Other Cerastus-Knights are all only 12 movement at top bracket now, which isnt a huge thing, but it is still a nerf. It got both cheaper and bump in firepower, making it an interesting option for someone who wants to go in on vehicles. Ares Gunship: ARES-GATE continues, with a 20 point increase, and the attack changes from the Orion. 1 - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, Vol. Thunderers go down quite a bit in points, but lose Grinding Advance. The first is that the units in the Chaos Space Marine section reference the keyword, and where they do, they tell you to refer toCodex: Chaos Space Marines. Credit: CrabStuffedMushrooms. Solomon Lok never really saw play anyway, but Hector Rex was a popular choice because of how high you could juice him when you added a trait. Whats awesome is that they dropped from costing 900-1000 points down to only 600, so can actually be used (if you can stomach spending 3 CP for a superheavy auxiliary detachment and an additional 1 CP for Martial Legacy). The one sting in the tail here is that hes returned with theSpeedwaaagh! The Adeptus Mechanicus get updated profiles for the Secutarii with rules keying off the new Titan Legion keyword that has been added for Titans. It changes a reasonable amount the weapon goes to D2 rather than D3but the Nova charge mode is now just a flat 9 shots per fun (so 18 total), it goes up to S7 when you Nova it, and the whole package has come down a cool 110pts. The 5 included chapters are as follows: Red Scorpions Ultramarines with Inheritors of the Primarch. Aquilon Custodians [CORE] : Fists and bolter is 5 points cheaper!?!?! Note that all of these datasheets are considered to have theHateful Assaultrule since they have all rules that apply to all Chaos Space Marines datasheets, but its not listed on the datasheets here themselves, making it one of the more roundabout ways of doing this. Galatus Dreadnought [CORE]: Down to 9 wounds from 10, but now doesnt degrade. The big greater daemon models are still neat, but you arent really going to field them. Similar to the Space Marines we get a lot of traitor variants added, along with a new stratagem Smokescreen added in order to replicte the ability that Space Marines currently get in their book, again future proofing this volume until the Chaos Space Marines book is updated! At 125 points per model, theyre almost a steal and I could very easily see them getting play in an outrider with lots of Myphitic Blight-Haulers. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Caladius Grav-Tank: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, kept fly. None of these losers should be at all surprising to anyone keeping an eye on what was showing up in competitive lists. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. Likewise their Dreadnoughts also get the same damage reducing abilities to bring them inline! Our full review and unboxing is up over on www.spruesandbrews.com #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warcry #miniatures #miniaturespainting #soulblightgravelords #vampire #paintingwarhammer #painting #gamesworkshop, Our Sunday evening painting stream is live on YouTube and Twitch! In contrast to the previous Imperial Armour Index volumes, this book is hardback too so will not only match the rest of your 9th Edition Codex collection, but also last a little longer in better condition! Finally, theHades Breaching Drill looks kind of great now its been detached from the mandatory tag-along veterans, so you can take them as a separate squad as desired, and its melee attacks have been charged up, both getting d3+3 instead of d3 and being flat D3 against most targets and flat D6 against vehicles. Thank You, Patrons. Throughout the week we will be taking a look in more detail at some of the changes in profiles across the armies, along with taking a look at the Death Korps of Krieg to see if they can finally compete on the tabletop with these new rules, so make sure to stay tuned to the site! Nice of you to share! Legio Xestobiax Reaver Titan. Why are there no pictures of the vehicles. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Krootcon Down Under Am I getting good at this? Given how good Ghaz is that isnt a massive ask, and this guy importantlycan still takeDa Killa Klaw, has the right keyword to beDa Biggest Boss if you arent packing Ghaz, and has gained a point of toughness (T7!) The rest are what they are. Moreso than almost any other faction, Chaos Space Marines have leaned on Forge World units to stay competitive in days gone by. As to the profiles themselves, the Krieg have lost any units that still do not have models produced by Forge World In addition to this, with the Death Korps now acting as a supplement to the core Astra Militarum book they simply use the base guardsman profiles for their troops this is a shame as they Krieg did have the advantage of slightly better WS, however I do think this is for the better in balance, as this means that then we get a new 9th