otranto passenger list

otranto passenger list

His mother, Mrs. Lue Radabaugh, R. F. D. 4, Marietta, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. One man survived by grabbing a large tub of lard that was floating by him. For example, if there are no sailings from Ramsgate in Kent, there is no point in a researcher typing Ramsgate in a search field. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Fort Thomas, Kentucky on 23 July 1918 at the age of 18 years old. It is considered the first Gothic novel in the English language, and it is often said to have founded the horror story as a legitimate literary form. Pearl Horn told his son that they had to re-train on the Big French guns (his description) before going to the front. Her tonnages were 20,032gross register tons(GRT), 12,031net register tons(NRT) and 12,228 tons under deck. There was a great inrush of water, which of course would soon send her to the bottom. However, in a few minutes we got orders to go up on C deck with life preservers, which we did in a calm manner. Customs Passenger Lists between 1820 and 1891 asked for each immigrant's name, their age, their sex, their occupation, and their country of origin, but not the city or town of origin. If you are unsure how a name was spelt, or cannot find it with the usual spelling, try using the wildcard facility. Smith was assigned to Co. G, 1st Infantry, Ohio National Guard (Co. G 148 Infantry). Pvt. S.S. Graf Waldersee arrived at the port of Philadelphia from Hamburg on 1 September 1913 - page 17 has been transcribed: page 17. Hirt was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. If you provide contact details, we will be in touch about your request within 10 working days. The Titanic is an exception, with the ill- fated 1912 vessel and its 1894-1900 namesake listed separately. Wayne remembers that when he was a young boy his grandfather told him how he lost friends who got cut in half by jumping to the decks of the HMS Mounsey as the sea was rolling, washing back seaman that had just jumped off the deck of the Otranto. Free immigration to Tasmania 1803-1946. A man from my hometown saw me when I was eleven while I was unveiling the monument to the service men and he told me that he was on the same ship and saw my dad try to jump from the Otranto to the Mounsey which had pulled alongside and he fell in between. GGA Image ID # 12e0a9f329. He was drowned during the sinking. Six double-ended and two single-ended boilers supplied steam at 215 lbf/in2 to the turbines. Otranto then resumed her pre-war role as a passenger liner, now refitted to carry 1,412 tourist-class passengers. Kish was assigned to the 72nd Company, Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. Baltimore 1868, 2321 tons, 285ft x 39ft. My hopes and prayers are that he may yet survive. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. River ports on such navigable rivers as the Amazon and the Yukon mean that, for example, inland locations such as Manaus (Brazil) and Dawson City (Canada) are included. List of passengers, including Dutch immigrants, arriving in Australia on the SS Prinz Waldemar., 1909-10-23 - 1909-10-23 L. Baldry. Variations of spelling have been standardised as far as possible to avoid confusion and to ease searching. Rafts and crushed lifeboats were used between the two ships so she would not be hit so hard. partial passenger list. We were told that our ship had been rammed by another large ship, which was carrying troops also, the name of this ship was ____________ (erased by censor). Discover more about Washington, Seattle Passenger Lists, 1890-1957. This matching process enables a researcher to search by country when they do not know to which port within the country their passenger sailed. "SS Lucania" - partial passenger list for voyage from Ireland to New York in 1898 "Germanic" - partial passenger list for voyage from Queenstown, Ireland to New York in 1903. He was a member of the Elks F.O.E, and the Travelerers Protective Association. We left Camp Merritt, N.J., on the 24th of September and went to New York; there we boarded the transport that was to take us over there. As we left our dear old country and bid adieu to the Statue of Liberty in a mist of rain, so our view of land was hidden. The Australian National Maritime Museum began collecting maritime artefacts long before it opened its doors in 1991. The sea then began to get restless. Passenger List (Empress of Britain - From Liverpool Friday, August 30th, 1957 To Quebec and Montreal), includes sailings July 1957-March 1958: 1957: Sailings of Empress of Britain, Empress of England, Empress of France and Empress of Scotland: S: Sailings to and from Europe - Saint John Season 1957-1958, November 1957-April 1958: 1957 406. Thomas and Margaret Goodwin had a son named Charles Goodwin who served in the Scottish Rifles and was killed in action during WWI just two years earlier at the Battle of the Somme when only 19-years of age and he is buried at Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval, France. example: 1851 passenger list (scroll down) l847 Canadian list. The ABA was a 7,937 gross ton passenger ship, 450ft x 