duathlon training plan 12 week
This is a very hard effort. Finally, leave your bike in low gear for an easy start on the second leg. Cycle Sessions vary from 1hour for interval sessions - 2hour endurance rides. Your plan kept me motivated and helped me improve my results. In the last year I have won every race I entered, feeling fresh and have a stronger endurance speed base . If you've ever run or tried to run 21.1km before you'll know that doing it in less than two hours is . During training, you will learn very quickly how your legs react to getting off the bike and starting a run. In order to start this plan, you should be able to run for 15-20 minutes without stopping and be able to bike for 30 minutes continuously. It involves 6hours 30min to 8hours of training per week and 1 rest day per week. RI: 1'. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. A duathlon is an event where you race running followed by cycling and finishing with another running leg. BT: Long warm-up of at least 15-20 minutes. Discounted TrainingPeaks Premium (optional). . Now you can remove your helmet. Triathlon Bike: This bike is specifically designed to give you an aerodynamic posture that will reduce wind resistance (read: increase speed), since drafting is usually not allowed. Preview your flexible training plan from 4-48 weeks now. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3. Dont overdo it on the first run leg; go easy as you get used to the race and get your body warmed up. Once on your bike, youll ride according to the race route. A lot. Rest and recovery is just as important as training. Do most of your running at chatting pace, even if it means you include some walking. Will look into a longer plan for next year. The first step is determining how you will ap- Masters triathlon win win ! If youre running a duathlon in the summer, you dont need to worry, but if there is any case of the weather getting cold, be prepared. The event begins with running, and this may be a mass start or a wave start depending on the size of the event. You still have a bike ride and another run to do, so dont push too hard in this section. If you want, you can then adjust the plan length to start it on a different day. Duathlons have some unique rules that you might not have experienced at a running race. These include: When thinking about a training plan, consider if you're a stronger runner or cyclist - and then consider stacking your workouts towards the weaker side. There are a few standardized duathlon distances. You are not allowed to ride your bike out of the transition area. Clipless is a bit of a misnomer at first glance, because your shoes actually clip onto your pedals, attaching your feet to your bike much like a ski binding. If you dont have one of those, though, a hybrid bike or a mountain bike is completely acceptable to use. The first couple times, it can be a bit of a shock. To download Weeks 13-18 for FREE, Click Here! I can highly recommend Phils training plans . These 12-week duathlon training plans are aimed at either getting round, or racing harder. Use a flat, out and back course. Use a flat, out and back course. I am feeling great. Your plan kept me motivated and helped me improve my results. John Honerkamp is an RRCA and USATF-certified running coach, celebrity marathon pacer, and recognized leader in the New York City running community. Brands. I had a great race, read moreThank you Phil! Its important to get the transition time down pat, so you should practice it. For the best outcome, input the date for your A target race and the tool will default to a plan that will fill that gap nicely. In fact, a well-executed strength-training program can allow you to carve up to 25 percent out of your swim, bike and run volume while improving performance and enjoying better race-day results. Duathlon Registration (Individual) 2-3 person Triathlon Team - Shirt size guaranteed through August 18. This 12 week sprint triathlon training plan is ideal for beginner to intermediate triathletes who are currently able to complete a 15-minute swim (with breaks as needed), a 30-minute bike, and a 30-minute run/walk. Youll need a bike to do the cycling leg. Again, these workouts include both running and biking to get prepared for race day. Its similar to triathlon in that there are three legs of the event. The consistency of biking and running regularly is far more important than the speed at which youre moving. Hal offers three levels of his 12-week Base Training program, designed to get you into shape for a race later in the . You will spin 4x10 minutes in this gear - HR should be mid-high Z2 - recovery will be 5' easy between sets - you will probably see HR drift into Z3 - keep the cadence up - this is where you build strength. The race can be completed with a: A triathlon bike or road bike will be your best bet for the fastest speed during a duathlon. It's supposed too! Each one has been excellent in terms of the progressive plan itself but also in terms of the reading that comes with it. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. 