Edition Astra Militarum book we will simply be able to port over the surviving Krieg units directly into that new army with minimal issues! I absolutely do not think doing so is a good idea for your army, but its in a similar spot to a few other things now where it probably isroughly costed right for what it can do, its just that factors of the mission design still keep it non-competitive. Depending on how the meta moves, this could help or hinder the Ares. Weapon profiles and the stat line stayed exactly the same, its just firing half as many shots. Not only do we finally get a Titan Legions faction we can draw our army from, but we also get some massively reworked Titan profiles! Join us on www.youtube.com/spruesbrews from 7pm - 9pm each Sunday! However, were concerned that if we dont make this statement Condit will kill us: Just play Titanicus instead. Acanthrites also get a decent point cut to pay back their loss of BS, and definitely end up as a better unit out of it, even if I struggle to see myself ever taking them over more Skorpekh. Custodes Telemon Dreadnought. Brayarth Ashmantle keeps his strength 8, but drops from toughness 9 all the way to toughness 7. The Regimental Doctrine for Krieg was shown off on Warcom and is kind ofeh not really lighting up the world. Such a cool model and was great fun to paint up in a more modern scheme! Fundamentally, you spend 130pts on a unit and they have a very strong chance of popping out of DS and immediately picking up 100pts+ of Gravis models. The flamer shooting profile is up to 12 now, like most of the flamer archetype weapons. I think it is fair to say however that there was a wide gulf in the balance and efficiency of these units. Grab all the rules for your Forge World collection in one place with the Imperial Armour: Compendium. In a move for anyone who loves the Mole Launcher too, the squad can now have this as an attachment too rather than having to replace squad members! TheKustom Stompa gets its cost brought more in line with a standard one, which is a relief, and its Stompa lifta-droppa gets an absurd boost, going to 4d3 shots instead of 2d6, rolling 3d6 against T to wound and now doing d3+3 damage at AP-4 instead of just a single mortal. After all those words about the leviathan changes, this is a breath of fresh air. Our two favorite dreads have decided to take a little break from carrying marine lists. Meanwhile, the Tantalus gets ahuge price cut in exchange for trading out the weird warlord no one cared about and is also pretty strong as Covens. Welcome to the Imperial Armour Compendium . Much the same as their imperial counterparts! Cerastus-Knight Lancer saw not only a 20 points drop, but also gained a souped up melee attack profile for when it charges. 2+ save Venatari, wtfffffffffff. Wings: Seriously, this thing is off the charts good now, to the point where I wonder if the melta shots change is a typo this seems to out-compete most main battle tanks, never mind transports. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. We will be taking a look at some of these units in greater detail over the week once we have had a chance to crunch the numbers, but my initial reaction is positive here with some cool options for adding some fun units to bolster your Space Marine army. will find the Warhammer 40,000 datasheets for the entire range. Medusas of all flavours get a more functional boost some go up in cost slightly, but the damage on their big gun increases to d6, obviously very nice and much more scary to be up against when theyre well hidden. TheMagaeraandStyrixboth get a boost, with their siege claws gaining a sweep attack thats straight up better than stomping feet, being flat damage three and otherwise identical. 11 named characters, most of which youve never heard of cover the above 5 chapters + the Salamanders. The Death Guard also get a Greater Blight Drone with the Death Guard keyword, making this fully compatible with the Death Guard book and the Plague Companies rules. They now sit in the Heavy Support slot, and thus need to shine on their own merits. Weapons were all simplified, with the Macro weapon type no longer existing, and the Blast ability added where needed. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour - Index - Forces of the Adeptus Astartes.pdf download. Grav tanks and the Ares. Kept the FLY keyword, otherwise unchanged. Las-rippers bump up to 36 range, strength 9, and D6 damage, so theyre very nearly a twin lascannon, and the plasma eradicator trades a point of strength to upgrade from d3 to d6 shots, gain blast, and pick up a point of damage. Hes still got two casts and denies and is still way nastier/tougher in a fight than most equivalents, so may still be the one of the better inquisition options. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Even with that though, I still think pistol/buckler is going to be an auto include, because now a Venatari equipped with a buckler has a 2+ armor save. Credit: Jack Hunter. Now yes, that nearly in the previous sentence is a little ominous as there are a couple of strange exceptions. Shane: No major rules changes, mostly sweeping points drops. Really like the changes so far! Regiments of Renown The Goonhammer Hot Take, How to Paint Everything: Weathered Copper/Bronze and Patina, Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.2, Interviewing the Top 3 Kill Team Players from the Kill Team Open, Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns Road to AdeptiCon 2023, Kings of War: Day 2 at Clash of Kings Australia 2023, Infinity Tournament Report: St Albans Smackdown Satellite, Feb 23, Tale of Two Noirs: Hard City and Crescendo of Violence RPG Reviews, Hammer of Math: Brutalis Dreadnought and Desolation Squads, That 6+++ Show | Episode 27: International Team Tournament (ITT) Review and Recall, Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.1, Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Genestealer Cults, The End and the Death, Part One: Goonhammer Review. Finally the Tyranids have units with some updates such as the awesome looking Dimachaeron which not only has more wounds and a base 5+ inv save, but can also gain a 5+ wound shrug too if it kills something with its Spine Maw! It lost the ability to shoot twice. The Dreadspear melee attack is now 3+D3 damage, vs D6 minimum 3, which is a nice boost, but it does lose Impaling Lunge so no more chance at mortals on the charge. If there are units that I think are still worth it, Ill note them below. At that point, given their defensive profile and the fact that they can just flatten stuff in melee, I think theres a plausible argument for trying three of these as a silly gimmick build. Effectively this is the second movement nerf of the Cerastus variant (because reasons). The Dreadnoughts really eat shit here. While were going to dig into the highlights and lowlights of individual units below, our overall impression is that there was a significant smoothing over of the entire book. I reckon the Studio have done a great job here at bringing together all these profiles updated and tweaked for the new addition with baked in compatibility to their parent Codexes. Imperial Fists Fellblade. The second rule isnt really a rule its a set of recommended traits and parent chapters for various Forgeworld created chapters. Change). 173.9M . Their Gas Bombs are still excellent and with the Grenadiers stratagem will be painful for anyone on the recovering end! The big thicc dreadnought is somewhat more svelte now its dropped from toughness 8 to toughness 7, and from WS/BS 2+ down to 3+ on both. Rob: Surprise! If youre a user of these its worth scanning through and checking for the addition of Blast on their guns Knights missed out on the first pass of FAQs due to not being in the main indexes. 2 - Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition, War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes (Second Edition), Vol. Imperial Armour Compendium Review. All of the Forge World Chaos Space Marine characters, including the Chaos Hellwright, on and off his Dark Abeyant. Blood Angels Sicaran Omega. Since Veterans have a real use case at the moment, this seems honestly fantastic. Coronus Grav-Carrier: 15 points cheaper, lost -2 to charge and kept fly (like the other grav vehicles). Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! The double shooting Spiculus if you didnt move ability moved to the weapon, so functionally the same, and gained the dread -1D ability. The Necrons get a new fortification in the form of the Sentry Pylons these have made the move from the Heavy slot freeing up some precious Heavy choices for more Doomstalkers! With recent 9th edition books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. This tank was utter garbage ever since it released, being essentially a bunch of plasma guns that could overheat to have fewer shots. Warhammer 40k . Is that a hint of changes to come? Fast, durable-ish units that are OK in melee is absolutely something the guard range is badly missing for 9th, so it does feel like a Krieg Vanguard or Outrider to use some of these is a genuinely plausible option. Also, R.I.P. The Grey Knights also get a couple of updated profiles with a renamed Land Raider Banisher, getting a small points discount and a Grey Knight specific Thunderhawk getting a massive discount in line with the new profile elsewhere in the book. This is a great change as I often felt some of the Forge World units had some very odd costings. These certainly exist, and you can use them. I hope this is something we see for other less known chapters in the future, even if it is in White Dwarf articles. Minotaurs Imperial Fists with Duellists and Stalwart chapter tactics. the Soulshatter Bombard is just a Demolisher Cannon now, and the Hellmaw Flame cannons are Assault and have a 12 range. The Imperial Armour books have also featured a few less well known successor chapters over the years, and Imperial Armour Compendium features suggested chapter tactics to best represent the way they fight I love this and gives players a framework towards designing their chapter to best fit the lore and narrative of the army as reflected in Warhammer 40k literature! Boo. The Marshal still exists, but sadly without his Memento Mori, which is a shame as I felt that was a great upgrade. The Venatari Spear is now flat 2 damage (fuck you D3 damage) and grants an extra attack. Otherwise it keeps its 5+ invulnerable save, regeneration, and the ability to move over enemy models. for open , narrative and matched play. Both options are now a pretty substantial firepower boost. as well. Unfortunately, both of these get hit hard by being forced to take theInspiring Leader warlord trait. At the moment this profile only applies to the Macharius twin variant, however it would not surprise me to see that profile in the new AM book! Wings:Its Xenos time, and as the chief elf-liker/army understander, Im taking the wheel from here, starting with Craftworlds. Putting aside the insult that they cost the same as their loyalist counterparts, lacking the HELBRUTE keyword is a big problem and the added CP cost to bring them makes them more of a liability than anything. Sadly, the loss of the OG FW index habit of just slapping BS2+ on everything big hits Tau among the hardest. On the plus side, almost all of them saw points drops, except the Castigator. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Someone at Forge World really loves drills. On top of that, they got 1pt cheaper each, and got built in deep strike, and I think the latter point combined with the fact that their new big shots are perfect Gravis killers, especially underExpert Crafters, makes these worth a look. Drukhari only have two options, and theyre both kind of fine. Agamatus Custodians [CORE]: No weapon or stat changes, but the base chassis is 5 points cheaper which is swell. Ankbars Expedition Kharadron Overlords, Podcast: 110 | Wolves and the Watch Sprues & Brews. Being able to drop in a caster from this discipline without having to use an HQ slot on a Warlock is something that can plausibly come up. These rules are better than what we used to have, and their costs do sit in a more realistic range than before, but paying 3 CP to take a greater daemon with no exalted abilities is weak sauce. This makes the Exalted Daemons much easier to take in a game, and I cant wait to include them in lists again as they are some of my favourite models and deserve to be on the battlefield again! As a bonus, he doesnt have Martial Legacy, so wont be costing you a CP to field. Also it still moves 14, see the Loser section. If so, that sucks Drills at least were something Id have liked to see stick around in Death Guard armies, and the loss of them is a major blow to a lot of current competitive builds. Void shields now work in a much different way essentially while they are active you have a 5+ save, and each generator has 3 shield points each time you fail a save you lose a shield point, any excess damage is wasted, meaning you want to try and force them down with low Damage weapons to get the most benefit once a shield hits 0 points it collapses, but if you dont collapse it in a turn then it regains all its points in the command phase. This will be a process as getting to all the factions, but for now you can find all the points including Forge World, Special Rules, Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Points, Search: The trove warhammer 40k codex. Falchion/Fellblade As an unapologetic lover of all forms of BIG TANKs, I had to take a look at these too. There isnt any massive rules changes, but some minor adjustments and a few buffs/discounts scattered around (or in the case of Venatari, a minor change with a HUGE impact). Uraka, CorBax, and Mamon return, as well as some of the really big greater daemons. We see quite a few units get tweaked to remove degrading profiles too, such as on the Blood Slaughterer. Nice that it is cheaper, but otherwise /shrug. Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. The laser volley cannon defaults to being a better lascannon three shots at D3+3 damage. The Imperium section of the book is fairly chunky and contains a shed load of new profiles and rules! Greater Blight Drones are also way better, especially in Death Guard, despite losing the damage on their weapons. We also see some sneak peaks at what weapons may look like in a future Astra Militarum book with a Vanquisher cannon being listed as S16, AP -4, D9 with +1 to hit Vehicles and Monsters I am suddenly very glad i went with rule of cool and armed my Krieg Leman Russ with a Vanquisher cannon! While the main gun remained essentially the same, both types of sponsons got a shakeup. Thats especially true because. A vindicator: cool. The basic and command squad variants go up to three wounds a pop with a 5+ FNP for 15pts each, and get slightly improved in melee from their previous incarnation, with their mounts getting a point of AP on their attacks. Really onlyStone-Crusher Carnifexeshere they cant be taken as broods any more and went up a bit in cost when they probably didnt need to. The Sentinel has historically been the better unit, but the Stalker is nowso cheap that I actually might give it the nod as the superior option just as a throwaway push unit. Lets look at how things shake out. First up, the Warboss on Warbike revs his motorcycle and pulls a sick wheely straight out of legends prison mostly. In the meantime, head over to the Forge World website and pick up some . 