55.8ft, twin screw motor ship, speed 14 knots, accommodation for 225-1st, 70-2nd and 70-3rd class passengers. For example, you may know that your passenger sailed to Chile without knowing whether he or she disembarked at, say, Antofagasta, Iquique or Valparaiso. The Orient Line, along with the Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, were the two British based shipping lines that pioneered and dominated the passage of migrants by sea to Australia and other colonial outposts in the Orient, such as India, Malaysia and Hong Kong since the 1850s. Phone: (902)-569-2333 and (902)-894-9885 The following 4 vessels, the Alexander, Jane, Lucy, and British Queen were all associated with the migration of Scots Catholics from Clanranald's Estates! Rhein 1868, 2901 tons, 332ft x 40ft. View all Works. However, in 1933, she was given a comprehensive refit to become a One Class Liner, accommodating just 770 Tourist Class passengers and she was listed as being 14,983 GRT. Year Title Description Download ; 1926 : Hatarana : 232/1926 - Hatarana : PDF: 1926 : Mongolia Vessel. However, in some cases there are cards without corresponding lists, as well as lists without cards. Old Calabar and New Calabar are different places within Nigeria but have been merged within the dropdown list of Nigerian ports, as many entries in the passenger lists simply state Calabar. LOC 2018696845. It is not known what the reason for his death was. Assisted immigrant ships 1832-1889. printable version. 1938 The Australia service extended to New Zealand. The Alfred brings no mail. HMS Otranto men listed on the Toddington St. George Roll of Honour, Bedfordshire, England: Benjamin Lewitt, Otranto Ship's Surgeon, killed during the sinking. This photo is previous to his service on the Otranto and is of a group of sailors from the HMS Pembroke. Looking for . I remember November 11, 1918 very well. In February 1957 she made her final voyage, from the UK to Sydney, Australia via Cape Town, South Africa. For these two reasons, we use a default +/- 2 years when you search by year of birth. He joined the Army on a whim to help his family out of poverty. Pvt. Edward's body was later washed ashore in Scotland. However, if you know that a particular passenger left from a particular port, or are only interested in passengers sailing from a particular port, you can select (for instance) Southampton from the list. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 24 July 1918 at the age of 20 1/2 years old. Applications for any other use should be made to. Replacement Unit #1, was being transported aboard the Otranto. Pvt. You can see the artist even painted in the men jumping from one ship to the other, just an unbelievable event.. She had a displacement of 12,124 gross tons and 535.3 x 64.0 x 38.6ft . These lists recorded details on all persons arriving at U.S. ports on ATS ships. 1891-1954 immigration passenger lists: Help us improve catalogue descriptions by adding tags. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 with Casual Company No. He helps Isabella escape from the castle during Manfred's suspenseful pursuit, while also attracting the . To our great joy a British destroyer greeted our eyes, for here lay our only hopes. The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. I waited until she came alongside for the last time. Able Body Seaman, Francis Edwin Turner, Royal Navy, Service No. Hong Kong is included under China. Presumably Pvt. Also capacity for 1,200 Mecca pilgrims on deck Launched Jan.1903 by D & W. Henderson, Glasgow for the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Liverpool, an Alfred Holt ( Blue Funnel Line) subsidiary. A bibliography of ship passenger lists, 1538-1825; being a guide to published lists of early immigrants to North America. At the time of writing, these include Jones River, Plantation and Stoopville. [7], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RMS_Otranto_(1925)&oldid=1124982995, This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 15:49. The waves were so high and the destroyer so heavily loaded until she turned almost over. The wave seemed like huge mountains. Biographies of many transatlantic sea captains and commanders from the 1880s through the early 1900s. The accident happened not far from the same place where the Lusitania was sunk near Ireland. Original lists (1883-1891) also survived. There were 66 people hospitalised, six of whom were in intensive care, a . The sea was mountainous and the hurricane bit in, and he can remember his grandfather saying: "I will never forget it." And many of these men were from the State of Georgia. The arrival of an ancestor in Australia is a key moment in a family's history. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. Passengers For New England, 1638, pg 108. First Settlers of New Hampshire. Pvt. Have you found an error with this catalogue description? In the Second World War the second Otranto was converted into a troop ship and a Landing ship, infantry. Date of Departure: 30 June 1903. 