8-week duathlon training plan the workout (with strength training lift sessions) If you currently lift in the gym I recommend continuing to do so until 2 weeks prior to the race. There are actually only three pieces of gear that are absolutely essential for a duathlon: These are fairly self-explanatory. There are different duathlon distances depending on the specific race, the area/course, and the race organizer. I was initially apprehensive about purchasing a generic training program, but had been recommended Phil and team. However, its sensible to do at least some of your training outside on the bike you intend to use during your triathlon. Click here to learn about our review process and affiliate structure. Web links also very helpful for the old amateur. My program is amazing and I am improving all the time. Simple to understand but comprehensive in execution. If you are wearing flexible-soled running shoes and riding with platform pedals, you will only be able to push down, and the flex in your shoes will rob you of pedaling power. Blue Dot Safety was created to meet the needs of student and rookie journalists who were operating in hostile regions without any form of Hostile Environment Training as it was prohibitively expensive. You're going to want to run at least 2 hours a week even for a sprint du, so that would put you at a MINIMUM 12 hours per week following that ratio. Thank you very much for your help, less -3 years ago, Hi Phil, Just wanted to say great job on your training plan. If you wore cycling shoes during the bike leg, switch back into sneakers for the next run leg. You need a good level of basic fitness before you begin on a training schedule. These funds allow us to keep the site up and continue to write great articles. Do not get on it until you reach that area. Around 85% of your training should be done at an easy pace, where you can maintain a conversation. All too many triathletes sacrifice strength training in favor of additional swim, bike or run sessions. iCal Calendar. Activate your free TrainingPeaks account All of the key rules will be in your pre-race packet and you can brush up on them prior to the event. For example, if the race you choose features two 3-mile runs and a 20-mile bike ride, be sure you can run for 30 minutes without a break and bike for 45 . 1. Once you start, just move those legs and find your stride! Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train. It is the last leg, so give it everything you have! I have a desire to help athletes reach their full potential whether it be to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle or to compete internationally. The Olympic triathlon training plan is 16 weeks in length. Take off your helmet once your bike is racked, and change back into your running shoes. Customer services:0300 330 3322 The schedule consists of 3 workouts per week in each sport, 2 days of strength training and core work too. So thanks Phil , I'm looking forward to my next race ! If you are struggling to run the entire time during any run workout, its completely OK to include walking breaks as needed. Its ok if you have to use the run/walk method for the running (more on that below). This can be run on track the or measured course, BT: Long warm-up of at least 15-20 minutes. The first step of the plan starts with, acclimating. Sunglasses are helpful for running when its super sunny outside, but when youre cycling, they can provide an added benefit of protection from flying bugs and other debris. For example, in week one you would bike for 20 minutes and then run for 10 minutes as soon as you finished cycling. Then youll have a watch that is designed to calculate information for a variety of events and can best suit your needs. Remember to push yourself but avoid overexerting yourself during the first run. You can add extra kilometres to the distances specified especially if you are training for other endurance sports. Note that you can still work in other, smaller races during your plan too! Do this 6x. I've used a number of different plans over the years from training peaks and found yours to be the best I've seen. For duathlons, its not allowed at all, including the run part and not just on the bike part. Luckily, there are only a few race regulations that youll need to know in order to ensure a successful event: These rules can seem overwhelming, but don't let that scare you from registering for a race. You should aim to train twice per week for each discipline, or more. I have recommended Phil's plans to other triathletes who have all reported equally positive experiences. I was initially apprehensive about purchasing a generic training program, but had been recommended Phil and team. It's good to divide your time equally between the two disciplines. As with running, rest days are important. Garrison, NY 10524 8x1 minute sprint, with 2' recovery. Please note: duathlon is quite different thing from the aquabike. Many indoor trainers enable you to use cycling software like Zwift, which makes it more fun. Its important that you start to train your legs to transition from biking to run and avoid the heavy leg feeling that can be common for duathletes and triathletes. Whatever your level, entering a duathlon is a great way to kickstart your training, because it adds a sense of urgency to your preparation. While you might feel super comfortable about . Sprint Duathlon Distance: 5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run Standard Duathlon Distance: 10km run, 40km bike, 5km run Middle Distance Duathlon: 10km run, 60km bike, 10km run I appreciated the explanation and understanding provided as to the purpose of the workout and what we are trying to achieve. 10' WU. In addition, Phil is open to the occasional bit of more personal communication which I have tried not to abuse, but whether on social media or email you get a real sense that Phil is in your corner. As any triathlete knows, there are actually more than three parts to the race if you factor in the transition times, which can make a huge difference in your overall finish time. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. If its your first ever duathlon, we recommend starting off with a sprint distance event. Think of the super-sprint as the "5k" of triathlon. Read our, Nutrition Guidelines for Long Runs and Race Day, The Complete Beginner's Guide to Sprint Triathlon Training, The 10 Best Cycling Shoes of 2023, Tested and Reviewed, The 8 Best Indoor Cycling Bikes of 2023, Tested and Reviewed, How to Start Cycling: What You Need to Know, MYX's II Plus Exercise Bike Offers Total-Body Workouts for the At-Home Exerciser, The 22 Best Peloton Bike Accessories of 2023, Expert Picks Delivered to Your Inbox via ShopWell, more run-focused training in order to improve your performance. Phone lines are openMon - Fri 9am-5pm, Heart Helpline - for medical enquiries:0300 330 3311 Training. Be sure to get off your bike here you do not want to ride into transition. An optional fourth easy run is provided throughout the weeks for those who can give an extra hour per week. 10 June 2016. . Youll want high-quality sneakers to help with your best running form and stride. As a coach since 2000, and with a National Championship to my credit, I've crafted several different plans to get you to the finish line fast. The Superstars was a televised sporting event featuring ten top athletes from ten different sports competing in events that were not their own. - after I purchased the plan, all fears were immediately removed as the plan included not only advice on tailoring it to include for B, C races etc, but guidance for missing sessions, along with just other handy hints and tips. THANK YOU!.. A pacing only workout - no concern for speed. Please confirm your cancellation below and one of our team will process it as soon as possible (stopping all future payments). Duathlon workout plans can be found everywhere online but you should always make sure you're getting them from a reputable source. The plan is divided into 3 stages that will take you from winter base training into the racing season. A flexible calendar, targeted training zones, trackable progress and so much more on any device. In the United States, the format is frequently flipped with a shorter first run and longer second run. Weight Training and Core StrengthThe program that I am using this time around is adapted from The Training Bible and has been tweaked to include some exercises that I think are important. Exit the transition area in the designated direction, and power through your last run of the event! The Ideal Challenge This is a workout that combines both disciplines, so that you get used to how your body feels jumping off a bike and starting a run. All Events In this article, we cover what you need to know to prepare for your first duathlon. Run #2 is after Bike. After you finish the run, youll race to the transition area to get ready to bike. Aim to cycle at least twice per week if you want to consistently improve. RW's 12-week sub-2:00 Half-Marathon training plan The ultimate schedule for the half By Steve Smythe Published: May 7, 2018 The half-marathon training plan for runners looking to finish in. Edinburgh Duathlon held in East . Keep in mind you dont want to only focus on one or the other but an athlete doing five workouts a week might choose two in their stronger discipline and three in their weaker disciple. Explore our research, Our vision is a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. Feel strong and confident. 10x1' sprints - start standing and then sit, with 2' recovery. The program will run on Sunday's from 2-4pm for 6 weeks starting June 19th and running until July . . I've used a number of different plans Hi Phil, Just wanted to say great job on your training plan. Registration is now open for our pilot Youth Spokes Program! Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device. Once your helmet is on, you can switch into cycling shoes if youre using them. 2007 - Present16 years. "All you need is a bike, helmet, water bottle and running . I am looking forward to coaching you in this process and I am confident that if you follow the program I've outlined, use it as a blueprint for success and train with focus, dedication and a sense of purpose, you'll achieve great results! Jan. Some races dont allow exposed torsos, meaning that males cant run with their shirts off if they get hot and women cant run in sports bras. Home Strength Sessions are 45min, and include videos of the exercises. Unsubscribe any time. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. for providing me with exactly what I needed to complete my first IM 70.3 without a hitchit was absolutely an amazing experience. You can complete the race with a hybrid bike, a mountain bike, a road bike, or a triathlon bike. These schedules will be suitable for anyone who has already completed a duathlon or triathlon and are looking to improve either their technique or finishing time. Keep things simple. serious cyclists ride with clipless pedals, 14 Tips To Improve Your Triathlon Swimming, Super Sprint: 2.5k run, 10k bike, 2.5k run. Aim to run twice per week, or more if youre experienced. If you take the time to train properly and make the most of the transition time, youre sure to have a great time at your first duathlon. Currently, training plans are set for events coming up in 12 weeks or 16 weeks for a full distance duathlon. 10' wu. Ride #2: Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. 