clermont county grand jury reports
(have )Tj If you know the location of, or have information concerning the following wanted persons, please contact the Clermont County Sheriffs Office 24 hours a day at (513) 732-7500. 0.0179 Tc 1.297 0 Td (Jury )Tj Clermont County Juvenile Court Have a safe and Happy New Year! The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department is located in the Common Pleas Courthouse at 270 East Main Street, Batavia. 0.0183 Tc 3.056 0 Td Mediation Week of March 6, 2023. We miss you Bill., Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at 6:46am 0.0127 Tc 0.779 0 Td /Suspect <>BDC 0.0066 Tc 1.7 0 Td 2023, Common Pleas Court of Clermont County. /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 3.12 0 0 10.56 470.4 423.24 Tm Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. [(Court )67.3(the )]TJ F:513.732.6344 (the )Tj PLEASE NOTE: The Court has adopted new procedures for garnishments and related proceedings. For assistance please call 513.732.7265, Common Pleas Courtdeals with adult felonies, major civil cases (both injury and contract), foreclosures, real estate, injunctions. Clermont County Public Defender Juvenile Courtdeals with delinquent or unruly children, child neglect or abandonment, juvenile traffic tickets. (over )Tj Hours of operation for Common Pleas Adult Probation are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. People entering the Courthouse will no longer be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. Welcome to the Clermont County Sheriffs Office web site. /C0_0 1 Tf February 27, 2023, 4:09 PM Officials said the Clermont County Sheriff's Office is investigating four deaths in Ohio Township on Monday as a possible homicide-suicide. (b )Tj 0.0192 Tc 1.537 0 Td 34.4001 0 0 34.4001 363.02 372.37 Tm (Common )Tj (The )Tj For additional details on jury service, please consult the Jury FAQs on this web site or see both parts of the jury orientation video on this web site. -0.0137 Tc 4.5 0 Td You may check with the Courts Assignment Office (513-732-7108) for last minute updates. 0.0188 Tc 1.752 0 Td of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Office. (Judge, )Tj (our )Tj Hours of operation for Common Pleas Adult Probation are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. Municipal Courtdeals with misdemeanors, traffic tickets, civil cases under $15,000, DUI, Small Claims Court, performs civil marriage ceremonies. The Court has appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. 0.0086 Tc 3.214 0 Td requirements, everyone is given the opportunity to be a juror Clermont County Probate Court The Clermont County Sheriffs Office includes a dedicated staff that is firmly committed to providing professional law enforcement services to the citizens and businesses in Clermont County. Clermont County Public Defender 0.0124 Tc 2.223 0 Td, News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports, City of Loveland Approves Comprehensive Master PlanGuiding policy for improving the physical & social aspects of the city over the next 10 years, Camp Northward Brings Zip LineExperience to Campers with Disabilities, Clermont Sun Public Notices for March 2, 2023, Communities convene to share input on solar farms, USDA Announces Revenue Based Disaster and Pandemic Assistance Programs, Alzheimers Association Greater Cincinnati Chapter Invites Families to Join Area Support Groups for Caregiver Support. The Clermont County Common Pleas Court Adult Probation Department was established in 1955 and provided probation services to offenders in Clermont County. (presenting )Tj The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department provides services to felony cases. Jury Verdicts Report The Court provides this database of local civil jury verdicts as a courtesy to the practicing bar to assist attorneys in evaluating, negotiating, and mediating their civil cases. /Suspect <>BDC 0 Tc 8.04 0 0 7.2 480.73 348.61 Tm The program engages students from area high schools in developing critical thinking skills by analyzing a hypothetical legal action and developing and presenting arguments for each side of the case. . 0 Tc 3.33 0 Td EMC Judge Miles Week of March 6, 2023 . Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. -0.035 Tc 10.5807 0 0 10.6 247.83 664.68 Tm 0 Tc 8.1 0 0 8.1 489.14 381.01 Tm Ohio Supreme Court EMC (Date )Tj Judge Ferenc Week of March 6, 2023 There is a page on foreclosure mediation with information specifically for individuals facing foreclosure on their homes. /T1_1 1 Tf (on )Tj 270 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio, 45103 Anyone with information on the location of Hayes and/or Goforth is encourages to contact the Clermont County Sheriffs Office. The jury, over the centuries, has been an inspired, trusted, and effective instrument for resolving factual disputes and determining ultimate questions of guilt or innocence in criminal cases. (Clermont )Tj 12.0201 0 0 11.7 347.74 381.01 Tm (The )Tj (;J )Tj Phone513.732.7394. <007E002E007E003A0020>Tj "It should have never happened." 0 Tc 4.622 0 Td All questions regarding jury selection and service should be addressed to the Jury Commissioner at (513) 732-7596. 4470 State Route 222 2023, Common Pleas Court of Clermont County. /Suspect <>BDC (counts, )Tj Clermont County Bar Association Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. /Suspect <>BDC Under very special circumstances, a person may be excused from jury service. 0.0237 Tc 1.834 0 Td /Suspect <>BDC Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. Judge McBride began his law career as a practicing attorney in 1978. Judge Miles Week of March 6, 2023 Municipal Courtdeals with misdemeanors, traffic tickets, civil cases under $15,000, DUI, Small Claims Court, performs civil marriage ceremonies. 2023, Common Pleas Court of Clermont County. Schedules do change with continuances, settlements, guilty pleas, and other modifications. -0.035 Tc 7.6547 0 0 7.7 508.94 356.53 Tm 0.0249 Tc 2.858 0 Td (of )Tj 513.732.7394 (Court Administrator Phone) /T1_1 1 Tf Phone513.732.7394. All Rights Reserved. (T. )Tj (their )Tj /Suspect <>BDC (January )Tj 0.0225 Tc 1.906 0 Td (covering )Tj Judge Miles Week of March 6, 2023 2023, Clermont County Sheriff. /Suspect <>BDC 0.0165 Tc 1.756 0 Td 0.0168 Tc -19.116 -3.691 Td /Suspect <>BDC A video has gone viral across social media that shows a car salesman urinating on a Black woman's driver's license. Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 0.0188 Tc 4.942 0 Td /T1_4 1 Tf EMC 0.05 Tc 17.0279 0 0 14.3 443.52 372.61 Tm THERE WILL BE MANY SCHEDULE CHANGES DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS. For assistance please call 513.732.7265 Community Resources Have I Got Right Court? 612 0 0 791.7599945 0 0 cm 0 Tc 3.5658 0 0 6.9601 471.61 365.4 Tm 0.0079 Tc 1.469 0 Td All Rights Reserved. 270 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio, 45103 (as )Tj The Jury Commissioner is responsible for insuring that the Common Pleas Court has available sufficient jurors to hear and decide civil and criminal trials, thus affording everyone who comes to court their constitutional right to trial by a jury of their peers. EMC Clermont County Probate Court NOTE: GPS navigation has on occasion led people to the WRONG location. The Clermont County Common Pleas Court Adult Probation Department was established in 1955 and provided probation services to offenders in Clermont County. Today, there are two Adult Probation Departments in Clermont County serving Common Pleas and Municipal Courts. [(carefully )16.6(examined )]TJ (] )Tj 5.0401 0 0 7.2 471.61 356.53 Tm (. -0.035 Tc 11.11 0 0 14.3 425.74 372.61 Tm 2023, Common Pleas Court of Clermont County. Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 The four Common Pleas Court judges are elected to six-year terms on a non-partisan ballot. Commissioners Claire Corcoran, David Painter and Bonnie Batchler welcome you to vibrant and historic Clermont County, Ohio. /T1_4 1 Tf Hours of operation for Common Pleas Adult Probation are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. (a )Tj The Court is responsible for the operation of the Probation Department, which supervises those criminal defendants placed on community control as part of their sentence. Post Date (s): February 3, 2022 and February 17, 2022., Thursday, November 26th, 2020 at 8:21am -0.0231 Tc 2.557 0 Td Counsel may consult the official records in the Clerks office for more details. Clermont County woman Indicted by the Grand Jury for theft in excess of $175k from a non-profit & former employer Taylor L. Kidwell, age 27 of Stonelick Township in Clermont County, was indicted by the Clermont County Grand Jury on February 6, 2020 for two counts of Aggravated Theft, both felonies of the 3rd degree. 