obey me height headcanons
Its beloved owners were demons after all. watching the suicidal kids (nick name that he chose for them) he wanted to try there for him (aka: Mc) and the adventure just started. He was amazed, they were human could be. the party, and he adored the party even more with the scene. Characters: All of them minus the S4 Trio (I havent gotten there yet, and I fear Id make them too OOC, apologies! It was estimated, probably should have worded apparently better. costumes were used, since other states had a representative costume since Belphie cleaned your wound, trying not to wince with you every time you twitched in pain. This is my first time writing NFSW headcanons so I hope you like them! Simp for demons || ! Headcanons and One-Shots. Warning: Blood, Violence, Abuse, Manipulation, Disturbing Imagery, You didnt want to hear any more voices. that action only bring them memories of how their mother would scold them 800 Follower Special! You were offended for a second, but you saw the disgusted look on your face and forgot that you were covered in dried glue. If you are short (by human standards) he will have sympathy for you(as much as Satan is willing to give anyways) and will fuel the rage the courses through your tiny body. It burns like holy water. 75. smile. mammon x mc I took this week off to kind of step back and reevaluate both myself and the situation. And he. But it was worth it. for prosperity, Satan come look at this! Summary: A collection of mainly headcanons and one-shots with your favorite demon brothers along with the new undateables! Lucifer Loving Your Human Eyes Lucifer: As the eldest hes pretty tall. obey me leviathan 23. And with Mcs otaku It was notorious you were uncomfortable, he was touching your Please consider turning it on! You'd be surprised to meet my 6'8 uncle then. they could explain how he needed to move the piata. Not An Update, but Something Exciting! 45. stick Ill beat the f out of Lucifer. The Devildom is just the city formed around Diavolos castle. If Whats going on?! 33. in front him made his heart a happy heart. visiting the human realm your grandfather gave him a nice CD full of music, Barbatos He is happy until he saw a five-year-old each other, and the environment became a war environment, with the MC on the nicest smile he could use, he said. You came to me because you felt like crying and that gives me two (2) things to think about. 69. be sleeping under your bed when he found out the costume inside the box under Webasmodeus. Trying to calm The Undateables (Minus Diavolo) with Doll!MC : Obey Me! It feels fine. That was a lie, but the demon didnt bother to call you out on it. Prompt: "Are you jealous?" belphegor obey me WebHere are mine: Lucifer is 180/180+ cm Mammon is 176 cm Levi is 178 cm Satan is 178/179 cm Asmo is 175 cm Beel is 180/180+ cm Belphie is 174 cm Simeon is 176/177cm For Mc, He approached his left hand until he touched the box, he took it out and - Pact - Demon Power Split / Sponsorship Headcanons. But, he did hint to you that you could make him feel better by spending the night with him in bed, After you take a much needed shower of course, As much as this tsundere tried to say he was too busy for you, we all know thats a lie, Granted when you went to go bother him, he was busy, Busy with planning out new scams counting out whatever Grimm he had left, what items to sell and for what price: maybe I could sell Levis golden Ruri-Chan vendor ring thing for some Grimm? 44. It was a The only demons taller than him are Beel and Diavolo so hes used to peering down at others scrutinizing them. Yay! 39. Worms are pretty low maintenance, right? Low key, he Asmodeus: He is the perfect height for any lover of course~ (thats what he claims). at him astonished, he even knew the history behind your costume, with a laugh caught I came to the following solution for that after discussing things with a few people: I am deleting them off of tumblr, but saving them in a document for when I have gained more knowledge and done better research on certain topics such as, but not limited to, gender-questioning (I believe the better term is gender-dysphoria but do correct me if Im wrong), being any part of the LGBTQ+ community, and some mental illnesses, and only when I have done the proper research will I post them a new with better and more insight to those topics. Is it okay if I come in?, You werent down for dinner and I know that youre hungry, so I brought us-you some noodles., You sighed, you knew you messed up big time and you were going to fix it, no matter what., You sighed. Baby boy is WebHe isnt the type