1 from Fort Screven Georgia, and sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918. Passenger lists of assisted arrivals may include: name, age, occupation, place of birth, (image) Soon the word was passed the another ship the Kashmir, had broke her rudder and her Captain was unable to control her hitting the Otranto amidships and bow on port side. S.A.R., [September Automatic Replacement] C.A.C., John Elder. Passenger List is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. FOR SALE! Some are decorative and beautiful historical documents, others are more functional in their appearance. My injury isnt very much only a bruised thigh. Twentieth century lists include even more details and can give the town or county of origin, as well as the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and . Passengers For New England, pg 407. You could see the waves break upon them. Pvt. Find out where they were going and where they were coming from, where they called home as well as their age, occupation and whether they were married or single. This page is owned by Joe Hartwell 2003-2019 Orient Steam Navigation Co./Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Outward sailings January-April 1882 (issued January 18, 1882) Vessel (s) Ports of call. Passenger lists are indexed for the years 1845 - 1886 . This list is only for people who came to Tasmania and Norfolk Island on convict transport ships, and were not convicts, e.g. From the Obituary section of The Allentown Morning Call, in Allentown, Pennsylvania: Private John C. Geiger, up to the time of enlistment last August, employed by the Lehigh Portland Cement Company as their travelling freightagent, perished on the transport Otranto when in a collision off the Irish Coast she was beached and battered to pieces causing a loss of over 200 soldiers, Private Geiger was 33 years of age, and was known by all as a good fellow, genial, always wearing a smile and ready to do a good turn for anyone. The photo on the right shows five HMS Otranto crewmen. If a port is not in the drop-down list, this means that (to the best of our knowledge) there are no sailings from it. Just then a great wave rushed over the top and I was completely under water that was icy cold. example: 1847 passenger list . You need to sign in to tag. Passenger List Page - Irish Genealogical Society - MN. This information on Cpl. The mass emigration from Norway started about 1865-66, after the Civil War was over. He is survived by his parents and one brother, Cornelius of 132 South Hall street. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of New York from 1851-1891 and 1935-1938. National Work Council. His shoulder always caused him great pain and finally, he retired from his business in 1946, turning it over to my older brother Robert Morris Perrin, when he returned from WW II. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft, Company No. Pvt. She had twin propellers driven through reduction gears by six steam turbines that between them developed 3,722 NHP. The three parts of a list may be on a single page or spread over two or more pages. She was 632.0 feet (192.6m) long between perpendiculars, had a beam of 75.2 feet (22.9m) and a draught of 37feet 6inches (11.43m). Dull was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. All British ports found so far within the BT27 passenger lists are given in an alphabetical A-Z drop-down list. J. C. Geiger, 3372653, 6 October, 1918", Victor Don Perrin shared his fathers story of the account of the HMS Otranto collision in WW I. Victor Don Perrin writes about his father, My father, a 22 year old doughboy, survived that collision. If you do open up a destination port drop-down list, you will see an A-Z alphabetical list of available ports. 61541: Wayne. Able Seaman Ludlow was in the British Royal Navy and was a crewman on the Otranto. The passenger train was carrying 342 travellers and 10 crew, with two crew on the cargo train, Hellenic Train data showed. Laid down in 1916 by Barclay, Curle & Co., Glasgow for the Imperial Russian Government, work was suspended when the October Revolution occurred and she was taken over by the Shipping . Let us know. Where an age is given for a passenger in the original list, we have calculated the approximate year of birth using the simple subtraction of the age from the year of voyage. "MED" or medical reasons. New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973. Passenger lists dating between: 1845-1886 record emigrants selected by the Colonization Commissioners London, whose passage were paid for out of the Emigration Fund. September 25th saw the Otranto leaving America with a full load of troops on which, would be her last trip across the Atlantic. 1, from Ft. Screvens, Georgia. Below is an article written in the Monroe Journal October 29, 1918: [1] The 1900 Union County, NC census (Vance Township, stamped page 278) indicates the month and year of his birth as November 1898 whereas the death notice puts his birth year as about 1894. However, where this is unclear or not stated, the destination of the ship is given for the passenger instead. His father, Alfred K. Newsome, R. F. D. 5, London, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. The actor Buster Keaton sailed to Europe on the Otranto in August of 1918 with units of the 40th Division. 