should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ?

should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ?

If theres no answer that matches your reasoning, work backwards to select the correct answer. It is generally understood in the sense that with competing theories or explanations, the simpler one, for example a model with Thomas Aquinas (/ k w a n s /; Italian: Tommaso d'Aquino, lit. Edit. B. color of my hair! Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence In an essay on Milton, the Victorian historian and literary critic Thomas Babington Macaulay observed, "Poetry which relates to the beings of another world ought to be at once mysterious and picturesque. Goat Relocation-In sentence 19 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined phrase. Recommended textbook solutions The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin . Add/Delete questions require you to determine whether a sentence should be added or deleted from a passage. Should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ? Without using basic grammar rules in your essay, you cannot convey what you really want to say. The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). B. G. Kept, because it establishes that prairies contain more biodiversity than any other habitat. School Macaulay Honors College, CUNY; Course Title MACAU 888; Uploaded By SuperHumanQuail1205. For comparison, we tasted a variety of other bars, from the trendy brand Compartes ($9.95 for 3 oz.) The key to success as a writer is consistent effort, not inherent ability. Steve Matthews. Which of the following is least likely to happen if problems are identified during startup? Step-by-step explanation Answer: (1) Keep it, because it qualifies that while political relationships should be curtailed, commercial relationships are necessary. Writing less often takes longer than writing more. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? . Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". Simule o espao aqui. Topic Outline Of The Golden Age Of Comics, In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor The first paragraph describes a trend in international relations; the second paragraph expands on how a specific example mentioned in the first paragraph contributes to that trend. a. G. Kept, because it Video gaming helps develop collaborative problem-solving skills that can be useful in the real world. If you write that a character is brilliant or disgusting, readers miss the chance to judge the character on their own. . While the previous sentence references King Louis XV, the passage up to that point is about an exhibit showing tiny rooms. Writer Should the phrase be kept or deleted? In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. right now. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. Submit your query in the given box and get answers Instantly. Checking your browser. Is a result of air pollution mostly from factories and motor vehicles. Change them to match what you would say if you were speaking to the reader. It requires patience, research, reading voraciously, and above allpractice. Or, if time permits, review the question/passage again to make sure you didn't make a mistake. The given sentence is irrelevant to the topic of discussion. Use it to make a new paragraph. Public opinion is the most effective means of safeguarding peace. A. B Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is Manual High School MATH ap calculu. Terms of use and Privacy Policy. Here are the general constructions for the add/delete questions youll find on SAT Writing. If youre not reading closely, you may see the word fee in the first sentence, and then assume that thats related to the underlined sentence. Art can play a unique role in starting conversations and cultivating group pride by representing communities to themselves. So, if something is explaining or adding to an important point in the text, then go ahead and put it in. Add/Delete questions ask you if a sentence should be added or deleted from a specific part of a passage. Are these words synonyms, antonyms or neither? Write Active Voice Sentences. You should delete any unnecessary words and phrases to improve word-flow and make sentences shorter. But examples of composition, flow, and feel. Smartphones and the Brain-The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 1 to provide factual support for the introductory claim and focus the audience on the argument of the passage. The passage is describing coworking spaces. b. Sem a necessidade de instalar ou se inscrever My Facebook ad account was banned! should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ? In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. yes, because it interrupt the sequence of events described in the passage b. yes because it's contradict what happens later on the passage. In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. Resettled in the remote parts of the park, where salt licks are plentiful and hikers are scarce, the goats will likely regain their natural wariness of people. Ideally, youll see an answer choice thats almost identical to your reasoning. 2002 ford falcon au series 3 specs. 