danny dietz autopsy report
She also worked as a hockey referee with aspirations of working Olympic games. Matt Axelson, after exhausting his ammo, found a place to die in peace. According to unconfirmed reports yesterday the surviving commando, who has not been named, was wounded in the leg but was able to scramble between three and four kilometres across the mountainous. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Sandra Daniels, who was driving the car the wrong way on Interstate 5 and crashed into a car carrying two police officers. We'll probably do one every three months, so we can spend the time to get the films good. down to using autopsy reports to get the number of wounds a soldier suffered exactly right. It now appears that three of the team the Chinook had been sent to extract were already dead, including its leader, Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, and Petty Officer Danny Dietz, 25, whose bodies were recovered on July 4. Will you support it? His hometown of Littleton, Colorado honored his memory by erecting a statue of Dietz in uniform holding his rifle, which was unveiled on July 4, 2007. We had to learn the Marine Corps Hymn, From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, over and over and over and over. I would ask you to talk to Dan Murphy or Mrs. Axelson or Mrs. Dietz or Mrs. Kristensen, Shane Patton's dad, any of the families of the Nightstalkers. Michael Clarke Duncan found fame at the age of 42, playing gentle giant John Coffey in the Green Mile. The commando wrote a note giving his name and location on a piece of paper which was then smuggled across the mountains by one of the villagers and given to a US soldier. After taking on the challenge of Battleship, a military-versus-space-aliens blockbuster based on a board game, the director turned his attention to his passion project. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the San Diego Union-Tribune. The autopsy report outlining Dietz's wounds is five pages long. "So what's the big deal? But for more than twenty years controversy has raged over the cause of Kurts death with many claiming he had too much heroin in his system to have shot himself. In this episode, world-renowned forensic pathologist, Dr. Michael Hunter, uses the Death certificate, first-hand reports, and archive to uncover the facts behind the sad demise of Desi Arnaz. Not 100% accurate, but from what I remember in a thread on r/military about the movie was that the movie has like 200 enemy combatants, it was said (and possibly in the book, not sure didn't read it) that there were anywhere from 20-60, and the official report had it like at 12-20. This was exactly how Marcus wrote it. So why didnt Adam ? He would have been 42#fyyyyyppppp #fyp #elfitup #CloseYourRings #boostofhope #RufflesOwnYourRidges #ArbysDiabloDare #sof #xyzbca, yali apkn 22 fragman 2 english subtitles, how to beat the crypt in Valhalla in Fortnite ring of the dead. First appearing in films such as True Romance and Get Shorty, it was the HBO series The Sopranos that made him a household name. LITTLETON, Colo. (CBS4)- More than 2,400 Americans have died in Afghanistan in the nearly 20 years since the 9/11 attacks. Steve Jobs was a visionary product designer who revolutionised the computer world with much loved products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad. NSFW The funny thing is they take the laptop hard drive out, its not encrypted, and they show military documents, clearly not classified intel, and they make out as if they hacked the pentagon. "The location and disposition of the service member's remains indicate he died while fighting off enemy terrorists.". Born in Cuba, 16-year-old Desi & his family were exiled to Miami following the 1933 revolution. But on March 5th, 1982 he was found dead died in Hollywood's Chateau Marmont Hotel. But his success would become his downfall. You know what I mean? The day they died they were off the clock, but following up on cases when they were hit. With timely treatment, Leukaemia patients can live for five years or more after diagnosis. original . US sending bridge-launchers to Ukraine for spring fight, Powerlifting builds camaraderie at Camp Pendleton, Hilinskis Hope Foundation visits San Diego State to spread mental health message, Padres hope to see late-season Blake Snell earlier in 23. The document is only available to the immediate family of the said victim. But in middle school, he started to rebel against authority. According to the decedents husband, the decedent received medical treatment at Balboa Naval Hospital and frequently would go too far on Interstate 5 and get too close to the border, Deputy Medical Examiner Robert Stabley wrote in the autopsy report. Before he became a film director, Peter Berg had a successful career as an actor that included five seasons as Dr. Billy Kronk on Chicago Hope. The official cause was given as heart failure but many have dismissed this finding as a fairy tale and his death still inspires rumor and conspiracy theory. He was shot 11 times. Even