meriwether lewis descendants

meriwether lewis descendants

His wound hampered him for the rest of the journey. More information is available at her website:, 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Ministers . Some scholars arent so sure that an exhumation will clarify matters. (Davis, 1951). Sitemap; Home Dashboard; Records . In 1793, Lewis graduated from Liberty Hall (now Washington and Lee University), joined the Virginia militia, and in 1794 was sent as part of a detachment involved in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion. Miller, Robert J. One of his traveling companions, who arrived later, buried him nearby. As governor, Meriwether was traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with officials when he died in 1809. Please try again. The bicentennial celebration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific Ocean has spurred interest in the descendant project, which was launched in 1999. Yet his contributions to science, the exploration of the Western U.S., and the lore of great world explorers, are considered incalculable.[3]. Privacy Statement Without her help, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark might not have been successful on their expedition. At home in Albemarle County, he pursued his studies with Dr. Charles Everitt, a physician, and then Rev. Yet even now, precious little is known about the events of October 10, 1809, after Lewis armed with several pistols, a rifle and a tomahawk stopped at a log cabin lodging house known as Grinders Stand. She was instrumental to the success of their mission as her presence let the Native American tribes they met along the way know that their intentions were peaceful. He also initially made arrangements to publish the Corp of Discovery journals but for some unknown reason never hired an editor or provided any text for the promised publications. Anne Meriwether Lewisfound in 12 treesView all Anne Meriwether Lewisfrom tree Waring Family Tree 2013 Record information. [10] He also faced financial issues after a personal outlay for a trip that the War Department refused to reimburse. In 1795 he joined the regular army and for a brief period, he was attached to a sub-legion of General Anthony Wayne commanded by Lieutenant William Clark. They dropped the inquiry for lack of evidence or motive. John Marks, along with his brother Reuben, in 1784. In addition to his role as naturalist, Meriwether also served to represent the new government, which had purchased the area, to the native peoples living there. The alpine plant Lewisia (family Portulacaceae), popular in rock gardens, is named after Lewis, as is Lewis's Woodpecker. Certificates are awarded only to families proving their lineage to one of 33 members of the expedition that traveled the full distance from what is now North Dakota to the coast and back, including the Shoshone Indian woman Sacagawea and the black slave York. Clark and Lewis were both relatively young and adventurous and had shared experience as woodsmen-frontiersmen and Army officers. Obviously, Theodesia's pleas fell on deaf ears. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. Meriwether Lewis (August 18, 1774-October 11, 1809) was a soldier, an explorer, and a personal secretary to Thomas Jefferson. Born Meriwether LEWIS American explorer, soldier, and 2nd Governor of Louisiana Territory Born on August 18, 1774 in Ivy, Colony Of Virginia, USA , United States Died on October 11, 1809 in Hohenwald, Tennessee, USA Born on August 18 64 Deceased on October 11 39 Explorer - 19th century 31 Family tree Report an error Lewis John 1669 - 1725 Warner Meriwether Lewis was not known to have married (though he apparently considered it at one point). Geographic names that honor him include Lewis County, Tennessee; Lewisburg, Tennessee; Lewiston, Idaho; Lewis County, Washington; the U.S. Army fort Fort Lewis, Washington, the home of the US Army 1st Corps (I Corps), and especially Lewis and Clark County, Montana, the home of the capital city, Helena. Meriwether Lewis dies along the Natchez Trace, Tennessee On October 11, 1809, the famous explorer Meriwether Lewis dies under mysterious circumstances in the early hours of the morning after. Meriwether moved to Georgia with his mother and her second husband, Capt. (Thornton was the daughter of Francis Thornton and Mary Taliaferro). He was also related to Robert E. Lee and Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, among others. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. It was also in the Broad River Valley that Lewis first dealt with a native Indian group. No completely satisfactory explanation for his death has ever been found. She never explained why, at the time, she didn't investigate further concerning Lewis's condition or the source of the gunshots. On the way, he stopped at an inn called Grinder's Stand, about 70 miles (110 km) from Nashville, Tennessee on the Natchez Trace on October 10, 1809. It was in Georgia that he met Eric Parker, who was the first to introduce him to the idea of traveling. While modern historians generally accept his death as a suicide, there is some debate. Parson Maury was a son of Charles Goodyear Maury who was Thomas Jefferson's teacher for two years. She observed his face to flush as if it had come on him in a fit. About the age of 13 he returned to Virginia and to the household of his uncle Nicholas Lewis, his formal education beginning at this time. Library of Congress,, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, Oct 3, 1803, Before he left St. Louis, Lewis had given several associates the power to distribute his possessions in the event of his death; while traveling, he composed a will. Marks raised Meriwether and his two siblings along with his own two children with Lucy, John Hastings Marks and Mary Garland (Marks) Moore (1787-1864). President Thomas Jefferson appointed him Governor of Upper Louisiana in 1806. His friends assumed it was suicide. [3] (Henley, 2002) She lived there until her death in 1837 with her widowed daughter Jane Meriwether Anderson. Meriwether Lewis was an American explorer and military officer born on August 18, 1774, in Virginia. She even scared away a crowd of rowdy British soldiers during the time that she lived at Locust Hill, her husband's family's home, with a rifle. People cant just call and say, Im a descendant, she said. A day use campground at Gates of the Mountains Wilderness, north of Helena, Meriwether Picnic site. If you click the change tab you can see that this is an excellent example of collaboration! On the mission it was how do we stay alive and collect information? Then suddenly youre heroes. Thomas Meriwether, b.24 APR 1763, St James Northam Parish, Goochland Co, VA, son of Nicholas Meriwether + Margaret Douglas; + Ann Minor, b.abt 1771, Louisa Co, VA . Username and password are case sensitive. He was never married, but family legend shares that he courted Theodesia Burr, the daughter of Aaron Burr. Lewis was a Freemason, initiated, passed and raised in Door To Virtue Lodge No. Meriwether Lewis, John Ordway, George Shannon, John Shields, Peter Weiser, Peter Willard, and Joseph Whitehouse. A cave, Lewis and Clark Caverns between Three Forks and Whitehall, Montana. In 1793, Lewis graduated from Liberty Hall (now Washington and Lee University), joined the Virginia militia, and in 1794 he was sent as part of a detachment involved in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion. Lucy Meriwether Lewis Marks was widowed a second time in 1791. Geographic names that honor him include Lewis County, Idaho, Lewis County, Tennessee; Lewisburg, Tennessee; Lewiston, Idaho; Lewis County, Washington; the U.S. Army fort Fort Lewis, Washington, the home of the US Army 1st Corps (I Corps), and especially Lewis and Clark County, Montana, the home of the capital city, Helena. [9], During the first half of the journey east, it is reported that on the riverboat he twice attempted to take his own life before becoming the victim of gunshot wounds, at a Natchez Trace inn, in what was either a murder or suicide. His opportunity for the graceful exit arrived when Jefferson asked Lewis to command an expedition to find an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean, and study the land along that route. certify direct and collateral descendants of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 1803-1806. The land is now the Meriwether Lewis State Park in Tennessee. The alpine plant Lewisia (family Portulacaceae), popular in rock gardens, is named after Lewis, as is Lewis's Woodpecker. When the contentious election of 1800 had been decided and Thomas Jefferson prepared to assume the presidency, he knew whom he wanted as his private secretary. Everyone in the Lewis DNA project told you this before started spamming the group with advertisements for your books and became so abusive that you were banned from the Lewis DNA project, I know you create the false find a grave memorials to give credence to the narrative in the books you try to sell on Facebook. In 1795 he joined the U.S. Army, as a Lieutenant, where he served until 1801, at one point in the detachment of William Clark, who would later become his companion in the