14. In a given Add/Delete Question, you should follow these four steps to determine if the underlined sentence is relevant to the rest of the passage: Step 1: Read the sentence that comes before it. In sentence 3 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined portion, adjusting the punctuation as necessary. Or if you think the sentence shouldn't be added, you can get rid of the two answer choices that claim the sentence should be added. Which of the following sentences best accomplishes this purpose? It must logically follow previous sentences and set up the information that comes after it. The answer to whether the writer keep or delete sentence 15 is: B. Learning a Second Language-The writer wants to add a sentence that introduces the topic of the passage. Here are the steps to follow to answer add and delete questions. If you can delete a word without changing the meaning of the sentence, then delete it. b. You can immediately eliminate the two answer choices that dont match your answer to the first part of the question. is continuing his description of the work of the restorers. Example #2: Let her know that you love her and that she means the world to you. You should delete any unnecessary words and phrases to improve word-flow and make sentences shorter. INTRO OFFER!!! Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? B. English verbs have two voices: active voice and passive voice. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion from the sentence. Contrasting descriptions of how Chu felt when she played music and how she felt when she interacted with people in nonmusical contexts. Writing Tip 2. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 . of the writer's argument in the passage? If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program. Remember that the goal is to understand the message, not to get perfect speech. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? Literacy in its broadest sense describes "particular ways of thinking about and doing reading and writing" with the purpose of understanding or expressing thoughts or ideas in written form in some specific context of use. . 14. Next, I'll walk you through how to answer a delete question. Smartphones and the Brain-The writer wants to add information to the end of sentence 2 (reproduced below) to preview the line of reasoning in the passage. (paragraph 1, sentence 5), African American activist-In the second paragraph, the author develops a comparison between life and "a thousand arrows shot from the same point and aimed at the same object" primarily to suggest that, people exhibit remarkable diversity in their development over time, African American activist-The discussion of the "greatest of poets and philosophers" in the third paragraph suggests that the author believes the audience of the speech will, recognize an implicit reference to Shakespeare and agree about his importance, African American activist-In the context of the passage as a whole, the author's comparison between the qualities of people and of metals (paragraphs 5-6) primarily serves to, reinforce the author's overarching claim about ordinary people's capacity for success. Artificial Islands- In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to add the phrase "According to the country's president," to the beginning of the sentence, adjusting capitalization as needed. Because the sentence is irrelevant to the focus of the paragraph, Because the sentence should be deleted, we can. Step 2: Read the sentence in question. The recent discovery at the site of a 5,500-year-old Chinese farming village of cultivated millet isotopes in the bones of both rodents (who ate the millet) and . The question of how to lead a meaningful life "in a transitional period" (paragraph 9, sentence 1). Examples of Removing That From Your Writing. D. Delete it, because it contradicts the information in sentence 12 about the cost of fitness trackers and the fact that many people cannot afford them. The Neurotic implies that a specific person may be afflicted by neurosis, That is mental, emotional, or physical feedback or reactions that are said to be drastic Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? African American activist-Which of the following statements most directly expresses the author's thesis in the passage? In the paragraph that contains the given sentence, the author If it doesnt belong in a paragraph, its because its headed in a different direction, an idea related to, but not a part of the paragraph it started in. Use it to make a new paragraph. In a given Add/Delete Question, you should follow these four steps to determine if the underlined sentence is relevant to the rest of the passage: Step 1: Read the sentence that comes before it. Should the writer keep or delete this sentence? 12. Eliasson-The writer wants to develop the discussion of Jane Chu's performance experiences in sentences 13 and 14. In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. Oua Is Ethical Clickbait Really A Thing? Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony. The writer should delete (anxious or worried) the underlined text as the term neurotic already has an element of anxiousness and worry and thus it will be vain repetition of words.. Who is a neurotic person? We can eliminate answer choice D. The correct answer is C. The sentence isnt related to the paragraphs main focus. To put it simply, you want to stand out but not too much. Eliasson-In sentence 12, the writer wants to clarify the paragraph's line of reasoning and explain the relevance of the evidence in sentences 13 and 14 to the paragraph's main idea. Step 3: Read the sentence that comes after it. If theres no answer that matches your reasoning, work backwards to select the correct answer. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. Step 3: Read the sentence that comes after it. . He asserts his own credibility and authority on an issue. Also, pay attention to the answer choices. 18. Tasks can be found all over the map. In my own words, I would say that the sentence shouldnt be added because the paragraph is focusing on the appearance of the room. For example: My father was a calm, peace-loving man.. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? And just as art can overcome physical divides, it can also overcome linguistic and cultural ones. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ? 40 the writer is considering deleting sentence 16. Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony. reduction of armament"), the author comments on the age and effectiveness of the League of Nations primarily to explain, its relevance to his argument regarding advances in peace preservation efforts, League of Nations-At the end of the first paragraph, the author's commentary regarding "[e]ach one of these treaties" (sentence 6) primarily serves to, establish a logical relationship between the treaties he lists and a claim he makes earlier in the paragraph. answer choices Keep it, because it completes the writers comparison between the way people think they make decisions and the way they actually make decisions. As you're preparing to become an SAT Writing superstar, make sure you thoroughly understand the most important grammar rules on SAT Writing. Keep it, because it adds information that helps clarify the contrasting relationship identified in sentence 6 between anticipation and reward. Always read the question and answers carefully. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ? PART I. Its stating that some scholars believe that the lavishness of the lifestyles during the reign of King Louis XV helped bring about the conditions that caused the French Revolution. Manila-Which of the following best summarizes the author's thesis in the passage? Example #2: Let her know that you love her and that she means the world to you. Now we know how add/delete questions are constructed. (1) Language experts have long observed that children are better at mastering a second language than adults. Use it to make a new paragraph. Are these words synonyms, antonyms or neither? Step 3: Read the sentence that comes after it. There is no online registration for the intro class Terms of usage & Conditions The writer is considering deleting sentence 16 reproduced below from the. Letting go of a desire for complete mastery of a language's grammar can enable an adult learner to strive for basic competence in communicationan outcome best achieved, the researchers note, via educational programs that immerse students in the experience of a second language rather than ones that I created this PowerPoint for 2nd and 3rd grade students. A. knox county tn septic permit; ground zero, clyde lewis youtube; posted by ; June 17, 2022 . Keep it, because it gives the writer authority by demonstrating a clear understanding of the benefits of If you want to sharpen your craft, Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is not supported by evidence in the body of the 34. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. In the process, a writer's lexicon should be consistently curated, since words are the basis of the writing profession, and words that are vague or superfluous should be replaced with better ones or deleted. The steps are very similar to those of the add questions. passage. Ms. Aurora ***C*** 'Thomas of Aquino'; 1225 7 March 1274) was an Italian Dominican friar and priest, who was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism; he is also known within the latter as the Doctor Angelicus, the Doctor Communis, and the Doctor Universalis. Much like a good slice of cold pizza. As Eliasson puts it, this transformative experience "takes us beyond an us-and-them mentality to a broader idea of what constitutes we.". Write Active Voice Sentences. Keep it, because it provides commentary that helps explain how the example of Kennedy's artwork is significant in relation to the passage's overall argument. If you want to sharpen your craft, 2. **Examples** 1. Learning a Second Language-The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). despised") in the context of the passage as a whole? It must logically follow previous sentences and set up the information that comes after it. So each is the reasoning is not supported by the passage. 'Thomas of Aquino'; 1225 7 March 1274) was an Italian Dominican friar and priest, who was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist The sentence in question wouldnt make sense because the focus of the paragraph is on the appearance of the room and has nothing to do with whether or not the excesses of the era caused the French Revolution. (and how it happened)EP-030. English verbs have two voices: active voice and passive voice. Recounting multiple incidents that demonstrate the threat represented by jellyfish. Writing less often takes longer than writing more. Often caused by a stroke, aphasia is an impaired ability to produc Which of the following, if added after sentence 14, would best accomplish this goal? Add/Delete Questions on SAT Writing: 6 Steps to Answer. Pages 27 Ratings 75% (4) 3 out of 4 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 22 - 24 out of 27 pages. Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". Which of the following sentences, if added to the beginning of the first paragraph, would most effectively accomplish this goal? When I picked the phone, Iheard screams from the background and suddenly it when silent. Which is the most logical placement for sentence 7 reproduced below )? Remo Williams: The Adventure Continues, Markham Family Medical Centre, A. c. no, because it is necessary for understanding why the team was so popular Examples of Removing That From Your Writing. Example #1: You know that some people are afraid of clowns. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. Here are the general constructions for the add/delete questions youll find on SAT Writing. Therefore, the author should consider deleting the sentence since it strays away from the main topic of the paragraph. The writer is considering deleting sentence 16 reproduced below from the. In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. Delete it, because it does not provide a logical transition from the information in the third paragraph to the information in the fourth paragraph. A sentence should be deleted if it falls outside the scope of the passage or doesnt logically connect to the previous and following sentences. 2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Goat Relocation-In sentence 19 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined phrase. Keep it , because it draws on information discussed throughout the passage to suggest that the audience take a different , more practical approach to language learning . For comparison, we tasted a variety of other bars, from the trendy brand Compartes ($9.95 for 3 oz.) The answer to whether the writer keep or A well-written sentence shouldnt go to waste if you can help it. Bush- In the fourth and fifth paragraphs, the author defends her decision to marry George Bush by elaborating on, the need to pursue a sense of personal bliss, Bush- In the second-to-last paragraph, the anecdote about the complaining husband serves primarily to, illustrate the author's claim regarding the value of devoting oneself to one's children. A. Marine biologists contend that the urban sprawl spreading into the oceans inevitably causes havoc for marine organisms and their habitats. . In order to decide whether to add or delete a sentence, you need to know what the sentence means and. 2. League of Nations- Which of the following best describes how the author organizes the reasoning of his argument in the opening lines of the passage ("Warned by the disaster . Avoid overly wordy sentences to keep your point simple and easier for the reader to understand. In sentence 1, changing "In 2016," to "In a 2016 essay published by the World Economic Forum,". Letting go of a desire for complete mastery of a language's grammar can enable an adult learne Learning a Second Language-The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. Example #1: You know that some people are afraid of clowns. Now we know how add/delete questions are constructed. The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). In sentence 14 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide descriptive details that appeal to the audience's emotions and experiences. natalie morales net worth; night manager corky death; pima community college athletics staff directory; tau kappa epsilon secrets; lasswell model of communication strengths and weaknesses; city of warren engineering department; aldo's sand valley menu; aofmee glass pitcher Keep sentences clean. The focus of this text is asking should they keep the underlined text or get rid of it. Chief $\cancel{\text{red deer}}$ (Red Deer) Home; Sobre. Ligue agora tel: (86) 3213-1000 / 99541-1000 / 99517-4096. . The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). In the 21st century, the health care workforce is made up of four different generations of workers, who now operate from many different cultural perspectives. Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 13, would most effectively accomplish this goal? . A. hunters introduced goats to the Olympics in the 1920s. Eliasson-The writer is considering deleting sentence 7 (reproduced below) from the passage. spurred consideration and discussion, exchanges that many stylists chose to continue by hanging prints from the show in their salons. Checking your browser. The Neurotic implies that a specific person may be afflicted by neurosis, That is mental, emotional, or physical feedback or reactions that are said to be drastic In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. Therefore, option C is the right answer. The writer must show, not tell. Becoming a better writer is an art form. . Learning a Second Language-The writer wants to change sentence 3 (reproduced below) to provide a more specific preview of the passage's argument. Typically, these questions involve two parts: you have to determine if the sentence should be added or deleted, and youll also have to select why the sentence should be added or deleted.

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should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ?