immigrant ships from bremen, germany
Bark Jupiter 7 September An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. General Veazie 5 November Olbers 13 June Ship Ernestine 4 June Diana 3 June Mercur 24 August Semiramis 18 August Ship O. Thijen 8 November, 1856 : 18 July 2022. Paoli 20 December Brig Ulysses 19 September North 14 September Kammonham Roy 18 August Northern and eastern Germans tended to leave through Hamburg. Brig Neptune 14 October Marianne 20 July Emma 12 March See Germany Newspapers for more information. Until well into the nineties the transportation of steerage passengers played the chief role in the New York business of the Hapag and the Lloyd and its profits enabled those companies to build up their fleets. America 12 July Depending on the time period, either German Civil Registration records or German Church records may be more useful, While searching, it is helpful to know such information as the ancestors given name and surname, some identifying information such as residence and age, and family relationships. The Deutschland, the Hapags only express steamer, paid for with the proceeds of the sale to Spain of obsolete Hapag liners, at the time of the Spanish-American war. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device The records are found in the State Archive Hamburg. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. Online searchable database of passenger lists. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November SS Berlin 21 October Devonshire 18 November Ship Olbers 3 June Stephani 12 July Vesper 17 September In the year ending December 31, 1910, there were landed in New York, by the three leading companies in the passenger and emigrant business, the following number of persons: Cabin and Steerage Pastengert Landed in New York, 1910. Bark Mississippi 10 June United States 12 November The Galveston-Bremen Project Stephani 3 June Grace Brown 17 July Camera 13 December Other European emigrants sailed from Le Havre, France; Bremen and Hamburg, Germany; and Antwerp, in Belgium. Charlemagne 15 July General Veazie 5 November Foreign trade grew -- Hamburgs hinterland demanded increased grain, meat and other foodstuffs, fertilizers and fodder and the raw materials of industry; it exported more and more potash, sugar and manufactured goods as Germany became established in the markets of the world. He speaks of clippers, those magnificent sailing liners, first built in America, whose length is to their breadth as 8:1. Howard 1 May Brig Bremen 18 July Bremen 12 August Condor 9 August Louise 17 May Luise 3 January 121-24. Condor 9 August Bark Constitution 19 October Clarissa Perkins 11 July Friedrich Leo 2 August In 1881 the Kosmos Line (to Chili and Peru) extended its service up the coast of South America to Mexico, in 1899 it went to San Francisco. Europe 29 May German towns began keeping records of each person's residence in the 1840s. In 1851 the Bremen Chamber of Commerce established the "Nachweisungsbureau fr Auswanderer" (Information Office for Emigrants), to which the ship captains had to deliver their lists. SS Berlin 10 February Except for the discovery of transcripts of Bremen lists for the years 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 at the German State Archives in Koblentz, no copies of the Bremen passenger lists have ever come to light. 1907/1908 and 1913/1914. SS Baltimore 30 January Brarens 18 January Elise 8 September ", Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, Germans to America and the Hamburg Passenger Lists: Coordinated Schedules, The Hamburg Passenger Departure Lists 1850-1934. SS Elbe 9 July SS Maer 27 January Diamant 17 October Howard 1 May F H Adami 25 October Johann Friedrich 19 June Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration. It is primarily a freight line; passengers and mails for Australia go with the subsidized mail liners of the Lloyd. 631 D St Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 474-3363. Diamant 17 October Eutaw 15 September Barque Eberhard 8 November This card file was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut from Bremen passenger ship lists sometime between WWI and WWII. United States 12 November Washington 29 September Knickerbocker 9 September Sophronia 13 September The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Devonshire 18 November Caspar 22 September Friedrich Leo 2 August 1843 General Washington 24 November, 1842 Hunter in New York 1710-1714, Emigrants from West-German Fuerstenberg Territories (Baden and the Palatinate) to America and Central Europe, List of Pfalz Immigrants to America, 1724-1749, Ships carrying Palatines from Germany to Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists, Palatine German Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1808, The Book of Names, Especially Relating to The Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley, Coleo da Sociedade Histo-lgica Cruzeiro do Sul, Auswanderung nach Brasilien und Venezuela, 1890-1901, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Argentinien, 1870-1945, From the steppes to the prairies: the story of the Germans settling in Russia on the Volga and Ukraine, also the Germans settling in the Banat, and the Bohemians in Crimea: their resettlement in the Americas, North and South America and in Canada, Namenskartei von Siedlern in Russland und Rcksiedler nach Deutschland, 1750-1943, Bestandskartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1750-1943, Kartei der Auswanderer aus Elsa und Baden nach Ruland, 1807-1810, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen nach Brasilien, 1870-1940, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Kanada, 1870-1940, United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012, Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration. Save a copy of the image or transcribe the information. These books index the names of passengers from passenger lists of ships that arrived in New York from Bremen. Goethe 7 July Their nearest rival was the Cunard Line, which in 1906 landed in New York from its British and its Mediterranean services 107,790 steerage passengers.In 1906-07 the two German lines handled approximately one fourth the total American immigration. Republic 13 June Stephani 3 June Clementine 18 January Ferdinand 15 August Compile the entries for every person who has the same surname; this is especially helpful in rural areas or if the surname is unusual. Europa 23 June Humphrey 10 July Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven / German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, Europe's largest and most modern theme museum on the topic of emigration and winner of the prestigious award, FamilySearch - Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 The freight business of the Hapag began to dwarf its passenger business even on the New York line. Bark Iris 13 June Bremen Shiplists from. N W Stevens 23 October The Hapag has no connection with the Hamburg-Australian ; there was long, apparently, an understanding between the Hapag and the Lloyd that Australia should be left to the Lloyd, in return for which the latter kept her hands off Africa. 1833 Stern 9 July Information given in passenger lists varies but usually includes the emigrant's name, age, occupation, last residence or birthplace, and destination. Diamant 17 October Brig Julia 30 November, 1842 The ships will call at a hundred or more places on the west coast. Mary Phillips 9 September Eliza Thornton 30 October In 1891 the Hamburg Hansa Steamship Company was bought up and its lines to Montreal, Boston and Philadelphia turned over to the Hapag flag, which was already serving Baltimore. Sju Brder 22 November Olbers 13 June Philadelphia 11 May The cards appear to have been in good condition when they were microfilmed in 1988. Leo 31 August Because of this there may be limitations on where and how images and indexes are available or who can see them. Stephani 30 December Article by John Movius with David Dreyer. Louise 17 June Olbers 12 December Henry 15 October Barque Sophie 12 November Apollo 13 August Bremen Packet 16 October Sophie 19 August Cordova 24 November This attracted even more emigrants to the port of Hamburg. Bark Edmund 23 June Howard 6 September SS Arago 12 June Bark Eduard 22 October Bachus 12 September SS Neckar 21 January SS Trave 17 December SS Mosel 17 March Stephani 30 December Antilope 13 August Johann Friedrich 19 June Charlemagne 15 July Washington 29 September The initial letters of the official name spell the word Hapag and it is as Hapag that the line is popularly known. Herschel 15 August General Washington 24 November, 1845 Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Ernst and Gustav 4 November Post 23 June Starting in 1895, emigrants were segregated based on wealth. Ship Sirius 23 September Ship Louisiana 21 October Ship Adler 25 June Philadelphia 21 September Includes index cards for Jewish emigrants. Bachus 12 September Trenton 16 December Friedrich Leo 2 August Philadelphia 4 January Brig Ivanhoe 31 July, 1836 Louise 17 June anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Clementine 11 February 1845 Louisa 25 September The Hapag began business with three copper-bottomed sailing ships of together 1,600 register tons, and with a capital of 460,000 marks. Elise 8 September Mary Phillips 9 September Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). Marianne 20 September 1833 Phoenix 10 September Ship Aurora 19 September Bremen Packet 16 October Brunswick 17 October. Louise 24 October The improved conditions of the ships also improved the port's reputation. This article describes a collection of records at Grace Brown 17 July Bark Geestemunde 9 June Neptune 4 August Germans had to apply for permission to emigrate from most areas. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Charlotte 1 June Sophie 19 August In 1873 the Hapag fell into a rate war with the newly founded Adler Line, established to partake in the profits of the transatlantic trade. Vesper 13 September Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 Most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed. Timoleon 22 November Bark Auguste 4 October Luntine 23 June Ajax 11 September SS Adolphine 18 January Favorite 12 November Plato 30 October Agnes 29 December Ship Pharsalia 11 November, 1849 Emma 7 October Steamer Washington 4 June Marianne 20 July Caspar 22 September Records of German Emigrants in Their Destination Nations, One option is to look for records about the ancestor in the, Online German Emigration Records, Lists and Indexes, Emigrants to and from Germany from the 18th to the 20th century, Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank (German Emigrants Database), Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany, Register of German military men who remained in Canada after the American Revolution, Le Havre - some passengers found in the crew lists 1750-1775, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924, Bremen, Germany, Passenger Lists Index, 1907-1939, United States Immigration Online Genealogy Records, UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport (USHMM), Palestine, Illegal Immigration from German-Occupied Europe, 1938-1945 (USHMM), Index of Jewish Displaced Person and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959, Free Access: Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971, Auswandererkartei mit Familienangehrigen, 1750-1943, Auswandererkartei der Deutschen nach Ungarn und Ruland, 1750-1805 (Emigration index of Germans in, Kartei der Auswanderer nach Ungarn, 1750-1945 (Index of emigrants to, Auswanderungsakten, 1806-1920, Stuttgart (Wrttemberg), Registres des migrs, 1817-1866, (Alsace emigration index), Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach China und Nordamerika: 1870-1945, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1929-1930, Kartei von Deutschen Experten im Ausland, 1935-1945, Auswanderung aus Sdwestdeutschland, (Emigrants of, Ancestor Search, Palatine German Ship Passenger Lists to PA, Swiss and German Mennonite immigrants from the Palatinate, 1704-1717, Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov.
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