dark jokes about pregnancy
When a husband came home, he saw that his wife was standing naked in front of the mirror and examining her belly. Doctor: "Well, the little girl is named Denise." What does my dad have in common with Nemo? He enjoys jokes about black women as perpetually pregnant parasites chasing welfare checks. Why dont skeletons ever go trick or treating? I should not be allowed to operate heavy equipment, including iPhones. Olivia Wilde, I had this thing for Entenmanns chocolate donuts. Animals What makes watching a Quentin Tarantino movie look like a Disney flick? Which is why we rounded up these hilarious pregnancy jokes and quotes that will even get the baby kicking and laughing. RELATED: Looking For Tips On How To Get Pregnant Fast? The following dark jokes are treading a fine line, a fact that only serves to make them even funnier. I know a fish that can breakdance! I was reading a great book about an immortal cat the other day. In other words, these are a mild to moderate offense level. Wonderful saying, horrible way to find out that you were adopted. What did he name the boy? A pregnant woman lapses into a coma. Ans: Not unless the word alimony means anything to you. Then he replies: Because I see a beard. My wife and I have made a difficult choice and have decided we do not want children. A pregnant woman went to an astrologer. Woman: Ohh, that's actually a nice name. A couple of spicy and sexy jokes to make you laugh and question your own fetishes. ", She said, "Oh the baby is mine, I get to keep it". A wife shouts at a young servant: What, Ann, I see you are pregnant! It is supposed to tear down boundaries and borders; it is there as a device to make those who listen and laugh feel a little guilty for doing so, but at the same time relieve some of the stresses and pressures surrounding us. Funny Videos in YouTube Here you can find top funny Pregnancy Jokes that you can share your expecting friends. 75. Studying I guess I was wrong about him. Then today he called me to brag that he got his wife pregnant. I used to work on an assembly line that made pregnancy pamphlets, but I quit. He still feels nothing. When she wakes up, she is in a hospital bed. well don't give her another, she ate the last one! We havent even slept, have we? My childbirth instructor said its not pain Ill feel during labor, but pressure. Here you can find top funny Pregnancy Jokes that you can share your expecting friends. 92. Between the swollen ankles and morning sickness, jokes can be a respite from all that your spouse is going through. He replied: No, I dont want to. Ans: With any luck, right after he graduates college. If anything, having a penchant for giggling at these dark jokes might signify that you are a very intelligent individual. Someone else must have shot the tiger. With that in . Then he replied: Youre not pregnant. He named the boy Jason." 04:25 PM - 24 Apr 2017. You know youre getting old when your friends start having kids on purpose. Pregnancy is only easy on some women, for others, there are pregnancy jokes. Are you still holding the ladder?. My girlfriend wanted a marriage just like a fairy tale. In case youre looking to lighten your spouses mood and make her feel a bit better, here are some greatmaternity jokesthat will help you in times of need. Witney Carson Jokes About Still Being 'in a Diaper' Nearly 2 Weeks After Giving Birth By Jennifer Drysdale 3:46 PM PST, January 16, 2021 This video is The father was irritated. I started crying when dad was cutting onions. Yours? You're not 8 months pregnant ?". They're usually full of shit, but thankfully disposable. Then she asks: How can you compare it? 50. **Warning** The following post contains material that some may find offensive. USA P.S. After hearing the phrase, Dear, I am pregnant in the morning, my friend John pretended to be asleep for two more days. Think about our child !" Why? Why cant Michael Jackson go within 500 meters of a school? Looking For Tips On How To Get Pregnant Fast? Then she replies: Because my husband will be there. Give a man a match, and hell be warm for a few hours. You have no idea how much pain a woman endures during birth." Are you expecting a baby? Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Earlene didn't get pregnant again." Luther asks Billy Bob, "So, what you gonna do this year that's different?" "I'm taking Earlene with me." friends wife marriage cheating joke pregnant hawaii vacation afternoon billy bob luther tahiti bahamas. So Im assuming my plan is to get it out. (a) Be pregnant. When my mother was pregnant with me, she broke a gramophone disk. Turns out, I'm not gonna be a doctor. Whats better than eating for two people while pregnant? Food "Dad, my girlfriend is pregnant" 26. A wedding and a funeral struck on a street. When he asked them who the best composer was, they all replied, "Bach, Bach, Bach.". Why are men like diapers? 