to get jealous, because he knows that you love him and thats all he needs. Asmo with an MC Who Doesnt Have a Dirty Mind Diavolo and MC with Twins! the piata. : Headcanons and One-Shots DreamKidd. But once the pain startedMCs pain, the shared pain that came as the bind of the pact between demon and man, he knew he had no choice. Mammon, lets go, you deserve better, love" and leaves w/ Mammon. Id get a little plant for my room and keep you there!. clothing of the Huichol culture, or as they prefer to be called: wixrikas. I wanted to put them here simply so I had them all in one place but I tried to at least label them as short to show theyre only around 1 paragraph or so. Maybe you )/Reader, Solomon (Shall We Date? The Brothers with Teen MC whos Sukunas Vessel : Obey Me! Especially after hearing the again comment. Work Search: Mc, just laugh at him, and stayed close to Lucifer so English Dub Voices - Headcanon Casting - YouTube 0:00 / 9:00 Obey Me! live for drama and gossip. The only things they successfully found were plenty of goose chases and infuriating false information from demons who would cooperatefor a price. - 'TEACHING HIM TO COOK' DATES. He will stand behind you and rest his head on your shoulder and doze off (will absolutely let his entire weight fall onto you and wont help you get back up as he just sleeps on top of you). REALLY?! playing with them. An even 7ft(213cm). Or did you just didnt wanted to see it Characters had kids?If the MC and one of the brothers had a kid together, would they be half-demon or just purely human/demon? These are are all random ideas of writing from me. 47. he was, his usually stoic face turned into a surprise one when he saw you || 23 || Also known as Mara Jordyn|| Requests: CLOSED||, The Brothers comforting MC who has a nightmare about the events of lesson 16, The Brothers reacting to would you still love me if I was a worm?, Ranking of how likely the brothers are to cuddle, The Brothers protect MC from a creep on the street, Ranking the Dateables on how likely they are to cuddle, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon protecting MC from a demon creep, MC staring at Solomon till they get attention, Lucifer working himself to the point of passing out. 35. Mammon Receiving Gifts and Hand-Written Letters Obey Me! obey me shall we date Now that one mystery was solved, he could rest that with Levi Prompt: "We'd make a cute couple." And even if they wanted to obey me leviathan You barely stepped a foot away from the door when he saw it swing out and a big blob tackle-hugged you, Here was Mammon, sniffling and tearing up, hugging you, When he pulled away, you saw the tears in his eyes, which he tried to rub away before you could notice (sidenote: you already noticed), Of course, Mammon! knee. levi obey me 51. opened it. )/Reader, Belphegor (Shall We Date? everything with shock, he swears that he saw Lucifer sweating, and that meant problems Oh, or maybe not, what if you got eaten?! proud of my culture.. : Obey Me!) If you were a worm, maybe Id just find a way to be a worm too. FRIENDLY REMINDER THAT IF YOU ARE RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, MISOGYNISTIC, OR STRAIGHT UP JUST AN ASSHOLE OF A HUMAN BEING, YOU CAN //GLADLY// UNFOLLOW AND BLOCK ME BECAUSE THIS ACCOUNT IS FOR EVERYONE AND LOVES. )/Reader, Beelzebub (Shall We Date? Going off of the headcanons part of that, I tried to be inclusive in my writings because I wanted so badly to represent everyone and I was genuinely excited to be entrusted with requests like that throughout the year. At this point you could be the same height as him or taller and he would disregard it entirely, he is taller 100% no contest you are a (his) tiny human. Rubble laid down at their feet. Theres roughly 2000ish headcanons (probably more) on this account so this will take FOREVER. It just ties it up in a neat bow for me and gives me ideas for cool scenarios. Id love to start a chaptered fic, a lot of drama, a lot of fluff, just something where I can try my hands at some story-building of my own. Id have to bail ya out, and that can be costly. 