the hunting public ted zangerle
If I was a resident of Alabama, Id just spend the first part of the season scouting and finding all the areas with turkeys. Iowa holds a special place in Americas whitetail country. Chris Sits Down With Ted Zangerle To Talk About Having A Great Time Doing Real Hunting. He and the rest of the THP crew had spent countless hours scouting new pieces of public land that had opened up alongside older pieces of public land they had hunted plenty in prior seasons. Those small pieces only have one or two little draws with trees and a creek cutting through them. On today's episode, Levi chats with Ted from the Hunting Public. "That's what we are used to, lots of acreage and the ability to dive deep into the public to get away from other hunters." Heading into their scouting, the crew planned to target agricultural fields like soybeans and corn field edges. | It was the early morning fog lifting off the water, the breeze in my face as I cruised at midday, the waves singing me to sleep each night, and that last long heavy float out. There were tons of acorns dropping and clear feeding signs near that oak. The guys from YouTube sensationThe Hunting Publicmade a swing through the state early this turkey season and found out how much work it takes to bag an Alabama bird. They do a good job with prescribed burns, and they have different stands of timber.. Right as I shot, we heard an incredibly distinct bullet impact, but with the smoke from the muzzleloader we couldnt see where the buck went, says Huebschman. Their goal on opening day was to head into areas near where they had observed bucks feeding in the agricultural fields, assuming that they would be bedding or traveling through small hedgerows or timber stands. Through our hunts on public land and small privately owned properties we create content that is relatable and appeals to all hunters. If I was coming to Alabama, Id probably pick this time frame to hunt. Zangerle's bird. After his accurate shot, he celebrated for several minutes. Thats what we are used to, lots of acreage and the ability to dive deep into the public to get away from other hunters.. We knew the bucks were around, but with the warm temperatures so far, we werent getting eyes on them.. Each is managed a little differently. They solely had about 10-feet of elevation over the place the buck was bedded with their setup on a small dike, round 200-yards from the bedded buck. As he moved by the grass, Huebschman might lastly see his vitals. It is refreshing to see people get genuinely excited about shooting deer regardless of size. After his accurate shot, he celebrated for several minutes. Whether thats standing around a campfire after a successful hunt or reminiscing about past adventures with our buddies. The Best Buck Boat But Zangerle felt good about the intel he had gathered by confirming a big buck was bedding in that bottom. Thats pretty much who we are. You have to be on there quite often so when they Google how or where to go turkey hunting, your page will pop up.. Go to check out the video. That next morning, they entered the small tract to hunt the buck they had seen the night prior. Warbritton said he depends heavily on the Outdoor AL and OnX apps during hunting season. Heading into the second day, they knew they needed to switch it up. We try to locate birds first thing in the morning, even if we only hear them gobble one time, he said. Thats the way weve always operated, he said. Yes, each morning and evening, I sat and stared and waited. We had struggled in Alabama and north Florida. Through the trail cameras, we knew there were still four or five mature bucks in the area, says Huebschman. If a deer is down there, it can smell anything on the ridges above. We came to Alabama and had adverse weather conditions and a lot of hunting pressure. Chris is a new hunter looking to learn as much as he can before next season starts. There wasnt much of a reason for me to rush that first shot, I just got too excited and made a mistake.. The cold front that Zangerle and the crew were planning on had pushed back to the next day, so with the weather taking a turn the next afternoon, they decided to sleep in and get ready for the afternoon hunt. When the does would spook, the bucks would be alerted of danger, too. Accessing a place like this is not possible with just any boat. The buck was walking at a steady pace, but Zangerle found a small opening and squeezed off his shot. If your reply is not any, it may be time to think about altering your perspective on prime bedding areas. I spent my first morning of the hunt with Parker observing how he accessed his hidey-hole public land locations where he sets his ambush sites. One of the areas Keith had scouted was a bean field a few miles back into a giant tract of public. Zangerle says. Aaron Warbritton, Greg Clements and Zack Serenbaugh had previously worked together at Midwest Whitetail, a deer video website, and all were in between jobs when this new venture was considered. Thank you for helping to keep the podcast database up to date. We learn a lot about turkeys doing that.. In fact, an awful lot of the gear a hunter could buy wont do much to actually help fill tags. My traditional means of whitetail hunting, so anchored in one place, immobile, terrestrial, had become stifling. As turkey season progresses, especially in Alabama, fewer hunters are going to the woods, he said. The post Tips from The Hunting Public: Find Buck Bedding Areas Using Ridgelines appeared first on Outdoor Life. We also use