2. Thank u Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved|timeshq.com. They're fine," he says. I went into the subway. How is being pregnant like being a kid again? A pregnant wife called her husband: Dear, is it okay if we only have eggs for dinner? What is considered the best time to get an epidural? Did you know that your chances of becoming pregnant are hereditary? 15 years later, one of her daughters came up to her and said, "Mom, I was peeing and a bullet came out." Look at anything from stand-up comedians to tv sitcoms and comedies. Theres a lot of talk about starting families, but no one ever talks about finishing what they started. I'm really happy that my prayer worked. 28. My wife told me she's sick of me pushing her around and talking behind her back. Then the man came to his wife and said angrily: Im leaving you. 49. [cry]" Do you know the phrase One mans trash is another mans treasure? I think my water just broke! She clearly isn't a fan of protection. Youre required to have the baby for her. Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear-end, and even my feet have grown. Theres always someone telling you what to do. Then she asked: Giving birth? Pregnancy is no joke, but it definitely has its moments. It means that the babys mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse. Telling the world youre pregnant is like telling the world you had unprotected sex. Apparently, all a vasectomy does is change the color of the baby. The sea air worked. Usually an overdose, I told her. A pregnant woman and her husband came to the doctor: Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? His last wish was to be Frank in Stein. ", "What is it?" Think about our child. 31. A man is thinking about a pregnancy test and suddenly remembers how his mother used to say as a child, putting on pants on him: Son, remember, two stripes are a fool! My girlfriends dog died, so I tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one. My mom died when we couldnt remember her blood type. 38. Today at the pharmacy I noticed a woman without a face mask buying a pregnancy test. Shane: Dad bought a great car so that we were having a great weekend. Everyone says, congratulations, but they dont know how many times you got screwed. Me, on the phone: Ok thank you. 3 years ago I went to Spain and Mary got pregnant. When ordering food at a new restaurant, my wife asked the waiter what they do to prepare their chicken.Nothing special, he explained. Guy: But doctor that can't be right. Again, we wont be delving into specifics, but from the base level, that makes sense. Ans: Theres always someone telling you what to do! Luckily, all her children were safe. "Your husband did. briarwood football roster. I went into the subway. Reply Retweet . But nothing happened to me, nothing happened. And father: Who is the father? Break their bones instead, they have 206 of them. TheCoolist is a mood board for your headspace. When people congratulate me, I like to say, For what? and watch them freak out. 35. Sorry, whats the quickest way to get to the hospital? What did he name the girl? The bullet must have been shot by another person. The other day, my girlfriend asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick. There are two girls. What is interesting to note is that there has been a scientific link discovered between those with a dark sense of humor and intelligence. Pregnant girl. Often called black humor or gallows humor, it is something that lies in the underbelly of many. Mealtimes are often a place for good conversation. One is a superhero and the other is a simple command. Im still a young guy. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You dont need to be British to understand or tell these jokes, but it does help. 7. The doctor said, "It's what we in the medical profession call a grudge pregnancy." Then the doctor asks: Hmm, how is the young secretary doing? Find out why pregnant women, pregnant wives, pregnant moms, pregnant nuns, pregnant brides, pregnant cows, pregnant cats, pregnant Halloween characters, pregnant women with twins, and even foetuses make jokes. The husband replied: Yes, that is our neighbour. What is the worst combination of illnesses? Leave us a comment below! What hurts even more than childbirth? I know my baby is going to be an overachiever. Husband: No, nothing. Drinking Ans: No, but your husband might get on your nerves. Dont let the process get to you, instead, try and enjoy it for what it is. Suddenly Abraham answered: Why are you calling me? Whats the weirdest stage of pregnancy? Fishing and girlfriends are exactly alike, there may be plenty of fish in the sea, but until I find one, Im stuck here holding my rod. And he's packing his bag and an angel comes up and asks, "So, where are you going to go for your vacation?" Is there any reason for me to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor? Doesnt matter what you call him, he wont come anyway. First off, dark jokes take subjects that are considered either offensive or uncomfortable and turn them into a joke. Hello, John, is that you? 18. The way a joke is told is not to offend but rather to diffuse, to trivialize the overwhelmingly negative, and make it just that little more bearable. 