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 11.7 370.71 381.01 Tm Aprs s'tre runis pour auditionner les villes candidates au titre de capitale europenne de la Culture pour 2028, un jury compos de 12 membres europens dont deux Franais, ont annonc leur verdict, vendredi soir: quatre villes, Clermont-Ferrand, Rouen, Bourges et Montpellier sont prslectionns pour ce titre si convoit. 348 West Main St., Williamsburg, OH 45176 He served as a Union Township Clerk from 1978 through 1981, and as a Union Township Trustee beginning in January of 1982. All Rights Reserved. Clermont County Municipal Court This compilation will be updated from time to time as recent verdicts are reported and added to this spreadsheet. What Court Staff Can and Cannot Do For You. )Tj (-z, )Tj Mediation Week of March 6, 2023. A Warner Bros. For assistance please call 513.732.7265, Common Pleas Courtdeals with adult felonies, major civil cases (both injury and contract), foreclosures, real estate, injunctions. The Court has appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. Clermont County Law Library The Court also has the authority to issue injunctions and certain legal writs. PLEASE NOTE: These verdicts are reports of the outcomes of trials only, and do not reflect any post-trial motions or appellate review. Barbara Wiedenbein, Common Pleas Clerk of Courts. You may but are not required to wear a mask when coming to court. Since then Judge McBride has continued to judge the annual state competitions in Columbus and in 1997 he was designated the Clermont County District Coordinator. (1 )Tj ('"'V )Tj /Suspect <>BDC (Grand )Tj He served as a Union Township Clerk from 1978 through 1981, and as a Union Township Trustee beginning in January of 1982. In 1983 he was appointed as a Clermont County Commissioner. United States Supreme Court. (and )Tj "I feel so violated," Leah Jefferson said in a Facebook post. (have )Tj Probate Courtdeals with wills, estates, and trusts, adult guardianships, name changes, civil commitments, adoptions, issues marriage licenses. Clermont County Bar Association The reports will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 0.0242 Tc 2.225 0 Td, Friday, December 25th, 2020 at 10:35am EMC 513.732.7394 (Court Administrator Phone) 0.0051 Tc 1.782 0 Td County Jail Inmate Search; Grand Jury Reports; Most Wanted; My Polling Location; Real Estate Information; . (Court )Tj -0.035 Tc 7.3785 0 0 13.8 471.17 372.61 Tm 0.0187 Tc 15.36 -6.86 Td (manner )Tj The "grand jury" does not decide guilt or innocence. Date Filed Document Type Pages Document Link; 03/02/2023: Grand Jury Report Unsigned: 5: 03/01/2023: Grand Jury Report . What Court Staff Can and Cannot Do For You. EMC 513.732.7394 (Court Administrator Phone) The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department provides services to felony cases. Judge Frank Newman dismissed the juror after determining that she had conversations with three individuals regarding the case. EMC EMC (C5 )Tj Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights. The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department is located in the Common Pleas Courthouse at 270 East Main Street, Batavia. (of )Tj Hours of operation for Common Pleas Adult Probation are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. /Suspect <>BDC Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights. 22.3 0 0 22.3 508.33 423.24 Tm Arrest warrants have been issued for Hayes and Goforth in this matter. (present )Tj Probate Courtdeals with wills, estates, and trusts, adult guardianships, name changes, civil commitments, adoptions, issues marriage licenses. 0 Tc 8.6 0 0 8.6 478.31 462.61 Tm (by )Tj Call: The Juvenile Court, located at 2340 Clermont Center Drive in Batavia, has legal authority over cases involving children who are alleged to be delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected, abandoned, or otherwise in need of legal attention. Probate Courtdeals with wills, estates, and trusts, adult guardianships, name changes, civil commitments, adoptions, issues marriage licenses. /C0_0 1 Tf Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. 