9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review By James "One_Wing" Grover October 31, 2020 Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. Like with the other forces, the Xenos factions also see some tweaks and adjustments to their datasheets, along with some points updates We will be digging a little deeper into each of these factions later in the week in some more detail, but theres some great changes across the board. All flavours ofMalcador also go down a lot in cost, and while it probably doesnt make them competitive, like a lot of things it stops them being as hateful to use. The Ares getting a points increase, and being potentially worse vs hordes could be a big deal in the long run. In the points section these are listed correctly however. Additionally all the Moirax went down to 12 movement like the Cerastus, again because reasons. TheMeka-Dread andMega-Dread both get quite a lot cheaper and that definitely works in their favour they dont have as many weird and wonderful options, but their defensive profile is just way more proportionate to their price if you feel like taking them. People are sad about the leviathan, but before the compendium he was approaching a Knight in points, had terrible rules, was more expensive than the loyalist version and his guns were average. The Malanthropewins because it gets to continue to exist, and is even slightly improved in exchange for a 15pt increase. Trojans are the other huge loss. Weve seen a bit of that thus far in 9th, with hangover 8th Edition rules throwing up a few very powerful choices in the Edition transition, while other units are complete trash at their Chapter Approved costs. Any weapons that Forgeworld doesnt currently make in 28mm are gone, so goodbye to reaver chainfists and carapace weapons that arent the apocalypse missile launcher and warlord carapace weapons that arent apocalypse launchers or laser blasters. Credit: Jack Hunter. Units have also had the CORE keyword added, setting them up to be futureproofed for a future Custodes Codex. 800 pts, but what do you get for that? ability rather than regularWaaagh!, meaning that you need an alternative boss if you want to buff up infantry. It did pick up the ability to use the previously 30k exclusive Twin Volkite Culverin, a heavy 8 volkite gun. Right out the gate, theCarnodon gets a minor discount and some extra wounds nothing exciting, but nothing to sniff at either. Imperial Fists converted Carab Culln Leviathan Dreadnought. itll rarely be worth it to spend 3 CP to take one. There are two wide-reaching rules for marines. The Kustom Stompa not only gets a decent points cut to 800 points, but also gets ome much improved weapons such as the Belly Gun now getting 3D6 shots! (LogOut/ That probably still isnt pushing them to the top tables. Yep! Some had vastly over the top rules for their relatively cheap points levels, while others seemed far too expensive in points for their in-game performance. The Warp Hunter is still way too expensive for how fragile it is, while the Nightwing gets a weird makeover from undercosted cheap option to trying to be a heavier flyer, and there just isnt a slot for what its doing. off-limits to Thousand Sons and Death Guard, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Daniel "Skails" Rodenberg, Charlie B, "Primaris" Kevin Genson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and SRM, James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson and Lowest of Men, James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Lowest of Men and Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Colin Ward, SRM, MasterSlowPoke, Jack Hunter and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Mike Bettle-Shaffer, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and BuffaloChicken, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Codex Supplement Space Wolves: The Goonhammer Review, How to Paint Everything: Draculas (and other Vampires), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. The deathshroud build feels like the play, and the fact that this loadout is over 120pts cheaper than in CA is kind of mind boggling. Alright lets start with the cool stuff that only Chaos Space Marines get, instead of the things we share with loyalists. Imperial Fists Deimos Vindicator Laser Destroyer. Whereas before Chaos players could laugh at loyalists forced to play around unit restrictions thanks to the Relic rule, now were in the