110 points. They say theres a person capable of murder in every friendship group. your doctor. Theyve invented a curved pregnancy test, so you dont pee on your hand. Funny Quotes and Sayings Workplace. 34. Turns out they dont prevent pregnancy, it just changes the color of the baby. I used to work on an assembly line making pregnancy pamphlets, but I quit. Only for 20 seconds, though, and only once. Which girl has two brain cells? 44. - "Wait, what ? pregnant 1.8K 3 by Autumns-Dreams A woman visits the doctor as she has some abdominal pains and suspects she may be pregnant. I now live in constant fear. I wanted to run straight home to tell my wife about it. My wife is pregnant! WIFE: I have a couple of important announcements First: I'm pregnant. Dark humor jokes are like an uncle with Tourettes; everybody wishes they had one, but when you do, youre not really allowed to talk about it. The look on their faces as they try to hold back their smiles will only make you laugh even harder. Also, your brother stopped by and named them for you" New Mother: "My brother named them? A brick. I dont have a Lamborghini in my garage. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy? Why? What does a pregnant woman say after she apologizes for her random emotional outbursts? I love a hero with a twisted back story. "She's having contractions.". For others, its laughing at offensive jokes or sharing memes around the workplace alright, fine, thats me too. "I'm not mad, just disappointed." They picked tacos. 39. However, you might feel bad for laughing at dark jokes. But if you remind me one more time of how huge Ive gotten Im going to eat you. Those of you who have teens can tell them clean pregnant i m pregnant dad jokes. A Lion suddenly jumped in front of him. Then the other one says: Congratulations. Just because you have a sense of humor and like one of the above, though, you will not necessarily like everything. To the Other: You have two girls and that dad, whose wife is a mermaid, has half a bucket of tadpoles. Such is life! When you wake up and throw up, is it because youre nurturing a human life? What did he name the girl? It doesnt have a home page. She asks surprisingly: True, how did you know? From the silly to the serious, these jokes will have you and your partner laughing all the way through your pregnancy. A woman goes into labor with her child. Wife:No you're not. And I say its because youre sweating to death. Jessica Simpson, That first pregnancy is a long sea journey to a country where you dont know the language, where land is in sight for such a long time that after a while its just the horizon and then one day, birds wheel over that dark shape and its suddenly close, and all you can do is hope like hell that youve had the right shots. Emily Perkins, I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting on my hoo-ha! Jessica Simpson, Baby brain is real. 74. Were talking about subjects like: These are all subjects that make people uneasy when discussing them. 99. "That's why I need to be extra careful.". Why are friends a lot like snow? Like a superhero. 39. 41. Were there difficult questions? It's just canceling your pre-order. Poor guy. You? 1,124 VOTES. What would be different if men were the ones who got pregnant? 9. So I wont have to worry about being invited to the baby shower. What does my dad have in common with Nemo? 64. Suddenly she replied: Me too. Ans: Cant eat because of nausea. A 2017 study by Austrian neurologists published in Cognitive Processing found that people who appreciate dark jokes, which they define as "humor that treats sinister subjects like death, disease, deformity, handicap, or warfare with bitter amusement," may actually have higher IQs than those who don't. How about you reincarnate as my child?" What does it mean when the baby is born with teeth? Why do orphans like playing tennis? You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on Why do women always look skinny after a miscarriage? Thats just how it works. "I like a man who loves animals. For example, take the holocaust. 77. 