russian olive firewood btu
It is recommended that you use a mixture of firewood when starting a fire instead of relying solely on Russian olive to get it going. Its abundent where I live Northern MN. At this time of year, there is lower moisture and sap content, resulting in quick-seasoning wood. BillNole. My wife even melted a stove once while I was at work when we were younger. Also, box elm burns decent but it stinks. 5 out of 5 stars (767) $ 36.95. The initial smell is like a sweet-smelling perfume. or should I stay clear.Phil. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. We like to go ahead and cut the stump in 9 sections. Just call them and ask about what it can handle. This varies with the size and shape of the wood, and how tightly it is stacked. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. With some fairly simple math based on the difference, you can calculate the BTU. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. By assessing the fire characteristics of Russian olive firewood, it will be easier to identify which scenarios and settings the firewood is best suited for. So, are Russian olives worth the trouble? I already have my next tree cut and seasoning . Wood combustion occurs in three consecutive, overlapping stages. This wood is best suited to turned objects, in my experience, as the irregular wood and knots tend to make it hard to work with anything duller than a razor blade.Since I find that irregular woods seem to do well on the lathe, I use it for turnings, as it is very figured and I think it looks quite nice. interesting site. I have burned about every tree that grows in this county (except cottonwood and willow, which is about worthless), and the best, by far, is Osage Orange. I live in eastern us, southern ny area hope this helped you. This phase of the project was executed from 2016-2018. Wood heat seems to be medicinal especially on cold, wintry days. Just cut down a Shingle Oak Tree here in Ohio. Mild food is best as it doesnt overwhelm the subtle smoky taste. 2 look like the olive wood and 2 are green. I try to split off 1-inch wide slivers all the way around the round, light these (gum is easy to get burning), and then place the reduced size log on whole. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. Tip: Olive wood gives off a funky, unpleasant smell if it isnt given enough seasoning. The dense, deeply creviced bark makes a perfect hideout for spiders and insects. Wood is limited to small-scale and hobbyist uses. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). However, Russian olive wood still takes at least 12 months to dry and is difficult to split despite next to no sap production. but apperntly most people never heard of this VERY HARD AND VERY VERY HEAVY WOOD. Nobody seems able to beat 3 second cycle for efficiency for single splitters. The coals cook a mean hot dog after a few brews. The exception . I live in WI. I find black cherry and hickory give the best burning results. Let it cook for about 2 hrs or until the flames from the gases slow down from spewing out the holes in the bucket lid. Audrie The wood you are looking for is Black Locust.It is a little thorny but it grows fast and burns long and hot.I sold fire wood for ten years and burned it fo thirty.Black locust was a favorite of my Amish customers. Some people find this unsettling, while popping embers can burn carpets and rugs. While some types of, Read More 11 Types Of Wood You Shouldnt BurnContinue, The willow tree is found in many parts of the world including Europe, Asia, and North America. The tree is a perennial deciduous that is native to Asia and Europe. It does give off some pretty decent heat. Makes a mean pizza and can sear steak like nobodys business. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. It burned very hot with big blue-yellow flames and gave the best aroma . I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. Russian Olive grows fast and smells good, two ideal characteristics. Its all from WI. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. What Are The Varieties Of Russian Olive Wood? Hickory is still my favorite , but I also have learned to find dead standing mullberry thats near seasoned. It is also excellent firewood for your fireplace or outside firepit. Got some firewood out of because it's the first thing I got rid of at his house when he passed, it but it got mixed in so I have no idea how it burns. Still have some pieces, which are quite dry by now. They have a wierd looking fruit that is bright green and and can be as big as a cantaloupe and just as heavy. Old growth Western Red Cedar,while it makes for the very best kindling,will burn TOO hot and damage a wood stove or insert!!!! Split horribly and had a bad odor and only arround 15.5 BTU/ cord. More time for your wood to dry will decrease the quantity of smoke created when it is burned, allowing the fire to burn cleaner. Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesn't spark and pop. The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . What is Russian olive wood good for? Resinous wood has more BTU per pound because the resins have more BTU per pound than wood fiber has, Live Oak,Chinquapin,and Dogwood are eastern species,not Western.Live Oak is limited to Southeastern States. Anyone who thinks its crappy has either failed to keep it dry, not split it small enough or burned it green. We have burned about 7 1/2 cord and I just ran out. rating for mountain mahogany. 