. 45 I am sure the debate will go on till the last Cockroach dies . All rights reserved. A .223 is just 55 grains. 45 acp damage human body 45 acp damage human body on jun 11, 2022 on jun 11, 2022 The impact of the injury would depend on where the bullet went besides your stomach. Not to suggest that a skilled shooter (and/or soldier or Marine) couldnt shoot it, but almost anybody is going to be faster with a 9mm in their hands. The projectile tears through the body causing tissue damage and creating a wound channel. After reading comments from many veterans here, and from what ive seen on the streets, in a true life or death situation give me the largest slug possible. .45 ACP damage increased from 35-40-65 to 35-40-75, and minimum damage decreased from 60% to 50%. Black Talon and Todays Best Self-Defense Ammo Open carry is fine where Im at. G19 vs custom 1911 equals a big price difference. This accurately stuff doesnt make too much sense when you have a bonsai charge advancing on you and your rifle was not available. People kill people. Even later to the conversation but figured Id throw my ring in the hate. F=MA always applies to the known laws of physics. Even the Scout Snipers are still using the .308, whereas superior platforms are using .300 Win Mags and .338 Lapuas. Their over 800 FPS and some approaching 900 FPS with the hotter +P loads. Thanks. Hollow point bullets are superior to round-nosed ones. Factors like these led to the military adopting the Colt .45 ACP pistol as its standard sidearm in 1911. When you consider that almost all wounds from pistol caliber firearms were inflicted with SMGs, and when you consider that the most common German 9mm round issued during the war used a 90gr steel-core bullet loaded to do over 1400 ft/sec from pistol length barrels and 1800+ out of SMGs, and you compare this to the lumbering 230gr .45 caliber bullet that had less than half that velocity, it seems pretty plausible. The comments concerning shot placement are correct. The 45 acp caused significant damage to the human body. But nearly worthless in real world situations. In other words, negative acceleration and a non-linear path are both occurring. The SEALS sure like their 45 acp, Mark 24 pistols (HK45 compact). 7.62 isn't pistol ammunition though. Other than for general interest, this type of test is of little use in the scientific examination of firearms-related situations. Ive carried about every size round in my 71+ years of which 36 was an LEO. Well my neighbor finally bought the pistol from him and turned around and qualified with it in front of the other deputy. Because of the dynamic and chaotic nature of officer-involved shootings, officers are trained to shoot at center mass of an assailants torso from whatever side/angle of the torso that presents itself. I would make the same recommendation to all American law enforcement agencies who are considering a switch to 9mm handguns. Oh boy, that could start a whole new area of discussion 1911 vs 1926, most common bullet weights, etc. This whole conversation for over 2+ years is hilarious. Im no expert but i know how it feels to be in a shoot out, first of all when it goes down you better have some kind of firearm i dont care if its a P shooter, 2nd the person will be placed in a situation where they will have to make a business decision when here a pop coming from you. 158 gr 0.357" Magnum semi-jacketed bullet will penetrate outside skin of car door and sometimes just penetrate the inside skin.

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45 acp damage human body