43. I laughed at their chalk outline. Is she right? I said "no way", don't want her getting pregnant again. The following collection of jokes are sure to make people giggle but dont come close to crossing any moral lines. What do you give a new mom, so shes ready for anything? I answered Duplicate. The following collection of dark jokes all share either a conversation simplicity or an association with food. I'm afraid she might get pregnant, what should I do ? Our baby was born last week. We're talking about subjects like: Disability Disease Death Abuse Racism Sexism War Poverty Sex and Sexuality These are all subjects that make people uneasy when discussing them. Wife: What did the fertility doctor say? I just drive everywhere. The old man said, That's stupid! That's the punch line. When people arent sure whether to congratulate you or hand you some Gas-X. Guys! The main thing is that it should be negative. Woman: Oh no, not my brother! What positions are guaranteed not to get pregnant? eructs the woman. Wouldn't! She became pregnant and took her to the hospital when the time came. 9. 75. Ans: Not if you change the babys diaper very quickly! Then wife replied: This is when you lie next to me and howl. Today at the pharmacy I saw a woman without a face mask buying a pregnancy test. asked the man. Pregnancy is a magical experience, but it can also be awkward and hilarious. Well, a really tired, weak superhero who wants to eat all the time and isnt allowed to lift heavy objects. My husband left a note on the fridge that said, "This isn't working." How many emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb? says the boyfriend, trying to convince her to stay. When a girl gets pregnant, a guy leaves town. Wife: Imagine, our neighbour is pregnant again! To pee or not to pee is never the question. e) The toilet is your home now. Surprised husband asked: Dear! Say what you will about pedophiles. One out of five stars, took way too long, overpriced, really uncomfortable, too crowded, aesthetically a mess, and no alcohol. Why is it that if you donate a kidney, people love you. Ans: It means that the babys mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse. She gave birth underwater! And, your brother named them for you. All the best on this journey! Not everybody has one. You are fucking cool, and the athlete is anywhere! Ans: Depends on what youre doing with them. 8. They say the surest way to a mans heart is through the stomach. A pregnant lady is talking to her friend: Imagine, this morning I broke a plate. A son tells his father: "I have an imaginary girlfriend." The father sighs and says: "You know, you could do better." Son: "Thanks Dad!" Father: "I was talking to your girlfriend." What is the difference between your boyfriend and a condom? ", But apparently it just changes the colour of the baby. Man, there is a pregnant woman in front of you, please give her a seat. She asked. Pregnancy is no joke, but it definitely has its moments. My parents are the worst. When it comes to humor, there is no discrimination. Dark humor jokes should only be told between the closest of friend groups or if you read the room well. Its impossible to deny that we live in an increasingly angry world. This is not for the welfare of the pregnant woman, but for the sake of saving work! I have oneWhat the difference between a slice of pizza and a dead manA slice of pizza cant feed the whole family. She laughed. Ans: Your breasts after your baby stops nursing cold turkey. An older man goes to the exit, smiling at her and says: Daughter, you will have a son! Without question, it was the darkest time in human history. Jack Daniels is a whiskey that can be abused by alcoholics, leading to death. Its too early for me to get married. Turns out, books about womens rights shouldnt go in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy section. He asks, "How did this happen my child?" My parents raised me as an only child, which really pissed off my brother. Does pregnancy affect a womans memory? Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? What about the boy? A girl got pregnant from a young boy and asked him to marry. When it leaves you and never comes back. But it doesnt have to be all doom and gloom! Everytime a girl gets pregnant, a guy leaves town. Top 50 Elephant Jokes For Whatsapp in 2023, Top 50 Wedding Jokes For WhatsApp in 2023, Fatherly Wisdom: 100+ Dad Quotes to Celebrate Your Hero (2023), 100+ Heartwarming Mom Quotes to Express Your Love (2023), 100+ Best Romantic Quotes For Your Love (2023), 50+ Beautiful Life Quotes For All in 2023, 100+ Best Inspirational Quotes For Your Life (2023), 100+ Heartwarming Sister Quotes | Unconditional Love(2023). Well, except one person. What is the most reliable method to determine a babys sex? A guy was wandering in the forest where he encountered a tiger. Ans: When people arent sure whether to congratulate you or buy you a gym membership. The doctor gave me some cream for my skin rash. I have a stepladder because my real ladder left when I was 5. Then she: Bastard, you wont marry. Me: Leave that to me I said, "It was dark, then suddenly very bright.". And who do you suspect? Woman: Well, that isn't so bad. Since I became pregnant, my breasts, buttocks, and even my feet have grown. Onions was such a good dog. Sense of Humor How do you say