2) I would guess trembling/quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and largetooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) to have similar qualities, but I have never seen largetooth aspen mentioned in any charts. For dirty steak Ive used these same woods plus these additions: choke cherry (prunus virginiana), manzanita, Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia), and white alder (Alnus rhombifolia). All you ever wanted to know about Russian Olive except its BTU's. The data for these charts was compiled from various sources with different firewood types. Allow 18-24 months of seasoning time for olive firewood. In Kansas we used a wood called hedge. Russian olive wood is not known to give off a smell when burning when it is fully dry. The latter is superabundant here, but is the devil itself to split. Love this site! Ive heard that burning a little cedar occasionally will help remove soot from stovepipes and chimneys. When we are burning both stoves say in January, then Im just a wood-slave the whole day long. In this area, several limbs come together into one knotted mess. All firewood has about the same BTU per pound. Wood with lots of air in it has a lower BTU content because there is less cellulose (burnable material). I built a wood topped banjo with it and have loved the wood ever sense but it is a thorn bush and you will loose a lot of blood getting the wood and i lost a pickup tire to the 2inch thorns. With an abundance of Apple orchards in the area, Apple wood is also readily available. Great info! Hot fires and cold beer!!!! #101 Olive wood burl slab Island board charcuterie resin tray 200 yr old Rawcut. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. . Builders planted them everywhere in Maryland, so talk about an abundant supply of firewood. Is Mimosa wood good for burning in a fire pit or Chimenea? True story. Firewood with High or Very high heat output 1 cord = 21,000,000 . It does have thorns and it is easy to work. The cons are , no coal bed in the morning and it burns down a bit faster than the ash but it puts out real good heat. Im here in S.E. Fresh cut it has a sap like a pine in the outer bark but overall it contains a lot of water depending on the time of year it is cut. Ten pieces of green 20 yellow birch or hard maple last for roughly eight hours and throw tons of heat. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. Color/Appearance: Color ranges from a light yellowish-brown to a darker golden brown, sometimes with a greenish hue. The earth is drwoning in CO2 from burning sequestered carbon. Western dogwood grows along the west coast and canyon live oak is common in California and Oregon. Selecting the Right Firewood Firewood heat output is measured in "British Thermal Units" or BTUs. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Hello, I used to have this wood it has an unpleasant smell. The Best Fast-Growing Trees to Use For Firewood, North Forty News: Russian Olives Fall Out of Favor, University of Missouri Extension: Wood Fuel for Heating. The inside resembles red or white oak color & grain. Not a native species, but abundant where it has been planted (I have seen it coast to coast) Any idea the BTU of Tree of Heaven or alianthus (?sp). If you look at a BTU chart, it has either the highest or 2nd highest rating of all wood that grows in the US. Have burned fir and cedar from the property, but so far have stayed away from the pine. The only problem I have now is that Im having trouble finding trees to cut. It burns very hot,and produces nice heat. More time for your wood to dry will decrease the quantity of smoke created when it is burned, allowing the fire to burn cleaner. Its a good starter wood . But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. Cal., I really miss having Live Oak and Eucalypyus to burn. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. No matter what firewood you choose, regular chimney maintenance is a good idea to reduce the chance of unwanted fires. Im in California, about 3800 ft up the west side of the Sierra Navadas. My comment doesnt pertain to btus so much, but would like to say that here in central Ind., I look for elms,not sure if there rock, red or slippery elms.But easy to spot cuz they die avg. If you burn coal, you are leaving a destiny of death and starvation for your descendents and mine! In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesnt spark and pop. My neighbors complemented on the smell of it .Its great cooking wood too . Love hard maples when I can get my hands on them. MSI applied and was awarded a total of $247,000 from the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife for a three-year project to remove the trees from Bakers Bridge to the New Mexico line. Unseasoned wood smells unpleasant as it burns. Campfires need much radiant heat to keep you warm on a chilly night . Just look for a barkless dead tree in a fence row . Every year we have to cut several down. as far as mulberry goes..i live in central nm and at some point in time someone started planting non bearing mulberry trees..the btu output is not even close to what the charts state above..our mulberry trees would be similar to burning elm grows verry fast and requires a lot of water..we dont even use it for cooking wood..of course most native wood in nm is verry hard because it takes hundreds of yrs to growthe growth rings are so small in some cases it takes a microscope to see them..some of the juniper trees we cut for firewood ive been told were around during the time of it naturaly is going to be extremely hard wood..ive been looking for the btu output for algarita..or desert holly..where i cut my firewood its not uncommon to find these trees from 5inches to two feet takes at least a yr to season..ive seen gunstocks and stair rails made from itprety woodanyone know?? Sounds like my neighbor would get along great with yours. The wood is dense, like ironwood, meaning it burns slowly, and you won't have to keep adding more to the fire. George, its a bit cooler up here in the lower Hudson Valley, and weve been burning in the 18th C. Dutch hearth since Hurricane Sandy. I had some mostly seasoned red oak , shagbark hickory , and black locust. Uncured wood is also inefficient as the fire wastes energy, evaporating moisture instead of heating the room. While we have quite a few woods available to us, what weve settled on for the fire