revolutionary war lee depreciation list
The Secretary of War submitted the list of pensioners to the Senate in 1820. In the Read, George folder are photostats of letters relating to the Stamp Act crisis, and letters written during Reads service in the Continental Congress referring to Lexington and Concord, and other news of the war. Army specie notes, Anderson MA 29-31, 1782 ((M-Ar)2311X)) to pay these balances, Data from index published as: Massachusetts. Captain Allen McLanes company of dragoons recruited in Delaware, and gained a id for themselves, whether on horseback or as infantry. [Major] Andres Journal . State Agencies Only after 1822 do we find correspondence from individuals other than government officials or loan officers. (Cambridge, Mass. Accounts not paid by Philip Barratt and Isaac Carty, n.d. 4. McGregor, Samuel. Washington, D.C.: National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1942. Lewes meeting, examination of American grievances (transcripts from American Archives), 1774, 6. Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Neill, the regiment served in northern New Jersey and along the Hudson River, serving as a garrison at Dobbs Ferry on the Hudson. according Adam already angel Apostolic apparition appears become Lgion de Lee. It is interesting to note that while the Kent and Sussex County delegations affirm their loyalty to the Crown, the New Castle County delegation does not. David Finney papers, re: Loyalists, 1779, 9. #391: The Declaration of Independence, four 1776 versions, 17. Warrants In 1778, Benjamin Rush wrote Dickinson regarding the political situation in Pennsylvania, much correspondence between Dickinson and colleagues in other states exists from that year as well. Contains a range of material from Dickinsons life, including correspondence, accounts and receipts, business of the Continental Congress and the Delaware State, drafts of the Articles of Confederation, and other materials relating to the American Revolution. Primary sources take the form of original documents, transcripts, and photostats. He began helping train Maryland troops and bought an estate in Virginia. . Pay rolls and regiment returns list the name, rank, and time of service of soldiers and officers. The personal accounts date mostly from the 1800s. Photostat. In June 1776, an attack on Whigs in Kent County was narrowly averted. . 23. Painting by Horace Carpenter, 1917-1919. Buchanan, Roberdeau. A catalogue of the muster rolls, pay rolls, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to the Delaware troops in the Revolutionary War: Collected in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1908, Revolutionary War Records, Miscellaneous, 1765-1787 (3 folders), 1. Thomas Lightfoot and Thomas Cockayne, 1777, 5. Subjects of legislation include money bills, acts pertaining to the militia, punishment of treason, raising troops, punishment for desertion, the export of provisions overseas, pardon for those swearing allegiance to the state, the quartering of soldiers, ratification and amending of the Articles of Confederation, recovery of public debts, prevention of fraud within the quartermaster and commissary departments, suspending the use of Continental bills of credit as legal tender, protection of trade on the Delaware river and bay, and determining depreciation of pay. Minutes and other papers (American Archives transcripts, photostats), 1775-1776, 2. XVII American Revolution Maps (vertical file). Uploaded by . This guide, indicating and describing the scope of the Revolutionary War holdings at the Delaware Public Archives, will assist the researcher in finding both original and secondary source material. . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. Revolutionary War records 93.2.2 surplus Read, William Thompson. Gross Receipts Tax List of invalid pensioners (photostat), 1790-1791, 10. Additionally, to encourage soldiers to reenlist at the end of their initial term of service, Resolves 1779-80, c 371 (Oct. 1, 1779) promised bounties and prompt pay adjustments to those who reenlisted, appointing a committee (thereafter usually called the Committee to Settle with the Army) to revise amounts owed up to Jan. 1, 1780, for those officers and soldiers who were part of the state's quota of the Continental Army. Philadelphia: L. J. Richards & Company, 1888. . #{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 It must not be excepted property. General RodneyJohn Dagworthy correspondence, 1777, 20. Hamilton, Edward P. The Champlain Valley in the American Revolution. The Delaware States Privy Council, created by the 1776 Constitution, worked with the President. 29. 1. Johnson, Amandus. The Americans regrouped and in a series of battles turned the tide against the British. Payment for delivery of provisions, ca. Parliament bill relating to Delaware (transcript), 1775, 3. Jackson, John W. The Pennsylvania Navy: 1775-1781: The Defense of the Delaware. in 1776 and 1777. (Philadelphia: C.F. Officers' advance pay certificates, Anderson MA 18-19, 1779 ((M-Ar)2371X)). General Anthony Wayne letters to Robinson family, 1776-1780, 18. Withholding Tax The pension act of 1832 allowed pensions again based on service and made widows of veterans also eligible to receive pension benefits. 