unintended pregnancy in German? If you start telling some of the jokes above, just make sure that you are in the right location with the right people. Pregnancy is no joke, but now that your little one is here, things are different. Whats the best way to get a man to give up his seat to a pregnant woman? Sometimes, a knock-knock joke doesnt help lighten the mood and the only resort is to crack a few jokes about things that normally shouldnt be laughed at like death, disease and depression. Travel and Backpacker says Jo. Suddenly she asked: Have you thought of a name for the child? Why is the lepers hockey game get canceled? Is this a normal craving? Doctor: deeply sighs Denephew. So the little boy walks off to find his dad with a confused look on his face 30. Doctor: Denise. Yours? Ever since Ive been pregnant, I havent been able to go to bed at night without onion rings. Whats the difference between a Lamborghini and a dead body? Its butt. My phone number, my address, my name. She awakens and frantically calls for her doctor. - "But we **don't** have any child !" Now shut the hell up. A lady, Lila: Hi! Im two months pregnant now. Whats common between hide and seek, and an unintentional pregnancy? I was at the park the other day when a mother sat down beside me. 4. Me: Id like to name our son James. Dont think its yours just because you marked it with your urine! , I want drugs, massive amounts of drugs. The man feels nothing. 1. "And how many peaches were there in the can?" continues the judge. Well, come on, Im listening. If dark humor jokes make you chuckle, take a peek at this list and compile a list to tell when you and your friends get together. However, many are unwilling to give in and give a laugh for fear of condemnation. Guy: Doctor, my Girlfriend is pregnant, but we always use protection, and the rubber never broke. When will my baby move? 7. Dark humor and jokes that are intentionally offensive can offer an even greater release. Get your whole family laughing with dad jokes, mom jokes, sister jokes, and brother jokes. The doctor replied, "Well, somebody's obviously had it in for you." The doctor asked, "What was it like?" 57. My husband and I went for an ultrasound scan. Funny animated cart. Then, he sat and waited in the waiting room. I dont want to go shopping!. Pregnant women afraid of What part of biology class? Jokes about being pregnant are a great way to help your spouse feel a bit at ease. At least they drive slowly through school zones. 48. When does a joke become a dad joke? Why was the leper hockey game canceled? They both cant be found. 47. Negative! Problem solved. (Partner hides Kool-Aid package and water jug they spilled in bed) Lets go to the hospital. Many of the pregnant pregnant nun puns are supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. Have you ever sneezed and peed at the same time? Interested in more content to help you through your pregnancy? So I packed up my stuff and right. People are now giving birth underwater. It was because of a face-off in the corner. No. But he's an idiot! 34. Dark humor and jokes flow like wine and gravy in others, and the only thing sharper than the wit is the key lime pie mum made for dessert. Those who have a higher level of intelligence are more apt to be in possession of a dark sense of humor. What part of biology class do pregnant women fear? 100. No. Doctor: Denise. Turns out, I'm not gonna be a doctor. One prick and it is gone forever. Asia When my girlfriend got pregnant! He never missed a shot. Nothing, if the pregnant womans partner knows whats good for them. Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. We are all dealing with kind of BSsome of it is heavier, thicker, and smellier than others. Dark jokes have been traced back as far as Ancient Greece. About 140 calories. 42. Even people who are good for nothing have the capacity to bring a smile to your face. If the baby can hear everything inside the belly, then I am pretty sure his first word is going to be f**k. To pee or not to pee is never the question. Also, your brother stopped by and named them for you" Then she replied: No. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice. Happy 60th birthday. A wife found out that she was pregnant. Yes, please whine to me about how tired you are today. Expecting the worst, she asks, "What's the girl's name?" Ill go to Moscow, climb the Crimean bridge and jump into the river. A young pregnant mother with a big belly is sitting in the tram. The guy who stole my diary just died. When my Uncle Frank died, he wanted his cremations to be buried in his favorite beer mug. Or at least it does if you throw it hard enough. "DeNephew.". Watch our huge library of the best stand-up comedy videos, get information on our stand-up comedians, read our joke of the day, and buy tickets to live shows at our comedy clubs. "What's a grudge pregnancy?" Did we get a rise out of you with any of our offensive jokes? Can you please hold my hand?. A woman covered in pasta sauce takes a pregnancy test. What about the girl?" 97. Im pregnant with you! I dont have a carbon footprint. 