derek more plates more dates height and weight
That in itself should tell you your diet isn't perfect! The official subreddit community for the Youtube channel More Plates More Dates. Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. Lower than normal testosterone production or hypothyroidism could both lead to significantly more fat being stored on you than you would have otherwise, as well as less lean muscle tissue than you would have with normal testosterone levels. Through this continuous process of slowly adding in more cardio and slowly reducing your daily caloric intake each time you plateau, you can continue to get leaner and bust plateaus without wrecking your metabolism and getting stuck spinning your wheels. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Lets say you are interested in testosterone therapy, but dont know where to start. If I can hit 200lbs at 7% body fat when I was 16-17 years old playing football and hockey in high school it's more then doable to have a big natural physique. It is actually very rare to see someone underneath 10% body fat at all, let alone someone who is that lean and has some mass as well. Derek from More Plates More Dates is a big fan of ecdysterone because recent studies show it increases muscle protein synthesis in humans by as much as 20%! You need to try them and see what you respond best to. Current Stats Height: 6'1 Weight: 220 pounds Age: 28 years old Birthday: Derek was born in 1994, his birthday is unknown Accolades: 480k Instagram followers, 1.2 million YouTube subscribers After getting to university, I was still completely oblivious as to what I wanted to do with my life. To learn more about the brand More Plates More Dates, visit Dereks website and follow the Instagram page here Each new activity should be memorable choose quality over quantity. For simplicity purposes for beginners, my suggestion is to pick a diet style and stick to that for the duration of your cut. If could go back in time, I could have gotten away with half of that easily, and still made significant amounts of progress. Even if you build a big following and are successful, if it isnt in an industry you are truly passionate about, you will very likely burn out and it will be far less likely to make you happy. Check out our top rated fat burners to find out what actually works. Whats the verdict does Derek from More Plates More Dates use steroids? While weve done thorough research on Derek from More Plates More Dates workout routine and diet plan, this is not his exact workout routine. Is Derek from More Plates More Dates really a natural bodybuilder? Picking fibrous carbs is a good plan of attack as it will satiate you easier and leave you feeling fuller. Check regularly for the latest, Greatest Physiques. In later installations I will delve into more complex and specific topics such as: What you should do to speed your metabolism back up once you have achieved your desired level of leanness, reefed days, metabolism boosting drugs, contest prep, how to peak for a photo shoot or a special event, among a myriad of other relevant topics. It was almost like I knew deep down that I should do this myself, but I just didnt know where to start. Derek says that his first steroid cycle consisted of 500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week for 12 weeks. I have no idea where I heard that quote but it is kind of true. I dont have lab studies to back me up or anything, but I get leaner easier when I incorporate fasted sessions vs. fed sessions so I will stick to what has worked for me, and I suggest you do fasted/glycogen depleted cardio if your schedule allows for it as well. Check out our guide to protein-rich foods to help you on your way - a completely new fitness level is just around the corner. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. For Derek, self-improvement begins by following a few basic rules: From this jumping-off point, it is possible to go deeper, learn more about yourself, and improve your training, nutrition, and approach to dating. We won't share your information with anyone. Your email address will not be published. While it is most beneficial to complete your cardio in a fasted state right upon waking up, if it doesnt fit your schedule, it is far more important that you simply get it done at some point in the day then not doing it at all because you couldnt do it at the optimal time of day. Derek transformed More Plates More Dates into a one-stop-shop where people can go to learn about fitness, health, self-confidence, and a variety of other unique . First thing you will want to do is calculate your BMR if you dont already know what that is. Derek launched a supplement company called Gorilla Mind in 2017, and he also co-owns a hormone replacement therapy clinic. Steroids are actually illegal in many countries around the world, but despite their status as a controlled substance, they are still relatively popular especially among men. This solidifies why its very important to take measures to maintain as much muscle mass as you can while cutting down, as simply having more muscle on your body in itself will make your body burn more calories even when you are doing nothing, making getting lean a much easier feat. I didn't even use an aromatase inhibitor because I was so uneducated and haphazardly jumped into the cycle thinking I knew everything already. All rights reserved. However, I know TONNS of guys who respond AMAZING to ketogenic diets. The thought of it didnt excite me at all, but I couldnt wrap my mind around entrepreneurship at the time, or how to even get started with it. This is exactly how it was laid out: Weeks. I try to keep myself right on the cusp of supraphysiological Testosterone levels. I dont even think thats a word. Have you always wanted to become an entrepreneur in the fitness industry? That sounds like an obvious suggestion, but most newbies are still doing the same cookie cutter vlogs, full day of eating, etc. FEB 6, 2023 . I can sustain my current physique on 100 mg of Testosterone per week. YouTuber More Plates More Dates claims he is a natural bodybuilder on the Joe Rogan Podcast. I couldnt even bench press the bar when I started. He started writing blog articles in 2016 on and filming YouTube videos shortly thereafter. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Your email address will not be published. Or did he use anabolic steroids to go beyond his natural limits and take his physique to the next level? By all means, try that split if you want, and if it works to your satisfaction stick to it in the future if you want to. You need to stand out in some way. Derek more plates more dates is a Canadian bodybuilding from Vancouver. My first steroid cycle was the classic 500 mg of Test Enanthate for 12 weeks. Maybe even less, and I will likely see how low I can get it before I start seeing muscle loss in the near future (androgens are one of the main roots of heart disease). Keep yourself full and satiated so you dont cheat on your diet. All of our content is written by people with a strong science background, including medical researchers. What's his last name? How fast your metabolism is will determine how low your calories will need to go and how long and frequent your cardio will eventually need to get to get very very lean. Derek from More Plates More Dates has many of the usual signs of long-term steroid use, such as an insanely muscular physique, extreme muscle density, and a rapid body transformation. Alongside suggesting practical steps towards improvement, Derek also discusses emotional issues such as self-esteem, lack of confidence, and insecurity, offering men new perspectives on how they view the world and themselves. After a month of training, I started to enjoy it more as I could see progress on the scale and on the weights I could lift. Here is More Plates More Dates workout routine: Dereks first rest day of the week is Tuesday, where he lets his chest and back recover from the previous days lift. 2) Tumeric/Curcumin 1200mg per day Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. You almost never see a natural bodybuilder with Dereks level of shoulder development, so this is another clear sign that he is probably on gear. Fortunately, there are many legal steroid alternatives that deliver similar results to traditional steroids, but without any side effects. Once you start to get really lean, you will start really looking forward to sipping on your BCAAs as this stuff below actually tastes GOOD and when you have been eating clean and in a calorie deficit for a long period of time, literally everything starts tasting better. Sometimes, diagnosing an underlying condition and being properly medicated could be enough to fix any issues you may have had in the past with losing stubborn fat. As a matter of fact, most of the guys on the forum I moderate have had their best fat loss results using ketogenic diets. Other signs that someone is on gear include rapid weight gain, extremely large but weak muscles, and red / flushed skin. My friends were all committed to getting as big and strong as possible at the time, and eventually convinced me to start working out. My Testosterone replacement protocol has evolved over the years as I started to realize that I could get away with less and less. Steroids have many nasty side effects, and can cause long-term damage to your cardiovascular system and internal organs. Derek decided to transform his physique and turn his life around, and the rest, as they say, is history. Knowing exactly what your calorie intake is each meal per day will let you know if you are achieving your calorie intake requirements of each day necessary for fat loss. And by investing in myself I mean spending money on courses to educate myself, hiring employees to take tasks off my back, getting better camera equipment, getting a faster internet connection, etc. Hello Derek, could you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background? This makes it as effective as 20% protein synthesis, better than dianabol [5, 6]. She grew up on the soccer field and volleyball court and credits those sports with her determination, passion for fitness, and leadership off the field. He had a large stomach and a fat, bloated face. It is necessary to try and speed your metabolism back up SLOWLY in order to allow yourself to eat more food, while staying lean, as you simply cannot be at optimal health living your life in a severe calorie deficit forever. For suggested bodybuilding foods my friend Chris from Goodlookingloser has already compiled an assortment of in depth lists of foods for you to refer to. I do suggest definitely having a higher protein intake in grams per day relative to your body weight (X grams of protein per pound body weight) than you would in a bulk phase though, as high protein content in a diet is very necessary for muscular preservation in a calorie deficit. Another key sign of steroid use is a rapid body transformation. Its hard to say, but you can always look to see if they have any signs of steroid use to get a better idea. His constant research in the areas of health, bodybuilding and hormone optimization not only intersected with product development, but it helped earn him notable status in the industry, and companies then entrusted him with deciding what products and services they should sell. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Many first-time steroid users are able to build 10-30 pounds of muscle mass in their first 12-week cycle! After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too. Even now, most of you guys know my TRT protocol is only 100 mg of Testosterone Propionate per week right now (at least at the time of writing this article). Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical treatment option designed specifically for men with low T. The basic idea is to supplement your bodys natural testosterone production with a prescription testosterone medication. Research shows these muscle groups have a large number of androgen receptors, and many steroid users find their shoulders and traps explode in size when they first start using gear. Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE, 500 mg per week split into 1x 250 mg shot Monday and 1x 250 mg shot Thursday, (Waited for ester to clear before starting PCT), Nolvadex (40 mg per day) and Clomid (100 mg per day), Nolvadex (20 mg per day) and Clomid (50 mg per day). We won't share your information with anyone. Studies show that anabolic steroids can cause long-term damage to your internal organs, such as your heart, liver, and kidneys [3] [4]. Anybody who simply eats clean and gets as lean as they want without counting calories at all is actually still in a caloric deficit, they may just be unaware of it because they dont count their calories and their positive results are essentially accidental. before I started writing. He said, Oh, like youre doing now? I was taken aback, and all I could say was Huh? but he kept cutting me off and going huh? While many will argue the benefits of different types of dieting such as ketogenic diets, paleo diets, carb-cycling diets, super high protein no fat no carb diets, etc. Social media has afforded many entrepreneurs a platform to capitalize on their aspirations, where it wouldve been nearly impossible to do so otherwise. Thank you, GeneralKey5900, for voting on xkcd-Hyphen-bot. Will cover what you should do once you have achieved your desired level of leanness. All Right Reserved. I remember the last time I got down to 5% body fat I was so damn hungry and had such intense cravings I remember seeing a bag of flavored dog treats and was actually thinking I bet that shit tastes unreal and had to stop myself from trying them. First time I seen this they were talking about Brendan Schaub and I feel for it hard. Required fields are marked *. My knowledge in 2016 pales in comparison to where its at now though and will likely pale in comparison to what it will be a few years from now. Derek (also known as More Plates More Dates online) publishes self-improvement content on his various social media platforms to help men. I tried a keto diet once and lost fat at a much slower rate than I had with a carb-cycling approach and lost a pile of muscle. He also has fully capped 3-D delts that pop off the sides of his body. However, he regrets taking so much at first, as he didnt gain nearly as much muscle mass from the first cycle as he wanted to. Heres More Plates More Dates leg day routine: More Plates More Dates takes the weekend off from the gym. If you do decide to use BCAAs, I suggest you drink a couple servings prior to your cardio sessions, as they will offset the catabolism caused by the cardio session, and off-set how much muscle you can potentially lose from the session. We cover professional athletes, models and even social media stars to bring you the very best, up to date information in our profiles. Verified. TIMESTAMPS (thanks to Jax):0:00 Failing to fastYouTube troublesConsultationsSteve looking youngerAbs and tattoosPodcast camerasDerek's channel9:41 Self emplo. 99% of these guys who claim their diet is in check dont actually eat at a caloric deficit, and that is why they simply wont lose weight ever, even if their diet is 100% clean and they are getting all their calories from plain chicken, rice and broccoli. Fortunately, I already had the confidence in myself to invest in my own future, and once I had a clear path of what I needed to do in front of me, I started investing in myself heavily. In late 2019 he went all-in with his passion and started posting videos on a full-time basis. We believe the odds are extremely high that Derek used anabolic steroids to build his incredible physique. If you are already on half a gram of gear and throwing back Aromasin/Arimidex tabs just to keep your Estrogen in check during your first cycle, you're way off the mark from smart bodybuilding practices. makes every effort to ensure that any information it shares complies with national and international standards for clinical trial information and is committed to the timely disclosure of the design and results of all interventional clinical studies for innovative treatments publicly available or that may be made available. He doesnt try to push his body too hard anymore with grueling exercises; hes working hard to remain injury-free, he doesnt experiment with steroids and hes taking steps to find the right foods and supplements to fuel his body, support muscle recovery, and to improve his eating habits.
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