the OnX maps that we can download to our phones when were offline. Since Zangerle already harvested his muzzleloader buck, he was trying to fill his archery tag whereas Huebschman arrange close by together with his smokepole. There are a lot of advantages to hunt the whole season in Alabama. As the woods continue to green up and temperatures get warmer, turkeys are going to start gobbling more. Zangerle quickly reloaded and the buck started to slowly walk away, not sure where the danger had come from. The buck was steadily walking and only 50 yards. But you can use that hunting pressure to your advantage. Unfortunately, the doe ended up spooking and bounded away, stopping at 27-yards but looking away. Zangerle noted, if they had simply gone into these small tracts just to scout, theyd have likely spooked the deer out of the area. After what felt like an eternity, Zangerle was able to reload, and miraculously, the buck was still within range. While Zangerle and Robinson had been preserving eyes on their hit buck, Huebschman and Krimmer had made their means across the river and had been closing in on the bedded buck from the morning. To deal with the early-season obstacles, Warbritton and pals have developed a reconnaissance strategy before they even try to hunt. Thats the place Zangerle and cameraman Keith Robinson selected to arrange the subsequent day. We try to locate birds first thing in the morning, even if we only hear them gobble one time, he said. Whether its from a storm, or through timbering, that area could go through major changes in undergrowth and turn into a deer haven. Reels. Which begs the question: Why arent more bird hunters using them? You have entered an incorrect email address! Ted Zangerle from The Hunting Public. When it comes to the heart of the whitetail season, there is one thing that must always be true. Zangerle leaned out to his left, settled his pin, and let the arrow fly. They always made a game plan to go in and hunt a certain area on these small tracts so there wasnt as much disruption. Thats one thing about Alabama, he said. After giving the buck a few minutes and reviewing the footage, they began tracking and quickly found Zangerles buck piled up. The following day we rose early, sipped coffee while listening to the gentle lapping of waves on the shore, and set off againthis time to hunt. I can get up and down quick with the motor, but can still snake my way into shallow backwaters and creeks.. We decided we wanted to make videos for the general public that hunt. TikTok video from The Hunting Public (@thehuntingpublic): "When you forget climbing sticks. Huebschman was assured within the determination to return into the identical bedding space, realizing there have been loads of massive bucks to go round. Unfortunately, his push deep into the bedding cover on opening day didnt pan out. . Once we have a handful of areas with turkeys, we go about hunting them. As the woods continue to green up and temperatures get warmer, turkeys are going to start gobbling more. The season opened on the morning of October 15th, but with the cold front not set to hit until that evening, Zangerle and Robinson made the decision to stay out of the area until that afternoon. We met at a nondescript boat ramp late one evening alongside a narrow channel of still water. Its nothing like the glassing experience out in the Western states, but that elevation change allowed them to spot a few bucks prior to the opener. Yellowhammer News is Alabamas preeminent outlet for news, analysis and much more. The team has hunted turkeys in northwest, northeast and south Alabama. Its a hunt that goals are made from. However, early-season birds seem especially difficult to deal with. By: Derek HornerTitle: Tips from The Hunting Public: How to Locate Big Whitetail Bucks on Public Land in KansasSourced From: Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:00:00 +0000, ----------------------------------------------. After that, we looked at the map and saw another bean field up the creek about 300yards away, says Zangerle. The smaller tracts where they spent the last two days were around 500 acres each (which sounds big, but in open country properties of this size hunt much smaller). For the third stop of The Hunting Publics Deer Tour, Ted Zangerle set out for Kansas to chase whitetails on public land with his bow. Put this image on your website to promote the show -, Report inappropriate content or request to remove this page. During his scouting, he had picked a tree that he could use to get up high and observe the bottom rather than diving right in and hunting it. In the mornings, the thermals push down the ridges into the bottom. We cautiously beached our boats on the shore, tied them off to rocks, and set off for a short hike to a destination just up the bluff. Although Warbritton says Alabama has plenty of turkey hunters, the state also has a good population of wild turkeys. Derek Horner For the tenth cease of The Hunting Public's Deer Tour, Ted Zangerle and Jake Huebschman hit Iowa public land for the early muzzleloader season. With a chilly entrance in full impact, the large bucks had been on their toes throughout sunlight hours. Warbritton said not to be surprised if 2022 turkey hunts from Alabama show up on YouTube. You occasionally have cold fronts and the turkeys get quiet. their Youtube channel and check them out! Our goal was to have a positive impact on hunters and hunting culture. As Zangerle began to set up, he contemplated moving down the ridge a little further to get a