more shocking was the familys announcement of what they thought was the true cause of Donnas death.so what really happened to Donna Summer? There's times with Explosions in the Sky, they're musical geniuses, but they're a band from Austin, Texas. Danny Dietz enlisted in the Navy on August 31, 1999. The coroner concluded that he died after breathing in his own vomit. But the result for me is very unique, it's unorthodox, it's unconventional, it's kind of flawed, which I like. They die really painfully. The Dietz family divorced parents Dan Dietz Sr. and Cindy Dietz-Marsh, and his siblings, Tiffany Bitz and Eric Dietz helped shape the film that Bitz said is a story of brotherhood and sacrifice. He earned his black belt in Taekwondo from the Korean Academy of Taekwondo. And could a mystery teenage illness have played a part? The 65 actor went on to star in a string of Hollywood blockbusters but he wasnt a typical Hollywood star. Do it. Park investigated homicides while Huntley-Park worked in the Police Departments Southern Division. She was only 18 years old. Luther Vandross was one of the brightest stars in the music business in the 80 and 90s, notching up a raft of hit albums, including his party starter single , Never Too Much and his album Dance With My Father which went straight to No1 in the charts. Together, they would change the face of TV with the series I Love Lucy. Now renowned forensic pathologist Dr Michael Hunter is reopening the case into John Denvers mysterious death. On the morning of April 26th, 1989, Lucille Ball died in a Los Angeles hospital leaving the world heartbroken. A toxicology expert said the amount of Valium or diazepam detected in Daniels body was relatively small, and it would be difficult to pinpoint the last time she used the drug. A suicide note was found at the scene and the police quickly concluded that Kurt had taken his own life. Phil Hartman was a comedy legend. This was not without controversy however. Dan a former Navy corpsman stationed with the Marines focused all his energy on finding out what happened in the battle that killed his son. In April 1994, the twenty seven year old musician and self styled prince of grunge, Kurt Cobain was found dead at his Seattle mansion with a gunshot wound to his head. We get some bonus insight about the risks and rewards that come from using a rock band to compose your movie score. And I will say they were surprised at how well the movie was testing early on, in that woman in particular were not having any problems with the violence. He was ready., Colleen OConnor: 303-954-1083, coconnor@denverpost.com or twitter.com/coconnordp. The June head-on crash that killed two off-duty police detectives and a Ramona woman who was driving the wrong way on the freeway was an accident, according to a recently released autopsy finding by the county Medical Examiners Office. She had a glucose level of 159 mg/dL, which is considered a normal level, according to Dr. Steven Campman, the countys chief medical examiner. He was taken back to the man's village and hidden from Taliban forces who were scouring the area looking for him. Park and Huntley-Park were two well-liked detectives who officials said had promising careers ahead of them at the San Diego Police Department. Studios are willing to move in different directions and take chances. Luttrell and Axelson were the team's snipers while Dietz and Murphy were the spotters. Pretty quick. He is just such a great example of a man, someone who was good to his family, and with such a strong character.. Is there a military history in your family? Now expert pathologist Dr Michael Hunter is re-examining his medical history in order to discover what led him to die of a heart attack at only 51. It's just a movie right! Welcome to Autopsyfiles.org - Home Page - Autopsy Reports of . Now medical examiner Dr. Michael Hunter re-opens the file. Luttrell was in town, interviewing different directors and producers, and I read the book and was passionate about it. I saw pictures of Matt Axelson's body. The incident was reported on Cactus Road south of Otay Mesa Road about 6 a.m.; the victim was uncooperative with police. Danny Dietz (credit CBS) Dietz, 25, was a Heritage High School graduate and a Navy SEAL. And when Luttrell dragged him to what he hoped was a safer spot on the mountainside, Dietz kept his rifle raised and laid down cover fire even as he was dragged backward over the shale and dirt. There's a difference between the guys who've actually lived the experience and what their families at home think they're going through. So I didnt think about other movies. My dad was a lieutenant in the Marine Corps, served in Korea. Alongside sensitive and factually based drama we talk to close friends, biographers and a psychologist and painstakingly investigate the tragic death of a comedy legend. Together with his partner Anthony Sully Sullivan the two made over a billion dollars in sales over a ten year period. She was previously a Denver Post food writer and city desk reporter. She said, I will never give up. That was a lesson for me.. Someone was talking about the tragedy of the deaths of his friends and he told me that he doesnt think of that as a tragedy at all. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on August 30, 1999, and completed basic training at NTC Great Lakes, Illinois, in November 1999. After decades at the top, the most sampled man in history was still touring in his 70s but on Christmas Day 2006 he died unexpectedly in a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. "Lone . Theyve been largely left out of this and have not received the attention that they deserve. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. So they're really happy with this one and theyll run them when we want to run them. Now, Dr Michael Hunter is piecing together the events of Robin Williams last hours and evidence from the autopsy report to uncover what triggered this suicide. Hes a really accomplished, very experienced composer. But Dr. Michael Hunter discovers that in 2008 her dark past catches up with her and sets off an extraordinary chain reaction of medical conditions. Ive now had lengthy conversations with Dietz, Axelson, and Murphys family members. I just love their music. This has been a game-changer in my whole life, said Hirsch, who attended Thursdays premiere. / CBS Colorado. Armed with the autopsy report, Dr Michael Hunter will take the viewer back over the last few weeks of Rivers life and try to unravel what went on that fateful night. Now world renowned medical examiner Dr Michael Hunter is investigation Michael Clarke Duncans mysterious death at the age of just 54. Following her death her daughters sued both her husband and doctor, leading to the exhumation of her body and an autopsy. We've got some insane parents. My deal is at Universal so I talked to my people at Universal and said I want to go after this. He said we'll have to make it for a price. His body was taken for autopsy. He wanted to be sure that if anything ever happened to him while on deployment, that she was his wife. When they separated Marcus Luttrell recalled that Matt Axelson had three magazines but when he was found he only had one on h. A military spokesman said all indications were that he had been killed in a clash with militants in the Kuranwal valley in Kunar province on the day the team went missing. Her husband had wondered after the fatal crash if she had become disoriented because of low blood sugar the morning of the crash. World renowned medical examiner and forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Hunter leads the investigation to find the answers. Yeah, I mean I've shown that to all of them. He's going to have to die probably of cancer or in an old age home where someone is taking care of him. The men dont die quickly. On the morning of June 27, Healy called together four members of SEAL Team 10: communications officer Dan Dietz, sniper Matthew Axelson, medic Marcus Luttrell and Lt. Michael Murphy, the unit's commanding officer. World renowned forensic pathologist, Dr Michael Hunter needs to analyse key moments from Dicks life and his medical history, in order investigate and find the answers as to why Dick died shortly after what should have been a simple procedure. The removal of 3,300 American troops will begin next month. And I was in there with them, where some psychiatrists were. Almost 30 years later, in the early hours of December 2nd, 1986, Desi died. In the REELZ docuseries Autopsy: The Last Hours Of on June 6, series expert Dr. Michael Hunter examines available information to piece together the cause of Griffith's death at 86. Now, Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Hunter is taking a fresh look at the death of an icon who was loved by millions. PO2 Danny Dietz. The autopsy also said a PCR test revealed that Saget was positive for COVID-19. According to unconfirmed reports yesterday the surviving commando, who has not been named, was wounded in the leg but was able to scramble between three and four kilometres across the mountainous terrain before he was found by a friendly tribal elder. It opens in New York and Los Angeles on Christmas Day and everywhere else on January 10th. They're an extraordinary men and were great heroes. But, stating insufficient evidence of the circumstances surrounding his death, he returned an open verdict. And the third one is called Broken and it's about athletes that become quadriplegics and how they mentally change their lives to survive. In high school, he cut classes and ran away from home. I tried to look at it as a movie, not my son up there, but obviously when I came home, it was devastating, and it took me a while to recover from what Id just seen.. My dad is a very, very proud Marine and very pro-troop, pro-soldier. The incident began around 8:45 a.m. after a woman called 911 saying a man had tried to run her over at the casino off Highway 76, Police said the wound was apparently self-inflicted; the man was taken to a hospital where he died. According to the investigation, Sergeant O'Shea wasn't even on the