exact same boat as loyalists, in that many of the units that you might take from this book now cost you 1 CP to add to a detachment. We see some randomness removed in the Orks, especially with the Grot Tanks and Mega Tanks who now have a movement of 6+D6 rather than 2D6 making them a lot more reliable in regards to movement! If any of them have game its probablyScabeiathrax, who benefits from having a whole bunch of nasty offensive options while being durable for their new cost. They killed my DKOK, thanks a lot after buying a Gorgon. This seems a way of restricting those rare units and make sure the battlefield isnt flooded by them dont forget that this will have an impact on your free detachment, as the warlord only refunds the initial CP cost of them! Theyre still not amazing they dropped from being toughness 9 down to toughness 8, though picked up a bit of improvement in their guns. These headers then drill down further into the various factions within that bucket, detailing any specific rules or codex interactions, all the datasheets and then the points values collected together at the end of each faction in the much easier style seen in the other Codex releases for 9th edition! It also has a much more sturdy defensive profile, and an improved version of the thermal jets rule for stuff it flies over. Alright, onto the shared units, I guess. The good news is they might do OK at that up front, they are now a real psyker, getting access to smite and knowing one power from the Rune of Battle discipline. At least they are 10 points cheaper now for every build except double claws (which stayed the same). Hazardsalso seem OK they get a substantial point cut in exchange for losing a single wound and thats probably a net positive, just about. Also the Adrathic option is slightly cheaper, so basically everything about Aquilon got better, except for the claw. Wait, WHAT!?! The points have gone up a little, but taking everything together Ithink theres still a unit here, just sitting in a very different role than we used to see. Credit: Jack Hunter. Fundamentally, the ability to build yourself an incredibly deadly melee missile at a cut-down price is restored, so I guess enjoy that! Each titan has a different number of void shields, from warhounds with 2 up to warlords with 8. Then theres theGreater Brass Scorpion,which dropped 75 points while going up to 28 wounds It now also degrades in WS and BS, and so will always have 6 attacks to whiff with as it loses accuracy. They also get the Termite added as a transport option, which also gives them an aggressive high strength close combat unit in the form of the drill itself! Transporting 12 models, you can bring in a full 10 man squad with character support, all while having tons of firepower for a mere 180 points (or 190 with the even better Volkite side-weapons). Finally, in terms of really big mean things, the Hierophant is an actual unit you can kind of take now, down to 850pts instead of its previous, comical 2K price tag. To start with, its bumped up to 30 wounds. So if you were debating trying it before, it is certainly more tempting now (but still D3 damage, ugh). Sicaran Omega. 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium PDF Original Title: 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium.pdf Uploaded by Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 212 While not as inexpensive as it was at the end of 8th, if you can afford the 3 CP for a superheavy auxiliary detachment its totally usable. The command squads are obviously the more desireable option, since they get an extra attack with no extra cost, and the good news is that you dont have to include a Commander to be able to take them any more each Commander just lets you take one without using a slot. Its also a really well organised book making it much easier to use both during a game and while creating your list. All the titans are winners. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Now, sure he's a bit less survivable with t7 (and not a 4++ in cc, oh noooo) but his guns are sort of better and he's so cheap. It gets a 4++ to compensate, but Im not sure that gets it back over the line into lists with all the cool new options to compete with. Since you can double gun these, you definitely want to take this variant if youre planning on doing silly things withVisions in the Smoke,itsvastly better than the mainline one for that role. That makes them kind of losers overall. which get a few tweaks but dont change massively. I never expected discontinued units to get rules in this book, its an unfortunate truth that we are only ever really going to get current tournament ready rules for models that Games Workshop still produce, however I am a little surprised that some units that you can still buy on the Forge World website do not get rules in this book that said, even with that small caveat there are an absolute truck load of units in this mighty tome!
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