Corps of Discovery. Name: Meriwether Lewis Birth Year: 1774 Birth date: August 18, 1774 Birth State: Virginia Birth City: near Ivy Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Best Known For: Meriwether Lewis teamed. Lewis and Clark descendants and family members, along with representatives of St. Louis Lodge . When his father died in 1779, he inherited his Locust Hill estate. The Web site is SolvetheMystery. Lewis never married. SOLD JUN 15, 2022. After his wife's death, Robert Lewis married Elizabeth Thornton, Lucy's mother . They settled along the Broad River in the Goosepond Community within the Broad River Valley in Wilkes County (now Oglethorpe County). A year after his death, John Grinder, in whose home Lewis died, was brought before a grand jury on a warrant of murder. This project came to be known as the Lewis and Clark Descendants Project. However, the subsequent inhabitants of the home have made so many changes that the structure does not really resemble the original house. Lewis never married he killed himself in 1809, three years after the expedition ended so he has no known direct descendants. Lewis was a good administrator, but due to quarreling local political leaders, approval of trading licenses, land grant politics, Indian depredations, and a slow-moving mail system, it appeared that Lewis was a poor administrator who failed to keep in touch with his superiors in Washington. He was the son of William Lewis, of Welsh ancestry, and Lucy Meriwether, of English ancestry. Generally sharing leadership responsibilities with William Clark, although technically the leader, Lewis led the expedition safely across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific and back, with the loss of just one man, Charles Floyd, who died of apparent appendicitis. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. [3], Meriwether's father, who served in the Continental Army, died from pneumonia after his horse fell into an icy stream in 1779. Her family is said to be descendents of Sir Roland Crawford, the grandfather of Sir William Wallace (the subject of Mel Gibson's 1994 epic movie Braveheart.) The original house burned down but it was rebuilt in the same style as the original. Born on a plantation in Albemarle County, Virginia, he and his family moved to Georgia when he was ten but by thirteen he was sent back to Virginia for education by private tutors. His life and achievements were acknowledged and some in the audience shed tears as the tragedy of his death was noted. PORTSMOUTH, Va - Puller Chronicles Volume 1, Second Edition, by Meriwether Ball, is a fascinating look at LtGen Lewis B. Puller's family and faith which made him an American and Marine Corps icon. . In reply to: Re: Meriwether Lewis/Woodson Connection. She started the Locust Hill Graveyard in 1810, probably on the hopes that she could have Meriwether's body re-interred there from Tennessee, and because her son-in-law Edmund Anderson and a neighbor died that year and needed to be buried. At thirteen, he was sent back to Virginia for education by private tutors. Jane (M128), born abt 1705 in New Kent County, is the eighth child and fourth daughter of Nicholas Meriwether II and Elizabeth Crafford/Crawford. Meriwether Lewis was a soldier, public administrator, and famed explorer as co-leader of the Corps of Discovery, commonly referred to as the Lewis and Clark Expedition. [2] Originally, he was to provide information on the politics of the United States Army, which had seen an influx of Federalist officers as a result of John Adams's "midnight appointments." The 14 different profiles you use on Facebook all sound like royal linage societies, but anyone can see that is all the same person ,Janice Lynn Lewis, selling the same false narrative .please don't do that here. He died on October 11, 1809, at the age of 35, under mysterious circumstances that have been the subject of much speculation and debate. He was also a second cousin once removed of Washington's on his father's side. Library of Congress,, Letter of Instructions to Meriwether Lewis from Thomas Jefferson, June 20, 1803 Sadly, William Lewis died of pneumonia when his son was five, and so Meriwether spent most of his formative years in Georgia with his mother Lucy and stepfather John Marks. Upon the Corps successful return, Jefferson appointed Lewis governor of the Louisiana Territory and granted him a reward of 1500 acres. She returned to Albemarle for good, and Locust Hill became her property after Meriwether's mysterious death in 1809. The progenitor of a prominent colonial family, and great-great grandfather of President George Washington, he was born in Norwich, Norfolk, the son of Thomas Warner and Elizabeth Sotherton. Robert Lewis and 5 . It was in Georgia that he met Eric Parker, who was the first to introduce him to the idea of traveling. View entire list of famous kin for Meriwether Lewis. He came back from this trip with new knowledge of the Louisiana Territory proving that the Louisiana Purchase benefitted the whole country. Item(s) successfully added to the cart! His father became a Revolutionary War officer and died when Meriwether was 5. The next morning, she sent for Lewis's servants, who found him weltering in his blood but alive for several hours. Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 in Albemarle County, Virginia, in the Lewis family estate in Locust Hill to Lt. William Lewis and Lucy Meriwether Lewis as their first son and second child. Lewis was nominated and recommended to serve as the first Master of the proposed Lodge, which was warranted as Lodge No. After Jane's death in 1845, her son, Dr. Meriwether Lewis Anderson, inherited Locust Hill. The expedition took almost three years and solidified the United States claims to land across the continent, and acquainted the world with new species, new people, and new territory. Lewis, who had a better education, possessed a philosophical and speculative outlook and was at home with abstract ideas. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. Meriwether Lewis was involved in the westward expansion of the USA. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. Meriwether Lewis, born August 18, 1774 in Virginia, is best known as the co-captain of the historic Lewis and Clark Expedition. The expedition was the first point of Euro-American contact for several Native American tribes; through translators and sign language, Lewis conducted rudimentary ethnographic studies of the peoples he encountered, even as he laid the groundwork for a trade economy to ensure American hegemony over its vast new interior territory. After he retired for the evening, Mrs. Grinder continued to hear him talking to himself. A monument erected in 1848 now stands in his honor near the place the tavern occupied, and is under the care of the National Parks Service.[11]. discoveries. On August 11, 1806, near the end of the expedition, Lewis was shot in the left thigh by Pierre Cruzatte, a near-blind man under his command, while both were hunting for elk. Descendants and relatives lived in Virginia and elsewhere. Anyone closer than 14 degrees from Meriwether Lewis? The Web site, , explains the Lewis family's more than decade-long quest to gain federal permission for the exhumation as well as a Christian reburial. They came inside and found Lewis on his pallet He had been [shot] in the side and once in the head. Not so, says Sandra Hargrove, a member of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Descendant Certificate Project. 1. It is believed that he committed suicide. This profile is managed by the Virginia Project. Generation No. Four years after Lewis' death, Thomas Jefferson wrote: The alpine plant Lewisia (family Portulacaceae), popular in rock gardens, is named after Lewis, as is Lewis's Woodpecker. The trip had many perilous moments for Meriwether; who managed to survive falls, gun shot wounds, and accidental poisoning. His brother-in-law was George Washington . Our Family Tree: Branch: Ray's Extended Family Tree : View. His wound hampered him for the rest of the journey. There, reflecting on the adventure-loving young man who had mapped the gloomy and savage wilderness which I was just entering alone, Wilson broke down and wept. Descendents of the family point to this legend as a reason why Meriwether men take a long time to get married. Ancestors of Meriwether Lewis Generation No. Lewis was indeed like a man coming back from the moon, Guice notes. [4] Six months later, his mother married another Army officer, Captain John Marks (abt.1750-1800), who managed a 1,000 acre plantation about 10 miles from Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home. Jane Brereton , Richard Cotton, Blanche de BRIENNE , Guillaume de FIENNES, Isabel PERT , Robert CONYERS. She could not afford many books, but collected a small library throughout her life. Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Paul Allen with a biography of Meriwether Lewis, 1813The explorer was buried near present day Hohenwald, Tennessee, near his place of death. As a young boy Meriwether enjoyed hunting in the woods . After his father died of pneumonia in November 1779, he moved with his mother and stepfather Captain John Marks to Georgia. He died of gunshot wounds in what was a murder. "[12] This claim and another by a Joseph DeSmet descendant, Martin Charger, are explored in some detail on the Joseph DeSmet Lewis documents WikiTree page. In the predawn hours of October 11, the innkeeper heard gunshots. Why is this image showing up as a background image ? We could do the DNA to find out the color of his hair.. Jefferson believed the former, while his family continually maintained the latter. Meriwether Lewis became an American hero upon his return from his expedition across what is now the Northwestern half of the United States. Meriwether is 15 degrees from Jennifer Aniston, 16 degrees from Drew Barrymore, 17 degrees from Candice Bergen, 18 degrees from Alexandre Dumas, 13 degrees from Carrie Fisher, 27 degrees from Whitney Houston, 18 degrees from Hayley Mills, 15 degrees from Liza Minnelli, 13 degrees from Lisa Presley, 19 degrees from Kiefer Sutherland, 14 degrees from Bill Veeck and 21 degrees from Brian Nash on our single family tree. . John and Elizabeth Lewis were parents of Elizabeth (mother of Captain Richard Ashcraft) and Colonel Robert (father of Captain William Lewis who fathered Meriwether Lewis). Clark descendant Peyton "Bud" Clark, Lewis collateral descendants Howell Bowen and Tom McSwain, and Stephen Ambrose's daughter Stephanie Ambrose Tubbs spoke. The mission of the Corps was to explore the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish trade and sovereignty over the natives near the Missouri River, and claim the Pacific Northwest and Oregon territory for the United States before European nations. His mother, Lucy Meriwether was his father's cousin. When Meriwether Lewis Sr. was born on 11 September 1802, in Buckingham, Virginia, United States, his father, Edward Lewis, was 31 and his mother, Mary Freeland, was 31. He established roads and was a strong proponent of the fur trade. Meriwether Lewis never married. He later served as governor of Upper Louisiana Territory. Many people in Oregon say they inherited the adventurous spirit of the Lewis and Clark expedition, but third-grader Shaun Stice is a direct descendant. (Bakeless, 1947) John Lewis married Elizabeth Warner (GGGGG-granddaughter to King James IV Stewart of England). Two hundred years later, debate continues over whether the famous explorer committed suicide or was murdered. Lewis was nominated and recommended to serve as the first Master of the proposed Lodge, which was warranted as Lodge No. The expedition was tasked with exploring the Missouri River and its tributaries, mapping the western territories, and making contact with Native American tribes. James Waddell, a blind parson, and Parson Matthew Maury. After returning from the expedition, Lewis's life had the potential to become that of a politician and stateman, and in 1807 President Jefferson appointed him as Governor of the Louisiana Territory. History is about finding the truth, he adds. He lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia and also owned a plantation in Spotsylvania County, which later became known as Kenmore. They could also potentially learn about his nutritional health, what drugs he was using and if he was suffering from syphilis. He was related to George Washington by marriage: his first cousin once removed was Fielding Lewis, Washington's brother-in-law. Their mission was to explore the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish trade and sovereignty over the natives near the Missouri River, and claim the Pacific Northwest and Oregon Country for the United States before European nations. Lucy Meriwether was well known in Albemarle County throughout her adult life. Today, the grave site is maintained by the Natchez Trace Parkway. After he excused himself from dinner, he went to his bedroom. Generally sharing leadership responsibilities with William Clark, although technically the leader, Lewis led the expedition safely across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific and back, with the loss of just one man, Charles Floyd, who died of apparent appendicitis. In 1792, after the death of his step-father the year before, he traveled to the Broad River community to accompany his mother and his two half-siblings, John and Mary, back to Locust Hill. The US Navy Polaris nuclear submarine USS Lewis and Clark was named for him and William Clark. The Department of Interior granted . She gave the property to her daughter as a wedding gift. Jane, Meriwether was born on month day 1770, at birth place, to William Lewis and Lucy Lewis. Some of the most recognized names in American history are