1954 Nov 12. They may have arrived as a fare-paying passenger, as an 'assisted' migrant, a member of a ship's crew, in military or naval service, or as a convict. It is now Sunday afternoon and I shall write you an account of myself. He was not married, and had no children. Our ship, a British transport, the Otranto, was a large well-armed vessel. Pearl B. Horn enlisted into the United States Army on May 4, 1917 at Jefferson Barracks, MO, did his basic training at Camp Hancock, Georgia, and then he went to Fort Dade, Florida for artillery duty. Later in life Pearl B. Horn did not talk much about the war in an detail, but one day many years ago, he told his son, Paul Horn, a few things about that time and his limited experience in the last battle of WWI, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Pvt. For instance, a person living in Scotland is more likely to have sailed from Glasgow or one of the other Scottish ports. Mother, it is with a sad heart that I write of Clyde, but we have hopes yet. This is an incomplete list of American and British men who were killed during the sinking: Pvt. Finally, the islands of the Caribbean have been grouped together under a single West Indies heading, with the exception of the large islands of Cuba, Haiti/Dominican Republic and Jamaica, which have their own entries. I know he was stationed at Savannah Georgia and a friend who had seen a picture of him in his uniform said that it was Coast Artillery. Hudson was from Jakin, Georgia and was assigned to the September Automatic Replacement Draft from Ft. Screven. There is a memorial tombstone for him erected in the Cooks Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Rockingham County, Virginia that says: "Lost at sea on the Otranto off the coast of Scotland". He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 17 October 1918 at the age of 18 years 6 months old. Of course, our first thought was a torpedo, but were told that it was nothing serious. Dull was born in Wood County, Ohio about 1899 and at the time of enlistment he lived in Arcanum, Ohio. Cpl. These are digitised records from two. In a letter to his mother, he tells in an interesting manner the story of the accident. Once on deck the men were faced with very strong winds. These are contained within The National Archives' BT26 record series. Westfal Larsen. The ship Champion of the Seas has again made a highly successful voyage to this port [of Melbourne] bringing about 400 passengers - 277 of whom are passage-warrant holders. We do not want for anything. The Ship Hope, 1733 List A - The Captain's list List B - The signers of the Oath of Alligiance List C - The signers of the Oath of Abjuration. Journey to Australia: Tall Trees Family History DEPARTURES: 1822-1869 London, England Liverpool, England Dear Mother, the saddest thing that I have to write is that I havent heard a word of brother Clyde, but I am living in hopes that he was among the number saved. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Several ship-owners saw the opportunity to earn good money by transporting emigrants to America. Present at the North African, Sicilian & Italian landings. There is then the body of the list, giving details of the passengers travelling on board. After the War my hometown erected a monument to honor the men who had died in service from my town. As well as giving you additional information, sea departure cards give you a chance to view a person's signature. According to Private Pearl B. Horns discharge paper, he was in Battery D of the 57th Artillery Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps. If you have research comments or additional information on this page E-mail them to: Joe Hartwell, [Return back to the Ships histories page] [ Return back to the Site Map ] [ Return to the Coast Artillery Corps page ], Pvt. Was assigned to Machine Gun Company K, 1st Kansas Infantry (Co. K 137th Infantry). When I was a child we had a book about the first world war and the last page was about the Troopship Otranto which had been sunk. So, if you are initially unsuccessful with a search try again periodically. In addition, crew on passenger lists are not normally shown, although the captain or master is usually named on the header pages and some pre-printed and other lists do give details of senior staff. Starring Kelly Marie Tran, Colin Morgan, Rob Benedict and Patti LuPone. He was drowned during the sinking. However, two points need to be noted. Pvt. He tried to time his jump to the destroyer so he would land on the destroyer as it was at its wave peak or at least just starting back down. Give my love to dear Mary and tell her there are hopes yet. Notes. SBS TV | SBS Radio | SBS On Demand, news, sport, food, movies He was the son of Harrison C. Carpenter and Laura S. Grover, I (Debbie Baker) am descended from his sister, Mary Elizabeth Carpenter. For example, if you search for William Lancaster and you type in William Lan*, your search will return a list of results that include names such as William Lane or William Landau - as well as William Lancaster. Geiger is buried in Kilchoman, Ireland as there is a cross in a cemetery there marked as: America Pvt. Pvt. Able Seaman Fuller, J.69782 was a member of the crew of the HMS Otranto and was killed during the sinking on October 6, 1918. After being in the water for about 2 hours he finally made it to shore looking like a giant grease ball. He could never finish telling the events of the sinking, as he would be come very upset. 