59. 68. ", Paddy says to Mick, How is virginity like a soap bubble? Husband: Are you sure? Shes got a construction zone going on in her belly. Al Roker, Stop saying, Were pregnant. Youre not pregnant! First off, dark jokes take subjects that are considered either offensive or uncomfortable and turn them into a joke. Spring We have all heard the common craving of pickles and ice cream. My grief counselor died. is the second coming?" His wife changes out of her black clothes and, irritated, remarks, I really cannot depend on you in anything, can I!. I mean, there isnt an option to kind of keep it in, is there? I took off my condom, tied a knot, and flushed it down the toilet. After a kidney stone, nobody says lets have another. "Hi disappointed, I'm dad." I bet my friend $5 that he would drown in the lake. I want to die peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandfather, My grandmother used to tell us a joke. As my child grew older each day, I realized he looks a lot like my best friend. How do you know if kidney stones are worse than pregnancy? My girlfriend, whos into astronomy, asked me how stars die. She was having a midwife crisis. Today on a drive, I decided to go visit my childhood home. Today, I asked my phone Siri, why am I still single? and it activated the front camera. She hasnt opened her present yet. Each one is guaranteed to offend and entertain in equal measure. "You can't cut me down," the tree exclaims, "I'm a talking tree!" Mommy Poppins, Why dont you try squeezing something the size of a watermelon out of an opening the size of a lemon and see how hot YOU look? Look Whos Talking (1989), Im 10 days late. And theres no way you could have had it and just not noticed? Nine Months (1995). Not everyone gets it. Are you getting bored? use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. She likes to write research-based articles that are informative and relevant. Why did the man miss the funeral? When things get too hard or you seem like you are feeling down, be sure to go through our list. You understood the story. A young student announces to her parents: I am pregnant. Dark humor jokes are a way of broaching topics otherwise considered out of bounds and bringing them into play. I hate people who don't wear masks, they make me sick. Continue on at your peril; belly laughs and guilt lay ahead of you. We'll look at the fun, quirky, and even dark humour that often revolves around maternity and pregnancy. Required fields are marked *. You, too. Maternity leave would last for two years with full pay and morning sickness would rank as the nation's #1 health problem. Effective Ways to Be Happy During Pregnancy, Safer Internet Day 2023 History, Importance, and Facts, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. Whats the last thing to go through a flys head as it hits the windshield of a car going 70 miles per hour? 83. And so, by laughing at something similar or equally negative, we lighten the load that sits on our own shoulders. 21. How will I know if my puking is morning sickness or the flu? Your breasts after your baby stops nursing cold turkey. Yes John, Im pregnant! A rip-off. They soon stopped though, once I started doing the same to them at funerals. Because hes dead. Causes (and Solutions) to Gray Hair, Drinking in the Dark: The 18 Best Winter Beers, Complete the Look: 10 Style Accessories that turn Boring into Bold, Most Expensive Cat: 20 Feline Friends Thatll Truly Dent Your Wallet, 150 Best Dad Jokes: The Only Joke List Youll Ever Need to Embarrass Your Family, The Top 60 Dark Humor Jokes to Turn Any Conversation Awkward, Best Offensive Jokes for Around the Dinner Table. The nurse shakes her head and says, "I'm sorryI don't understand." When will my wife start to feel and act normal again? The nurse, bewildered, turns to a doctor. They flu over his head. Never thought I would thank someone for pushing me around. 80. "Usually an overdose," I told her. My wife is mad that I have no sense of direction. So I threw him out. But if you donate five kidneys, they call the police. The wheelchair. He's an idiot. I'm not sure what she's talking about. James jumps up, "Adopted! Not only will they make you laugh, but the reaction of those youre telling them to will be utterly priceless. Two friends are talking: My wife is smart. 58. A nine-month-long hostage situation where you are both the hostage and the building. I know how it feels to grow up without a father! During a show, I once asked the crowd if they were pro-guns, and the majority belted out in approval. Ans: When people arent sure whether to congratulate you or hand you some Gas-X.
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