side of the school that Danny was on, arriving a half hour after Danny was dead. Luttrell, wrote a brief (2 1/2 page) after-action report (AAR . He was just 28 years old. After 5 seizures over a period of just 30 minutes and repeated attempts at resuscitation by paramedics, River Phoenix was officially pronounced dead at 01:51am. After making a couple of crime flicks that are both worth your time (Very Bad Things and The Rundown), Berg co-wrote and directed Friday Night Lights, one of the all-time greatest sports movies. At age 25, he lost his life in Afghanistan for America. They also describe the difficulties they faced in the aftermath of the tragedy. I guess this is the second time youve worked the band Explosions in the Sky on a movie. Today is the 16th anniversary that my brother was KIA. Veteran of: U.S. Navy 1999-2005. She was a voracious reader of American history and biography. Heath Ledger was Hollywoods rising star. On October 10th 2004, Christopher Reeve died in hospital leaving the world heartbroken. On June 28, 2005, SEAL Team 10 was assigned to kill or capture a high ranking Taliban leader in the Hindu Kush mountains. 3. He died just days after being diagnosed with the blood and bone cancer Leukaemia. On 28 June 2005, the element was spotted by Anti-Coalition Militia sympathizers, who immediately revealed their position to the militia fighters. The rescue began on June 28 when the four-man reconnaissance team found itself trapped under heavy fire by a large force of fighters. After a meteoric rise to stardom, 33 year-old he was on the cusp of super stardom. The couple lived in Escondido. Dan Dietz worked closely with Emile Hirsch, the actor who portrays his son, sharing autopsy reports and conveying over and over again that Danny fought to the end, even though he had been shot so many times. Always looking tanned and fit, his sudden death at the age of 88, shocked the world. The battle, known as Operation Red Wings, was the worst single-day death toll of U.S. forces since Operation Enduring Freedom began six years before. Through all her health battles, Natalie bravely continues to perform all over the world and has an extensive tour lined up for 2016. And to him and to those guys, thats how they wanted to die. From there he transferred to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training and graduated with Class 232 in 2001. Gilda Radner was an icon of American comedy, whose unique characters on hit show Saturday Night Live catapulted her into the nations heart. Expert Coroner and Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Michael Hunter has examined all the available medical evidence and with testimony from family and friends to finally reveal the real cause of Kurt Cobains death. Dec 12, 2013 On Thursday night, the major motion picture "Lone Survivor" . They really want that. In a career . The horror escalates when police confirm Phils wife Brynn is by his side also shot dead. The movie opens Jan. 10 nationwide. Dan Dietz worked closely with Emile Hirsch, the actor who portrays his son, sharing autopsy reports and conveying over and over again that Danny fought to the end, even though he had been. Jan 9, 2014 . His remains were recovered during a combat search and rescue operation on July 4, 2005. He just loved it. He burst to prominence in 1978 in the hit TV sitcom Mork & Mindy and won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting in 1997. But when Donna passed away from cancer, the public knew had no idea she was even ill. Donna shrouded her final months in secrecy, with her death coming as a shock to extended family members. He was best known for the role of Kenickie in Grease. On August 6th 2004, the music world was stunned when outrageous entertainer and colourful funk star Rick James was found dead by his housekeeper in his LA home. John Candy was known for his larger than life persona, and he battled with his weight throughout his life. A US military spokesman described the men as "dangerous enemy combatants". Danny thrived on the discipline and challenge of boot camp. Half-conscious and covered in blood, he was still providing covering fire for his team when he was struck by a fatal bullet. Have you started getting any feedback about that yet? On a mountain high in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan, in a deadly firefight with the Taliban, Navy SEAL Danny Dietz refused to quit, even though he had been hit four times. Screenings have been especially tough for Dietzs mother, Cindy Dietz-Marsh. He was also known for his love of playing soccer and subscribing to the Rastafarian lifestyle which promoted healthy eating and living. Using information revealed in John Belushis autopsy report, Dr. Michael Hunter investigates his final days and hours to reveal the cause of his death. Write a request for the autopsy report. Daniels slammed head-on into a car driven by Detective Ryan Park, 32, killing him and his wife, fellow Detective Jamie Huntley-Park, 33. She was 81. In 2003, the Rohrboughs filed suit against Lt. James Taylor for