15. Committees to ensure compliance with boycott agreements were also formed. Public Archives Commission of Delaware. nahl protected list 2021; harp funeral notices merthyr tydfil best owb holster for s&w governor revolutionary war lee depreciation list. Revised History of Dorchester County, Maryland. Depreciation certificates were issued to soldiers to be redeemed at a later date, as Continental currency by 1780 was worthless. These records are arranged alphabetically by subject heading and thereunder chronologically. The state governor refused, but the spongy palmetto wood the fort was constructed with absorbed the cannon blows much better than expected. Color and black & white prints. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933. Locations Directory Looking for more living history museums in the region? New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1954. Plan du Camp . Carte de la Baye et Riviere de Delaware . on January 14, 2008, There are no reviews yet. Valley Forge Historical Society. RG 1325.036 Photographs, General CollectionPortraits. San Rafael, Ca. Some FamilySearch centers and affiliate libraries maintain collections of previously loaned microfilms or microfiche. These records include muster rolls of Delaware troops throughout the American Revolution, letters from the Continental Congress to Delaware, and letters to and from Caesar Rodney, John McKinly, and Thomas McKean. R-36: John C. Powell, John Dickinson, Penman of the Revolution (Ph.D. thesis, University of Iowa, 1938). The Loyalists of Revolutionary Delaware. WebResolves 1779-80, c 765 (Jan. 12, 1780) set up depreciation tables indicating, by month in which the payment was made, how much reimbursement was owed, based on the value Contains references to the Revolution, and poetic and prose descriptions of events at Trenton and Princeton in 1776-1777. Orders and warrants for depreciation notes for service in the Continental Army, 1780-17899.1. General John Sullivans Indian Expedition, 1779. (Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1929). Robert Wilcox petition, surgeon of the Second Delaware Regiment of Militia, 1780, 32. . He was relieved of command for one year. Circular letters of Robert Morris, 1781, 27. The Story of Caesar Rodney. Ford, Paul Leicester, ed. St. Michaels, Md. Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware, 1940. Princeton: Princeton University Press for the American Philosophical Society, 1951. Jones, Elias. Once upon a Time in Delaware. Treasury Office. . Regimental ledgers, 1777-1782 (bulk 1777-1779), Muster rolls of the Revolutionary War, 1767-1833 (bulk 1775-1783), Certificate book for Revolutionary War disability pensions, 1786-1792, Registers of certificates given for Revolutionary War service, 1832-1885, Massachusetts General Court Committee to Settle with the Army. Generally, catalog entries are written in the same language as the original record they describe. Verification of pensions for Jacob Caulk, Edward Whaley, Joseph Williams, Benjamin Lane, Charles Hamilton and John Alexander, 1818, 29. Contains photographs taken to document Bicentennial celebration events and photos used in Commission publications. Relations Between the Continental Congress and the Delaware Legislature 1776-1789. Typescript, 1941. This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 23:55. of Militia Against the Delaware State, Memorials and Petitions in the General Assembly, Notes made by Elaezer McComb, Auditor of Accounts, while settling claims with the Commission on the part of the United States, List of . The Legion saw considerable action at the Battle of Guilford Court House, and the retaking of South Carolina. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963. . (Valley Forge Historical Society, 1949). He recovered, and helped take part in the last few battles in the Conquest of Canada. Life and Correspondence of George Read. Since this was a new countrys first war, privateering would have a mixed impact. 1775-1782. Jacob Bennett re: ships captured by the British, 1777, 19. Citizens were required to take an oath of allegiance or declaration of fidelity to the new nation or the Delaware State and abandon all loyalty to the King of Great Britain. Providence: Brown University Press, 1965. Lee's Legion (also known as the 2nd Partisan Corps) was a military unit within the Continental Army during the American Revolution. The Blues saw little action the remainder of 1779 and they wintered at Morristown, New Jersey. RG 1105.001 Proceedings of the Privy Council, 1778-1792. . Special Publication Number 40. (1), The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, and the Townshend Acts in 1770, except for the tax on tea. The Continental Powder Mill on French Creek . A list of the names of pensioners, under the act of 18th of March, 1818, whose names were struck of the list by act of 1st May, 1820, and sequently restored. He was eventually dismissed from the army. Box 2 contains a draft copy of the volumes comprising Francis T. Tiltons Dr. Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. Entries for each account include disbursements for prisoners of war, the commissarys department, transportation, the hospital department, quartermasters department, contingent expenses, forage department, and for arms, ammunition, and ordnance stores. Includes portraits of notable Delawareans from the Revolutionary period. Delawares contributions to American independence did not end with the war. Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. Dover: Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, 1976. . In 1747, his father, a colonel of the 55th foot Regiment, purchased a commission for his son in his own regiment. Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, 1978. Philadelphia: Swedish Colonial Foundation, 1953. He was taken into captivity wearing his dressing gown. Subjects include the Dover Light Infantry, time capsule placed in Willingtown Square, Rodneys Ride, Delaware Trust commissioned paintings, Separation Day celebration, the Old State House, and various local celebrations. This was true in Delaware as well. 4. These files contain the minutes of the Council of Safety from the years 1775-1776. 17. Record of receipts and disbursements made by the State. Royal Raiders: The Tories of the American Revolution. Cooch, Eleanor B. Delaware Signers of the Oath of Allegiance. 4. These include letters concerning Committees of Correspondence, news of the war, the establishment of a hospital in Virginia, the conduct of army physicians, an account of the Delaware Regiments attack on loyalists at Mamaroneck, New York, the use of smallpox vaccine, Tiltons appointment as a hospital physician and surgeon, reports on sick and wounded, and Tiltons resignation from the Delaware Regiment in 1776. Although they did not participate in any battles, members of the Delaware militia unit witnessed the hanging of Major John Andr on 2 October 1780. RG 1111.006 Council of Safety Minutes 1775-1776. R-50: James B. Jackson, A History of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Neills Second Delaware Regiment of Militia in the War of the American Revolution, 1959. Dover: Public Archives Commission of Delaware, 1926. Folder 1 contains company reports, and journal entries from 1775, 1779, and after the Revolution. Battle of Coochs Bridge. Delaware Conservationist XXI (Winter 1977-78): 11-16. Depreciation commodity notes issued, 1780 ((M-Ar)2272X). Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1897. 1775. (ca. These records are photostats and photocopies of documents from the Historical Society of Delaware, the Historical Society of Philadelphia, the New York Public Library, and elsewhere. Peden, Henry C., Jr. . 1. They implemented a number of laws including the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act. A Topical History of Delaware. United States U.S. Military Revolutionary War Pension Records and Bounty Land Warrants ', The first pension law in 1776 granted half-pay for life to soldiers disabled in the service and unable to earn a living. 2. United States. Acts of Congress concerning hospitals are also included (typescript copies). 1. Catharine Meritt, re: William Dowdle, 1837, RG 1800.111 Military Pension Receipt Books, 1817-1829 (1 Box). [Part of the modern counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, and Lancaster in Pennsylvania, New Castle in Delaware, and Cecil in Maryland. General Court. Men enlisting for the duration of the war were guaranteed a pension. Burnham, Smith. (Valley Forge Historical Society, 1941). 16mm motion picture. Confronted by Whig militia on at least three different occasions, the loyalists eventually dispersed. R-26.1R-26.4: John Dickinson material in the R. R. Logan Collection at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Cornelius Paynter(?) Lt. Knight of His Majestys Navy. 4 Perpetual virginity of Mary 5 Other Marian doctrines 5. Treasury Office. Cecil County, Maryland Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Washington, D.C.: United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, 1932. These records may include date and amount of disbursement, name of recipient and pension period, and signature of recipient. Adjusted and allowed claims, 1792-1796, 12. Motor Travel, May 1925, June 1925. General Washington made the exchange for Lee, and because no one knew of his treason, he returned to his former position in the army. Hoist by his own petard: Robespierre was sent to the guillotine in 1794. Box 2 contains correspondence from 1775-1782. Benjamin Gibbs re: army expenses, 1784, 32. Photostat. Webuntitled153-14452-2022-01 untitled The Treasurer issued notes (Massachusetts. Biographical Sketches of the Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. A Pageant of 1776. 1950. For a while, he was very outwardly supportive, helped recruit troops, built defenses, trained his troops. Photostat. Newark: University of Delaware, 1953. 16. In 1774, Rodney, McKean, and Read were selected by the Assembly to represent Delaware at the Continental Congress. R-77: Settlement of Delaware Revolutionary War Claims with the United States, 1776-1787; Account Book of the State Auditor of Delaware, 1784-1800. Correspondence from 1783 can be found in Box 3 of the Dickinson papers. Pabst, Anna C. Smith, comp. Sir Henry Clintons Map of Valley Forge and Vicinity. He arrived in time to take part in theBattle of White Plains. Bellas, Henry Hobart, ed. Transparency 16mm motion picture, VHS. . 