direct descendants of Warner Hall's founder, Augustine Warner - George Washington, the first president of the United States, Robert E. Lee, the most famous Civil War General and Captain Meriwether Lewis, renowned American explorer of the Lewis and Clark expedition. On September 3, 1809, Lewis set out for Washington D.C. where he hoped to resolve issues regarding the denied payment of drafts he had drawn against the War Department while serving as the first American governor of the Louisiana Territory. Yet his contributions to science, the exploration of the Western U.S., and the lore of great world explorers are considered incalculable. In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson acquired from France's Napoleon Bonaparte territory that became known as the Louisiana Purchase. Re: Meriwether Lewis/Woodson Connection By Gary Stella February 06, 2005 at 12:59:36. Lewis was nominated and recommended to serve as the first Master of the proposed Lodge, which was warranted as Lodge No. He served until 1801 achieving the rank of captain. Meriwether Lewis After the Louisiana Purchase Treaty was made, Jefferson initiated an exploration of the newly purchased land and the territory beyond the "great rock mountains" in the West. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, Aug 18 1774 - Charlottesville, Albemarle County, Virgina, Oct 14 1809 - Natchez Trace, Breton County, Tennessee, Aug 18 1774 - Locust Hill, Ivy, Albemarle County, Colony of Virginia, Oct 11 1809 - Grinder's Stand, Lewis, Tennesssee, United States, Jane Meriwether Anderson, Lucinda Lewis, Reuben Lewis, Aug 18 1774 - Locust Hill, Charlottesville, Albemarle, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America, Oct 11 1809 - Grinder's Stand, Natchez Trace, Lewis, Tennessee, United States, riwether Lewis, Jane Meriwether Anderson (born Lewis), Lucinda Lewis, Dr. Reuben Lewis, John Hastings Marks, Mary Garland Moore (born Marks), Aug 18 1774 - Locust Hill, Ivy, Albemarle, Virginia, United States, Aug 18 1774 - Locust Hill, Albemarle, VA, USA, Oct 11 1809 - Natchez Trace, Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United States, Aug 18 1774 - Albemarle County, Virginia, Verenigde Staten, Oct 11 1809 - Hohenwald, Lewis County, Tennessee, USA, Aug 18 1774 - Locust Hill,Near Charlottesville,Virginia, Oct 11 1809 - At Grinder's Inn in Lewis County,Tennessee, Aug 18 1774 - Charlottesville, United States, Oct 11 1809 - Natchez Trace, Tennessee-Murder Or Suicide, Locust Hill Plantation, Albemarle County, Virginia, British Colonial America, Natchez Trace Parkway, Mile Post 385.9, Lewis County, Tennessee, United States, Pioneer Cemetery, Hohenwald, Lewis County, Tennessee, United States, Navigation-Navigators/the Science of Navigation, In June 1803, Jefferson provided Lewis with basic objectives for the mission, focusing on the exploration of the Missouri river and any related streams which might provide access to the Pacific Ocean. South Dakotan says he is descendent of Meriwether Lewis South Dakotan says he is descendent of Meriwether Lewis The Associated Press Jul 13, 2003 0 LOWER BRULE, S.D. She gave the property to her daughter as a wedding gift. When Jefferson began to formulate and to plan for an expedition across the continent, he chose Lewis to lead the expedition. The National Park Service has reversed a previous decision allowing Meriwether Lewis' body to be exhumed in an attempt to determining how he died. I am so glad you like it. In later years a court of inquiry explored whether they could charge the husband of the tavern-keeper with Lewis' death. They dropped the inquiry for lack of evidence or motive. It is recorded on the tombstone of Pioneer John that he furnished five sons for the Revolution. The Cherokee lived in antagonistic proximity to the white settlers, but Lewis seems to have been a champion for them amongst his own people. The Lewis family of Virginia is one of the most distinguished families in the State. Meriwether Lewis died on his way to Washington, DC in October, 1809. He moved with his mother and stepfather Captain John Marks to Georgia in May of 1780. He was never married, but family legend shares that he courted Theodesia Burr, the daughter of Aaron Burr. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, the son of Missouri governor and corps of discovery expedition leader, William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame. 1,420 Sq. She married William Lewis of Locust Hill; he died in 1779 and she married Captain John Marks six months later.

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meriwether lewis descendants