defamation, negligence and outrageous conduct. But on December 18th 1997 Chris body was found on the floor of his Chicago apartment, after four days of partying. On the afternoon of the 12th October 1997, experienced pilot John Denver crashed his plane into the Pacific Ocean. He was happy to share and say, Keep all this music but maybe it needs a little bit of sculpting here or there. So it was a really great kind of three way collaboration there. In this episode renowned forensic pathologist Dr Michael Hunter analyses her autopsy report, together with the testimony of her daughters, her close friends to determine exactly how she died. He gallantly gave his life for the cause of freedom. Now, over 30 years later, Forensic Pathologist Dr Michael Hunter is taking a fresh look at his medical records and examining eyewitness accounts to finally reveal what really caused the death of this musical icon. There's more than one type of autopsy: 1. For extraordinary heroism in actions against the enemy while serving in a four-man Special Reconnaissance element with SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE, Naval Special Warfare Task unit, Afghanistan from 27 to 28 June 2005. A famously intense character actor, he was credited with changing the very nature of television acting. Petty Officer Dietz demonstrated extraordinary heroism in the face of grave danger in the vicinity of Asadabad, Konar Province, Afghanistan. "They were spotted by anti-Coalition sympathizers, who immediately reported their position to Taliban fighters. Pretty cool. Applies to all awards listed in the table. In a career spanning five decades, he was rarely out of work but there was trouble behind the megawatt smile. Huntley-Park played hockey in college and was a coach and a mentor to younger players. Petty Officer Dietz' courageous and selfless heroism, exceptional professional skill, and utmost devotion to duty reflected great credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Park and Huntley-Park were in the fast lane in their unmarked, department-issued car when they collided with Daniels car. This is rare, and even more mysterious given the fact that she was in great shape just weeks before her death. He was obsessed with working out and eating well so when he suffered a sudden heart attack in 2012, from which he eventually died, rumours of a conspiracy emerged. And the people that had the highest level of stress were the people that put zero. Dietz was part of an elite team of four SEALs on a reconnaissance mission "tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan," according to a Navy news release. Cassie Bernall. They get it done. Now, world-renowned Forensic Pathologist Dr. Michael Hunter puts Mindys complex personal life under the spotlight, and reveals how her unhealthy relationship with prescription medication may have exacerbated an un-diagnosed mental condition and led Mindy to plan her own death. Hirschportrays her son Danny in the film "Lone Survivor," based on a 2005 mission in Afghanistan. Two slow-moving Chinooks with commandos on board were sent in during daylight hours to attempt a rescue. He said those risks include danger for U.S. and NATO troops as they pull out, and the country falling into the hands of the Taliban once again. Supposedly clean-living and anti-drugs, his films included the cult classics Stand by Me and My Own Private Idaho, and at 18 he received an Oscar nomination for his role in Running on Empty. Afghanistan Campaign 2005 (KIA) Tribute: Danny Dietz was born on January 26, 1980, in Aurora, Colorado. It can also be available for the police to check if it helps with their investigation. But the first thing they did was we got everybody off the plane on a bus and they went into this room. He was shot at least nine times, three times in the head and neck. But on August 28th 1976 she died at a friends house in Oceanside, California. ", Even if the Taliban eventually takes over, Danny's mother feels her son's death was not in vain, "I think my son did what he was sent out to do. But the results were inconclusive and the intensely private actors sudden, unexplained death sparked speculation and rumor. The Taliban allowed Al-Qaeda to use the country as training in a staging base for the 9/11 attack that killed nearly 3,000 people in the U. S. So intense was the incident in which Danny Dietz was killed it was made into the movie "Lone Survivor. But it wasnt always clear that Danny Dietz would emerge from his turbulent teenage years with the courage and strong leadership skills that his fellow SEALs later praised. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. She went by the nickname "Patsy" and was madly in love with Dan. But despite his escape, the mission itself was a disaster, leading to the worst combat losses in Afghanistan since the invasion in 2001. And I got some really cool interviews with Commissioner Goodell like he's never given before. So I'm going to focus on that and I'm reading books right now, trying to find something that excites me. There's a video on live leak where they discover Danny Dietz's body and they put his ID card up to the camera 12 [deleted] 5 yr. ago Yep. Constantin Sandu, 33, was arrested Wednesday at the Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station on suspicion of stealing $5 million in unemployment insurance benefits during the pandemic. His death certificate stated that he died of a heart attack but what was the cause? Tell me about it. We're not going to give you 100 million dollars to do it, but you go ahead and do it. It is a sentiment echoed not just from a mother who lost a son in this war, but a Colorado congressman who served two tours in Afghanistan, Rep. Jason Crow. But they remain friends, united in their effort to use the example of their sons troubled early life to encourage other teens and parents who might now be enduring tough times. But the settlement with Frankie Greer does not resolve a broader dispute over the release of internal sheriffs records. Luthers career faltered in the 90s but in the early 2000s he was making a successful comeback when disaster struck he was the victim of a massive stroke in April 2003, which left him in a coma for nearly 2 months. Darrell Daniels told the Union-Tribune in June his wife was directionally challenged and often had problems when she had to drive on Interstate 5. This is how it really happened, so I never thought about doing anything other than just the facts, particularly around the gunfight. There's a book called Boys in the Boat that I like quite a bit about the University of Washington crew team that beat the Nazis in 1936. Contents 1 Biography 2 Operation Red Wings 3 Posthumous awards 3.1 Military awards 4 Notes Rue McClanahan was beloved for playing the sassy Southern Belle, Blanche Devereaux, on the classic show The Golden Girls. But behind the smiles, Rues life was blighted by heartbreak, disease and near-death experiences. But just before noon on August 11th 2014, hes found hanging from a belt secured to a closet door in his home in Tiburon, California. Following his graduating from Recruit Training Command, Naval Station Great Lakes, on November 27, 1999, he completed Gunner's Mate "A" School at the But in May 1998 Phil Hartmans family home was stormed by armed police who found him shot to death in his bedroom. And we then do a roundtable afterwards where we discuss the issues. A helicopter sent in for rescue was shot down by a Taliban rocket-propelled grenade and eight SEALs and eight U.S. Army Special Operations aviators were killed. Despite his injuries, he bravely fought on, valiantly defending his teammates and himself in a harrowing gunfight, until he was mortally wounded. His instinctive understanding of what the public wanted made his company, Apple, the highest valued corporation in the world. The movie stars Mark Wahlberg as Luttrell and features Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch and Ben Foster as fellow team members Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz and Matt Axelson. You recently made a movie (Battleship) that reinforces all the Hollywood character archetypes and you did a good job of that and then this is something that goes in a totally different direction. In the book, the authors reveal for the first time that Dietz had 16 mortal wounds - any one of which would have killed him. 2.. A photograph taken at the beach the previous day showed her in good physical shape. When he turned around and walked toward the plane, it was a complete transformation. Colleen O'Connor was a reporter for The Denver Post's Now team. On Thursday night, the major motion picture Lone Survivor premiered in Denver to a sellout crowd that included Dietzs family as well as veterans, active military and SEALs. And, yeah, it's rough, but I think they appreciate getting to see a side of their sons and their brothers that they had never seen before. World renowned Forensic Pathologist, Dr Michael Hunter needs to analyze every detail in the limited available information to piece together what was really going on in the Disco Divas body to find the answers. One of the authors (Miniter) saw Dietz's autopsy report, which. Danny Dietz and Michael Murphy's bodies were stripped and videotaped by the Taliban. And we had a long dinner and at the end of the dinner he told me he was going to let me do it. It would be a funny TV show where there's this one town that has to handle all of the SEALs when they decompress. The medical examiner concluded he died from an overdose but was it a tragic accident or had the actor taken his own life? We're also posting videos from the actors and Berg and Luttrell on our Shock & Awe video page. #navyseals #operationredwings #neverforget #angelbirthday #frogman #afghanistan #fyp #lonesurvivor, 16 years & my heart still aches from the loss of my brother #kia #operationredwings #dannydietz #navyseal #military #brother #momsoftiktok, RIP to Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz, Matthew Axelson and Marcus Luttrell #rip, Rip Danny Dietz.
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