clearer shot into the bottom. During this year's trip to Alabama, Warbritton managed to bag a bird., Ted Zangerle, another The Hunting Public team member, also scored on a bird late in the afternoon. If I was coming to Alabama, Id probably pick this time frame to hunt. As the buck approached bow vary, Zangerle slowly acquired into place for a shot. Whether that means they duck your shot, or they begin to bound off like in Zangerles case, your arrow might not hit where you intended. After a few days of scouting, Zangerle and the crew had spent the vast majority of their time picking apart large tracts of public land. They went into the same area as the night before and looped around the three ridges to the far west ridge to scout for sign. Levi and Ted did a podcast back in the fall when the boys were on their deer tour, but this podcast is about their past turkey hunting ventures, hog hunting with bows, Ted's love for playing music, and much more! But thats why we love to come down there to hunt, he said. We plan to come down next year, he said., The Best Rimfire Rifles of 2023, Tested and Reviewed, The Best Hiking Shoes for Wide Feet of 2023, Tested and Reviewed, How to Install Surf Footstraps on your Hydrofoil or Kitesurf Board. We were set up in range around 10:00 AM, just waiting for the buck to stand up, mentioned Huebschman. A buck boat has to check many different boxes. He was bedded near a band of sparse cedars that ended right along a sea of canary grass. The buck was fully unaware that Zangerle and the 2 cameramen had been settled in simply 10 yards away. We also use the OnX maps that we can download to our phones when were offline. The big tracts of public land they were scouting and hunting in the beginning of their trip were over 10,000 acres. We dont. Thats a big part of it. Since Zangerle already harvested his muzzleloader buck, he was trying to fill his archery tag whereas Huebschman arrange close by together with his smokepole. It was inside vary of his muzzleloader, however its unlawful to shoot throughout navigable waterways in Iowa. We said, Man, we know how to make hunting videos, but we want to make videos that relate to people like us, sort of made for the average person.. As is the case with all of life, it begins and ends with water. We always talk to other hunters when we run into them.. The most diverse habitat is going to hold the most turkeys. The Hunting Public's core mission is to create a community of hunters that can interact and learn together as a group. We didnt get eyes on another shooter doing that, but we found areas that had deer and lots of sign., READ NEXT: Tips from The Hunting Public: How to Hunt Whitetails in Public Land River Bottoms. To quickly break down the small tracts of public land, Zangerle would pick out a spot on the map based on where he was seeing deer while driving around. But when we go there early in the season, we found that the turkeys were flocked up, henned up and pretty quiet. We had struggled in Alabama and north Florida. Another option is to climb a tree and use that as your glassing knob, even 10- to 15-feet of elevation can give you such a better vantage point, says Zangerle. She was at 27-yards, which is a little far, says Zangerle. The post Tips from The Hunting Public: How to Locate Big Whitetail Bucks on Public Land in Kansas appeared first on Outdoor Life. Finding or building the perfect whitetail boat is a worthy pursuit for obvious practical reasons. They do a good job of maintaining good turkey habitat. Zangerle takes this one step further with the use of a mounted LED light bar. If you haven't seen the Hunting Public on Youtube you really need to check them out. By: Derek HornerTitle: Tips from The Hunting Public: Find Buck Bedding Areas Using RidgelinesSourced From: Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 23:27:37 +0000, ----------------------------------------------. They cover everything from advanced whitetail tactics to unique hunting situations. Summary On today's podcast, Levi chats with friend Ted Zangerle from the Hunting Public. The Hunting Public When Zangerle drew back, the doe was broadside at about 10 yards, but she was covered in grass, so he wisely waited for a better shot opportunity. Its sort of an unwritten rule for public land. Learning from many of their mistakes hunting whitetail last year, they have a new focus on making the most out of their opportunities. Zangerles plan was to hunt areas similar to their archery spots. Once you find a piece that holds deer, its easier to pattern them in such a smaller area.. The big tracts of public land they were scouting and hunting in the beginning of their trip were over 10,000 acres. He was born and raised in central Pennsylvania where his father and grandfather taught him to hunt and fish. As Zangerle got here to full draw, the buck stopped simply earlier than a gap within the undergrowth. Its usually the small steps like these that make the distinction in a hunt. Videos Tagged. Kids these days use the internet to solve all kinds of problems. On our way, drifting silently and slowly through the black fog, I recognized another advantage to this approach: stealth. Warbritton and Zangerle were gracious enough to do an interview on the Outdoor Alabama YouTube page. They decided to swing back around to the east ridge, which took about 45 minutes, then started working down the east ridge toward the bottom. Opportunities on public land can be few and far between, so when you get them, make them count. Once opening day arrived, Zangerle headed