5' hard (at LT), 3' easy (zone 2). This is unwise. You can start our Off-Season (Fitness Maintenance) plans anytime you like. Phone lines are open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), TAVI (Transcatheter aortic valve implantation), Volunteer and power our lifesaving research, Cross Party Group Inquiry into Atrial Fibrillation in Scotland, Cross Party Group Inquiry into High Blood Pressure in Scotland, Book a free furniture and electrical goods collection, Donate safely to our clothing and book shops, Donate safely using our house clearance service, Operating a safe delivery service for our home stores, We work with patients and the public for better health and care, We fund research to save and improve lives, CureHeart a future cure for inherited heart muscle diseases, Research Excellence and Accelerator Awards, Turning back the tide on heart and circulatory diseases, Intermediate ten-week duathlon training plan, Intermediate ten-week triathlon training plan, Advanced ten-week triathlon training plan, Triathlon and duathlon training schedules. This is where the athlete runs for 8 minutes and walks for 2, getting their HR back down. This 10-week plan puts together all the fundamentals of a structured training plan. Brick workouts include training from two disciplines. Our experienced cardiac nurses are here to help answer your questions or concerns. This plan was based upon a 20-week training schedule. - after read moreI was initially apprehensive about purchasing a generic training program, but had been recommended Phil and team. Supersapiens is the. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Rest and recovery is just as important as training. Remember even the super fit and experienced should build up slowly. Hello, A huge thank you! Tempo: 1 count lift, 1 count isometric (pause at bottom), 2 count lower, 0 count rest. Our Standard and Masters plans are designed to get you ready for your target event, while our Off-Season plans allow you to recover from a tough season but still maintain your well-earned fitness. The show was sold to ABC which aired it as a two-hour ABC Sports special in the winter of 1973.. By the end of 1973, a similar event appeared in Great . You can obviously push a little bit harder in this section because you have one run down, but dont overdo it because that last run could be killer. General Adaptation Phase. In the mixed relay, teams of four (two women, two men), combine to race, with each member completing a super-sprint . I appreciated the explanation and understanding provided as to the purpose of the workout and what we are trying to achieve. The training plan gives me a more balanced life and no niggles !!! This 12 week sprint distance level duathlon training plan is designed to help get you in shape for a duathlon of the following distance 5km Run 20km Bike 2.5km Run You'll start training in zone 2 and gradually progress over the weeks into zone 3 and zone 4 and racing pace sessions. Our online training plans include speed sessions, easier aerobic workouts and regular recovery periods, so you improve consistently throughout. The distances in this program are specific to complete the 5 kilometre run, 20 kilometre bike, and 4.5 kilometre run. And the 42.2km run is four loops around town. While you might want to spend lots of time training for the runs, you need to be prepared for the bike section. Go over your race day plan in your head. The Get Round plan is for the novice duathlete, perhaps a runner, biker or fitness enthusiast having their first foray into multisport who, already in regular training, is able to commit to 5-6hrs per week (four workouts). Bodyfeed Add to cart; Unlimited Training Plans $ 39.99 / month. You need to let other riders know that youre passing by saying, On your left!, In the UK and other countries with similar highway laws, youll ride on the left side and pass on the right. Distances vary depending on the location and race organizer. How To Race a Triathlon in Hot Weather Learn how to survive hot weather during your next triathlon. That tri race is only swimming and biking, no running. Find race rules, gear tips, and even a beginner duathlon training plan to help you complete your first event. As a new athlete, your goal is to get from a base aerobic fitness level to the level needed to cross the finish line. We hope that you love our articles and find them useful and informative! 10' wu, 10' cd. 5 days ago Web Specific Training Tips For Duathlons Around 85% of your training should be done at an easy pace, where you can maintain a conversation. Nutrition, Hydration and Accessories for . Brage's first tip is not to get carried away by the sometimes-intimidating world of expensive duathlon kit. Zwift has running. 15' cd. If this plan feels too easy, you can add in speed or hill intervals during one of your weekly run workouts and/or one of your weekly bike workouts. I have recommended Phil's plans to other triathletes who have all reported equally positive experiences. This plan is for you if. READ Mumbles Duathlon - UPDATED 2021 - Distances, Photos & More Once you have spent 6-8 weeks on this phase you can start to look to include some threshold work into your plan. With the right training, you will get used to the feeling, no matter how hard you push it in the bike leg. Duathlon Training plans. Web links also very helpful for the old amateur. This 12-week training plan includes 6 sessions per week and 2 body weight, strength sessions per week. WU: 10' then 4x400 at 10k race pace. Start time and tracking. We take your privacy seriously. Dulmen, Germany. This is why it should be the first thing that you put on when you hit T1 and the last thing to take off when you hit T2. The plan is written so that each session is easy to understand and . Most U.S. duathlon events are sprint-distance events, with each run in the 1-3 mile range and the cycling leg around 8-15 miles. The workouts in this plan fit a framework of 5-8 hours per week. Cycle Sessions vary from 1hour for interval sessions - 2hour endurance rides. THANK YOU!.. Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs. Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. Just make sure that it works for both biking and running (especially the bottoms). Its important to train your legs to run coming off the bike, so include at least a few brick workouts in your training schedule. While you might feel super comfortable about the run portion if youre a runner, you still need that time if youve never done a duathlon. A GPS running watch is great, but if youre planning to run more duathlons, consider purchasing a GPS watch with multisport. While this is likely not your first inclination, youll want to practice the sport that youre less comfortable with. I consent to have the information submitted being stored on your server and displayed on your site. You need to give your body a chance to heal and make the muscle repairs that it needs. MyProCoach strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. While triathlon is a swim-bike-run event, duathlon is a run-bike-run event. Which comes down to as little as $3.55 per week for unlimited training plans and ongoing certified coach support. It will be harder and take more energy with the first two, but they are legal for the race. He has not simply written generic plans and sat back to count the cash - I get a strong sense that he cares for athletes following his plans and has a genuine desire to see them be successful - whatever that looks like to them. Run 40' after Bike #1. To download Weeks 1-12 for FREE, Click Here! These typically involve a 5km run, a 15km cycle and a 2.5km run. Build up slowly and don't over do it! No bigger compliment! Sets: 2 to 5 ideally, with 3 working sets. This program should be used for an athlete who is an experienced duathlete and their goal is to complete a medium distance duathlon without difficulty. I have over 20 years of experience helping amateur athletes surpass their goals, while still making sure they have quality time available for their family, friends and career. In weeks 10 and 14, a bike-run brick workout takes the place of Sunday's run. The purpose of this plan is to complete a short course duathlon. when you click on some of the links in this post. Choose your event for specific tips and to preview our plans now, plans in beginner, intermediate or advanced, w, our plans can be activated multiple times for free), Browse by category or search (90+ articles). To download Weeks 19-24 for FREE, A typical event might look something like this: 1.5 mile run 12 mile bike 3 mile run Sometimes, though, both run legs are equal distances. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Quickly view upcoming workouts in the TrainingPeaks app. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Read our latest articles, Leaving a gift to the BHF in your Will will help fund groundbreaking research into cures and treatments for heart and circulatory diseases. The 4 week duathlon training plan here is based on the intermediate triathlete who has a foundation of training hours in the bank. This greatly increases the power you put into the pedals. less -3 years ago, Go for it, you will not be disappointed. Enter your email to receive our weekly newsletter! Heres how to understand the age-groups and, who knows, maybe even qualify for the IRONMAN World Champs in, Supersapians, game changer or gadget? The Complete Guide to Duathlon Training for Beginners. Run on a flat course or treadmill. For runners who are looking to compete in another event but arent quite ready to make the jump to a triathlon, a duathlon is a great option. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced duathlete, I have a training plan to meet your needs. Nudity in the transition area isnt allowed, so you shouldnt be trying to change clothes. We suggest you only do strength work in addition to at least two runs and two cycles per week. After wu, do 4x20" fast with a full recovery between each. The Twelve-Week Race Plan Race distance: Sprint Athlete level: Intermediate level with at least two years of sprint or Olympic distance racing experience Hours per week: five to six This training plan is to be used in conjunction with a Garmin multisport GPS device or devices. If you're new to a duathlon, plan to train for 12 weeks. With essential hacks on hydration, staying cool, CAN I DO AN IRONMAN ON SIX MONTHS OF TRAINING? Then 6x2' up a hill at 65-70 RPMS. Thank you Phil! In general, about 70-80% of an athletes workouts should be comfortably paced, with 20-30% focusing on developing speed. Duathlon Training Plan Feature Requests Forrest_Kieser (Forrest Kieser (Team ZF)) January 17, 2019, 3:43am #1 Zwift has cycling. Typically, it will be two seasons. Warm up for 10' before the race, make sure your bike is shifting properly and nothing is loose or rattling. Hal Higdon has trained millions of runners through his 50+ training plans for marathons, half-marathons, 5Ks, and more. For a warm-up, you should plan to run instead of bike to avoid pre-race bike malfunctions.