place is a 50/50 mix of Oregon Ash and Black Locust. I noticed a lack of information on Hickory. The wood is not easy to turn but looks great if you stick with it. I use Hickory, White or Red Oak,Beech,tulip Poplar,& Sycamore. AND TALK ABOUT FIREWOOD, IT BURNS HOT AND IS FAIRLY LONG LASTING.ABOUT HALF OF MY YEARLY FIREWOOD IS THIS CEDAR.ID CALL THIS TYPE SOMEWHAT OF A HARDWOOD, UNLIKE INCENSE CEDAR. The manzanita and white alder need more research. Mix some ash firewood in with your Russian olive and you will get a good heat source burning quickly. I have 4 of them that I want to cut down. Its the worst wood Ive ever encountered. It might be interesting if someone else also burns that stuff and has a good supply of different types of wood to compare with. It burns so well I mix it with red elm, mulberry, or ash. We have a Jotul wood stove that we cook in. I have been told that gum trees and pine trees will clog up a chimmney We have oaks and madrone as our more common hardwoods. However, Russian olive wood still takes at least 12 months to dry and is difficult to split despite next to no sap production. Chinquapin and Dogwood are common here in Ohio. The National Fire Protection Association suggests that you hire a chimney cleaner to remove creosote build-up at least once a year. Dried as rounds about six months. I use a LOT of hemlock because I have 10 acres of hemlock woods and trees come down in storms and have to be cleaned up. I will say that it leaves very little coals and very little ash. Ive also heard this about black locust, which I also burn. Allergies/Toxicity: Besides the standard health risks associated with any type of wood dust, no further health reactions have been associated with Russian Olive. Many of the local ranchers have pulled the root bases from the banks of irrigation ditches and streams and there is an abundance of dried root balls to chose my wood from! But it does burn off a substantial amount of ash. It is not wood that leaks water as soon as it is split, unlike sycamore wood. Hi! Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. And if its cabinets, Id guess it to be a yellow poplar. This guide looks at how, Read More Is Sourwood Good Firewood? Russian olive trees are very heavy. I dont bother with cottonwood as a fuel source. Russian olive will mostly produce a lot of ash but will burn for a long time regardless. I have put together the best data I could find, but consider the figures to be approximate. It is a hardwood that can produce a lot of heat for a long time. Although it does not grow to be large in diameter, with older varieties of the tree, splitting the trunk part of the tree can be pretty difficult. When you burn the tree, you put the carbon back. As temperatures warm in the Animas River Valley, this tree could become more prolific, and create a monoculture along our rivers and streams. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? I live in East Tennessee which has a great variety of hardwoods. Some fully seasoned apple,beech and american elm and some partially seasoned pecan and bradford pear . The Majestic fireplace has held up quite well, except for the back wall. Leave the stump about 36 high. But the common name aptly applies due to its obvious high density and/or hardnessprobably how it got the common name in the first place. Compiled from various sources. I live californnia. It throws sparks so only should be used in stoves that can be closed. Hi! Ill cut a limb, and if its yellow inside its hedge. Olive wood - what a find, limited quantity! Unless seasoned, firewood tends to produce a lot of smoke. central KS and have been burning Osage Orange for 27 yrs in a Majestic insert fireplace with a blower. I havent been able to compare it to madrone, or the oaks (like Oregon white, black oak, etc.). Maple Burl Block Carving Craft Art Knife Call 10" $9.99 + $10.40 shipping. Go fast on the oak. The wood is dense and difficult to cut, and the bark is very coarse and uneven, making stacking a challenge. Your main consideration is that, to burn clean, any wood. However, keep in mind that ashes should have cooled for several days, and its easiest to do it during winter snows or before a rain. It burns with a big bright flame then turns into a big bed of red hot coals that burn forever . Russian olive trees generally have fairly short trunks and many gnarled branches. The answer for me was a wood splitter, which does a nice job with it and the hardwoods I also use. Russian olive will smoke a substantial amount if not left to dry out for long enough. --. Autumn olive ( Elaeagnus umbellata) is an ornamental shrub first introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? Thanks. So, in 2016 MSI jumped in, wanting to spread the removal efforts beyond property owners whose land was under a conservation easement to all landowners within the valley. The density of Russian olive means that it can burn slower without losing heat. I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. Is Russian Olive Good Firewood? One of the premiere cooking, smoking and pizza oven woods. Thanks. They also began infesting fields, preventing local farmers from growing hay, and decreasing the overall grass quantity. They are the top wood, BTU-wise. Burns hotter than any wood I have ever seen, is becoming rare and may be protected in some areas. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Russian olive tree was introduced to the Animas Valley, north of Durango, for their decorative merits. This can help you decide what the best firewood type is for your needs. Consider using a hydraulic log splitter if youve got a lot of wood to process. Many of its given names are based on the trees olive branch-like aesthetic. A little off topic for this page so you might not get much response here. Your data on them show similar figures, and, I would confirm them to be very heavy, hot burning fuels.
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