back into one of these areas to set up and wait for a big buck to cruise by. After about an hour, the buck got up and moved off over the next ridge, says Zangerle. The pressure has slacked off. However, the unit Zangerle was hunting in Kansas also had quite a few smaller tracts of public land they had overlooked while scouting. When solely dependent on a hybrid boat for water access in recent years, Parker found himself spending an exorbitant amount of time on the water to reach distant areas on large rivers and lakes. We loaded our canoes with rifles, packs, life jackets, and lanterns. We didnt get eyes on another shooter doing that, but we found areas that had deer and lots of sign., READ NEXT: Tips from The Hunting Public: How to Hunt Whitetails in Public Land River Bottoms. You might be surprised by what you find. Its nothing like the glassing experience out in the Western states, but that elevation change allowed them to spot a few bucks prior to the opener. Even though the weather wasnt ideal, Zangerle knew he had a small window to get in close to the bedding area before the buck began to feel hunting pressure. Hunting Public, how their group gets their content, and some Most deer move beds every three to four hours throughout the day, it might not be a big move, but they typically at least stand up and browse momentarily before bedding back down.. If we find turkey sign, well drop pins on the map.. Happy Hunting! This might be the best podcast yet. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. If we go into any new area in any state, thats pretty good. Our goal was to have a positive impact on hunters and hunting culture. Ted Zangerle: The Hunting Public. The hens are also starting to nest. He had seen two or three shooter bucks feeding in the field, so we felt confident making a move to hunt the edge of that field.. We try to find birds in as many locations as we can. We plan to come down next year, he said. Zangerle found that these smaller tracts allowed him to break down the area more efficiently and find an area to set up and hunt much more effectively. We are committed to delivering the news in a manner that reflects the state of Alabama, its people and their values. If their schedule had allowed, Warbritton would prefer to hunt Alabamas tough turkeys in the middle of the season. Parker made a name for himself by successfully hunting public land deer by water across much of the South. Ted Miller VS. With the limited success on the larger tracts of public, Zangerle was interested in mixing things up for the final two days of their hunt. We love coming to Alabama.. Is It Bad to Hold a Baby in a Standing Position? As first mild got here and went with out a lot motion, Huebschman settled in and commenced glassing the opposite aspect of the river. The buck took off, plowing the ground, and as he went up over the ridge, Zangerle thought he heard a crash. Turkeys realize that. Zangerle had scouted the area back in July and noticed that its difficult to access and he had seen lots of bucks while scouting. Kyle has experience, but is looking to take a step back and re-calibrate how he hunts. It depends. The average person is hunting small private land or theyre going out on public land, trying to deal with deer, turkeys and small game out there. The afternoon of the 15th, Zangerle sat right next to one of his trail cameras where they had a nice buck show up in daylight on the afternoon of the 14th. And that weighs on you, he said. READ NEXT: The Truth About Deer Jumping the String: Theres No Formula for One of Bowhuntings Biggest Challenges. However, the unit Zangerle was hunting in Kansas also had quite a few smaller tracts of public land they had overlooked while scouting. READ NEXT: Will Kansas Become a Preference-Point State for Whitetail Deer Hunters? They didnt end up having an encounter with the buck, but Zangerle had a game plan for the rest of their hunt. Check out this great listen on At the same time, were gaining more options if we pull into an area that is being hunted by somebody else. Ted Zangerle of The Hunting Public prefers a boat like this as well. Episode #7 - Ted Zangerle from The Hunting Public. This was just the splash in the face I needed. "My favorite type of boat for deer hunting is a standard flat-bottom jon boat with an outboard," he said. Were from different parts of the world, but we all grew up hunting public land. It was a public land deer hunt that most can only dream of. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); HopTraveler is your Travel, Tourism, Adventure website. Zangerle knew he was incredibly lucky that the buck stuck around to present a second shot opportunity. READ NEXT: Will Kansas Become a Preference-Point State for Whitetail Deer Hunters? Is It Bad to Hold a Baby in a Standing Position? Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. The best cartridge for you might not be on this list Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. I could get used to it. Since the inception ofThe Hunting Publicwith deer hunting videos in 2017, the crew has hunted in about 30 states and has made multiple trips to Alabama, one deer hunting trip and four to chase turkeys. Youll never know if you dont check it out. The Atypical Hunter Podcast Episode #7 - Ted Zangerle from The Hunting Public Chris is a new hunter looking to learn as much as he can before next season starts. We wanted to show people that they could get together with family and friends and go out hunting.
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