1817-1829 : Indexes of Tasmanian Convicts (Tasmania GenWeb) - inculdes several passenger lists 1817-1829. Some shipping lines produced passenger lists in duplicate or even triplicate for the Board of Trade. For November and December 1960 only, sea departure cards are available to view, as well as the regular passenger lists, in some cases. Not long after breakfast, about 9:30 oclock, we felt a great jar. Passenger lists are not always clear or precise as to their exact routes and any ports of call on their way to their final destination. At this time the mortally wounded Otranto was grounded on some rocks and was tearing herself apart and soon tore into two parts. However, they will not have sailed from, say, Glasgow if their destination overseas is not served by a shipping line operating out of that port, or if sailings there do run but are not departing at the date at which they need to travel. Thomas Goodwin was born and raised in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Horn would have joined the 57th Artillery as a replacement late in the war. His body was recovered and later returned to Farmington, Illinois for burial. Lauch was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. Researchers should note that there is no strict geographical relation between, for example, a passenger's last address within the British Isles and the port from which they embarked overseas. Pvt. The inclusion of Dutch, German, Swedish, Portuguese and other foreign ships means that some ships will have names that may initially look like mis- transcriptions. If you select this option, you will be returned only entries where New Zealand (rather than a more specific port) has been given on the passenger list. see: Immigration and Ships Passenger List Research Guide Section 4: Research in the Years 1820-1892; Information on the lists:name of ship, name of master, port of embarkation, age, sex, occupation and nationality. Born in Union County, North Carolina he was the son of Reese & Tabitha/Tobitha (Helms) Haywood. His father, John Lauch, 248 West Forrer St., Lockland, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. Hirt's Greenhouse and Flowers. Who First name (s) Name variants Last name Name variants Newsome was born in Belvidere, North Carolina about 1897 and at the time of enlistment he lived at R. F. D. 5, London, Ohio. They would carry passengers to America, and take cargo back for Europe. Synopsis Forces. They then boarded a train in Wilkes Barre and rode into Baltimore, Maryland. The destroyer Mounsey pulled alongside to rescue the men and Cpl. Write to me soon and tell others to write to me. The National Archives holds detailed passenger records for arrivals and departures at all Australian ports from 1924. The first was a 1909 passenger liner that in 1914 became the armed merchant cruiser HMSOtranto and in 1918 was lost as a result of a collision. Ascension is included under St Helena. Commander: Captain O. Cppers. Pvt. This will allow you to view all of the voyages that a ship undertook from the UK, between 1890 and 1960. Otranto accidentally collided with the Japanese steamer Kitano Maru[4] in August 1928, heavily damaging her. The "RMS" prefix stands for Royal Mail Ship, as she carried overseas mail under a contract between Orient Line and Royal Mail. He was selected for the September Automatic Draft from Ft. Screven troops, for duty in France. It was the lookouts from the Otranto that first spotted the German fleet. 1888-1940 are the official passenger lists for people arriving in Port Adelaide from overseas. I cannot learn anything about him here, and I cannot get out of the hospital yet to search for him. She was subsequently reconverted back into a troop transport and served as such until released from government service in 1948. Only known photo of Able Seaman Thomas Goodwin, shown 2nd from left in the front row. The wildcard is denoted by a * and can be used in both the first name and the last name search fields. Many passengers are described as going on a round trip or a tourist cruise, and these are all grouped together under the single header Round Voyage. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. 1942 Nov.: Fitted out as an assault ship. This story of Pvt. We had been on the destroyer since 10 oclock that morning. We have been treated well since we landed here. His service number was 213177 and died while serving on the ship on 26 March 1918. He was survived by his wife Elizabeth (Pauling) of 248 St. Leonards Road, Poplar E. Date this page was last updated March 2, 2019 Enter the tag you would like to associate with this record and click 'Add tag'. Westward bound ships when crossing the line skip a day, and .

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otranto passenger list