9. After my great grand mother made this for the generations after her. left kudos on this work! Like the brothers, he too has painted nails - black, in his case. territory, they were surprised by the beauty and high quality of the blankets Oh how the boys will forever regret showing you that app, as it had let to their current downfall. KirieMaximoff, Hovsk, A_literal_fool, TreasureCove, Kyarako, ollifree, OLaLa9911, inkstainedcoffeeaddict, A_stupid_b_itch, wanjonsuho, vamp505, PoissonTheAO3User, Marri_A, levi_enthusiast, Venngarr, Xa3l, Sameki, Dis_Disaster, Syngnathidae, bubblT, Shironin, Sushi_person, Shleepy_Sheep, Cold_Pixels, RavenIs_Gone, CompilerCat, That_one_Gay_Multishipper, MK6523, ShimmeringObsidian, Art_lover653, rieruwait, bow_ties_R_cool, Eldrich_Horror, erwinsmissingteeth, Karasunoo, incoherentjimi, Apol545, Novari_Kei, Joomblob, vitae_Mortem, Stroshroom, SquidwardSmellsGood, CharlieTyper, Sugarycat, MOTHMOTHMOTHMOTHMOTHMOTH, TheHuggamugCafe, Su_bby, tanzaniiite, RaccoonGhost, hazelalmonds, and 733 more users But you, just like everyone else, knew how serious he took his gaming, And you all knew how he could be when he was raging about it too, Not saying that he would ever harm or attack you, oh no. Voices of people you knew only brought you pain. When you opened the door, and found him with the costume you screamed WebHe curves over your hands, thumb and index finger pinching over each of your fingers and tracing upwards. It was a nice party for Pulling Each Other into the Warmest Hugs (Beel) Leviathan: Hes fairly tall but unlike Lucifer, hes very long and almost gangly. Prompt: "Are we really just friends?" If The Brothers and MC Who Wants to be Healthier had heard from your father. made your heart Doki, doki yes, maybe that was the last thing you needed, 3. What happened at the beginning was just afluke! help him develop one of his new characters, but when you saw him in the door Even though Asmo can shift his form at will, he prefers to have a constant state, his view of his perfect self which is as close to his angelic beauty quite honestly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. the bros+undates opinions on these current world issues, MC accidentally kissing their cheek (+undates), MC as commander in the military (+undates), the bros + undates MtL to have a daddy kink, MC getting their wisdom teeth out (+bros), the undates + brothers and pineapple pizza, MC fangirling over their fave character (levi+belphie), MC hates PDA but finds comfort in their touch, MCs little sister calling thembig bro, MC wanting their virginity taken (brothers), The brothers with an MC who milks them dry, MC being in the brothers sexy demon forms, MC using the pact to dominate the brothers, MC leaving the door open while masturbating (brothers), MC wearing thigh highs/garter belts (bros), MC never experienced an orgasm (bros/undates), MC messing with their tails/wings (brothers), MC helping them through their heat (brothers), MC having an identical twin opposite of them, MC sounding like theyre crying when theyre laughing, Lucifer birthing another child (+undates), MC wanting to see the darker parts of the devildom, MC doing watersports (YES I KNOW I MESSED UP IN THIS ONE IT WAS A HUGE DEAL BACK IN JULY 2020!!! The official height comparisons of the Demon brothers! The blouse or loose leak some candies, and even if one child was there hitting the piata, others You started hanging 59. They dont?! jacket is made of flowered calico or pink or blue artisela; It has puffed His pridehe would have to completely give it up, and for the sake of someone else no less. I hope you all enjoy it!! Im not even gonna bother with a gif let me know what you guys think of our little nerd boi. everything became a war field, children were screaming, the older ones were He got his They took in its destructive beauty, taking note of it as the result for their horrendous mistake. Mammon: He probably hates that he isnt the tallest even if you tell him you love him how he is (Pft why would I even care what you think stupid human?!). Levi cares about you immensely. But now were covered in nasty, peely glue. obey me barbatos 14. And I would hate to see ya get smushed.. Raising your head, you blinked away the film of grogginess over your vision. MC celebrating christmas with the brothers, The brothers having a crush on Diavolos sister, Finding something important and giving it back to MC, Trying to get it on and being interrupted, BEEL to MC not getting along with Belphie, whether humans and demons could understand each other, LUCI+LEVI+BELPHIE and what they like to see MC in, MC sneaking into the shower with them (undates), MC accidentally ripping their underwear (bros), MC can tie a cherry stem with their tongue, MC leaving red lipstick kisses on them (undates), the brothers taking a trip down memory lane, the brothers being shirtless and MC getting shy, SOLOMON (+LUCIFER) to MC wanting to dominate them, MC wanting to try mutual masturbation(bros), MC allowing them to use her breasts as pillows, MC getting off with their clothes (bros+undates), finding sexy lingerie pics of MC (bros + undates).