1 (1904), FamilySearch Terms of Use (Updated 2021-09-27), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The "U.S. 5. Researchers who wish to perform research on-site may make an appointment by calling (302) 744-5000 or e-mailing More Info. Tax Center Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files" (NARA M804) cover about 80,000 pension and bounty land warrant application files. 8, 1781) directing the pay to soldiers and officers, on behalf of Congress, in three equal payments, with interest, in 1784, 1785 and 1786. Letters To and From Caesar Rodney, 1756-1784. Matters were not helped by inflation. Road from Coochs Bridge to Elk Court House . Photostat. A variety of articles dealing with the American Revolution may be found in publications such as Delaware History as well. 1. James Tilton letters folder contains a typescript copy of a letter from Tilton referring to George Washingtons resignation as commander of the Continental Army. Dover: Public Archives Commission of Delaware, 1932. . Upon his arrival, General Washington announced that he would rename Fort Constitution (the matching Fort opposite Fort Washington) Fort Lee in his honor. The Sovereign States, 1775-1783. Depositions, re: military service, 1785, 37. Soundings . Moore, George H. John Dickinson . Copies of Bounty Land Warrant Applications for Federal military service before 1856 can now be ordered online, as well as through NATF Form 85. A Calendar of English Microfilms Relating to Delaware and Delawareans. Typescript, n.d.. . (Whitford, Pa.: Stephen Moylan Press, 1958). Several newspaper articles dealing with Delawares role in the American Revolution may be found in the American Revolution and Bicentennial folders. Map with population figures for each state, along with numbers of troops serving in 1776, population of cities in 1776, and important battles of the war. Thomas Robinson (American Archives transcript), 1775, 3. internal medicine tullahoma, tn. 1-17: Alphabetical by name by part in each vol, Alphabetical by name citing data and vol./page reference, as part of index to: Muster rolls of the Revolutionary War ((M-Ar)57X), Index in 2 v., (listed in 1885 report (p. 33) on secretary's records made pursuant to Resolves 1884, c 60 (see: Passed acts ((M-Ar)229), 1885, c 337)). Boatner, Mark Mayo. [1] It included elements of both cavalry and foot, and typically was uniformed with short green woolen jackets and white linen or doeskin pants, somewhat mimicking the British Legion in appearance. 1. 5. 12. The 1835 Pension Roll (covers 27 states and one district) is available online. Commission issued by the Vice Admiralty Court, Bermuda, against French shipping, to Robert Burton, 1782. Gilpin, Thomas, ed. 11. RG 9200R08.000 Caesar Rodney Papers, 1773-1782 (1 box). FamilySearch makes every effort to enable access dependent on decisions of record custodians and applicable laws. (Dover: Public Archives Commission of Delaware, 1932). These records contain a variety of primary and secondary material. A Rising People: The Founding of the United States, 1765-1789. Caesar Rodney, George Read, and Thomas McKean: The Delaware Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Typescript, 1970. Bushman, Claudia L., Herbert B. Hancock, and Elizabeth Moyne Homsey, eds. The Hannah was one of the first successful vessels. 6. Folder 2 contains pay rolls and muster rolls from 1777-1780, and January 1781, another musical notation, a furlough from 1779, and regiment returns from August and November 1781. Delaware Memorial at Valley Forge. Thanks to all who attended our Revolutionary War program this past Wednesday. on Taking up Arms in 1775. These records have been published in two volumes edited by Claudia Bushman, Harold B. Hancock, and Elizabeth Moyne Homsey (see bibliography section). Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. The summons was This record series contains various types of Revolutionary War records, including companies muster rolls, accounts, lists of pensioners, depreciation records, correspondence, pay rolls, returns, indictments for treason, and petitions. In 1777 the British shifted their attention to Philadelphia. Muster rolls may contain such information as a soldiers name, rank, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, enlistment date and location, muster-in date and location, mustering officer, term of enlistment, pay dates and amounts, and transfer and promotion data. Recommendation for William Millan (photostat), 1776, 7. From the autumn of 1777 through June 1778, the British purchased supplies in New Castle and Port Penn. Conrad, Robert T., ed. More commonly known as a day book, the waste book contains initial recordings of daily receipts and disbursements. He ordered a retreat instead of attacking the retreating British after only one volley, creating chaos. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1976. . 6. John Booker, Virginia troops (Buckner Regiment), 1776, 10. The first volume of this work, in four bound typescript folios, covers the Revolutionary period and Tiltons role in the war, with reference to many original documents.
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