513.732.7394 (Court Administrator Phone) /Suspect <>BDC Clermont County Sheriffs Office The Clermont County Common Pleas Court Adult Probation Department was established in 1955 and provided probation services to offenders in Clermont County. /Suspect <>BDC 8.6886 0 0 8.1 480.03 381.01 Tm (Ohio: )Tj 0.0174 Tc 2.211 0 Td /Im0 Do United States Supreme Court, COURT DOCKETS, GRAND JURY REPORTS,AND OTHER DATA, COURT HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS. EMC He continued his education at the University of Cincinnati, graduating magna cum laude in 1973 with a Bachelors degree in political science. Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. EMC 11:14 AM EST, Thu February 16, 2023, investigation into former President Donald Trump. (as )Tj 4.4801 0 0 8.4 470.65 413.4 Tm /Suspect <>BDC /Suspect <>BDC -0.0059 Tc 1.062 0 Td /T1_0 1 Tf Please fill out this form if you have any additional questions. The Court has appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. EMC Judge Miles Week of March 6, 2023 /Suspect <>BDC CLERKS HOURS OF OPERATION: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Grand Jury Report-Thursday, January 19, 2023 2023-02-07T13:21:09-05:00 (for )Tj The Jury Commissioner oversees the process for notifying citizens that they have been called for jury duty, orients the new jurors to their responsibilities, and assigns them to courtrooms as needed. The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department provides services to felony cases. 0.0098 Tc 10.6 0 0 10.6 259.05 664.68 Tm EMC Please review the Order Staying Foreclosure here. Roxanne Barbara Hayes and Billy Ray Goforth, Jr. were the parents of the 35 week old fetus. Phone: (530) 886-5200 Fax: (530) 886-5201 Email: /T1_2 1 Tf The Juvenile Court, located at 2340 Clermont Center Drive in Batavia, has legal authority over cases involving children who are alleged to be delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected, abandoned, or otherwise in need of legal attention. /T1_1 1 Tf This compilation will be updated from time to time as recent verdicts are reported and added to this spreadsheet. EMC But the verdicts were all the . The Jury Commissioner also handles requests to postpone or be excused from jury service. (Report )Tj 2023 Cable News Network. 0.0018 Tc -12.111 -2.808 Td a person may be excused from jury service. Ohio law provides a procedure where a party who is being stalked, menaced, or harassed by another person can get a court order (called a civil protection order) requiring that other person to stay away from and have no contact with the party seeking the order. 0.0138 Tc 1.087 0 Td <007E007A0020>Tj /Suspect <>BDC Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. 513.732.7500, Civil Process 513.732.7543 -0.035 Tc 8.7023 0 0 8.8 480.14 389.4 Tm Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. Clermont County Juvenile Court /T1_5 1 Tf (no )Tj (in )Tj 0.05 Tc 8.6347 0 0 8.1 471.22 381.01 Tm The Clermont County Common Pleas Court will regularly post the biweekly report of the Grand Jury in PDF format. Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 (matters )Tj Indiana Supreme Court 1d ago More Stories (I )Tj EPSON DS-530 /Suspect <>BDC (been )Tj /Suspect <>BDC <00430030003C0031004A007E00650064002E00A70020>Tj EMC N Nkb]:/2C4)oXXJlthdKg~N/fDZ\@a6]_ (Indictments )Tj Clermont County Municipal Court (Miles, )Tj Read the released portions of the report below. 0.0124 Tc 1.889 0 Td, Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 1:13pm The Clermont County, Ohio sheriff's office said an investigation suggests Steven Cain and two others were killed, and another shot, before Theresa Cain turned the gun on herself. United States Supreme Court. PLEASE REFER TO NOTICES ELSEWHERE ON THIS WEB SITE AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. 0.0159 Tc 2.192 0 Td Please fill out this form if you have any additional questions. The indictments are as follows: James J. Thompson, Milford, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse, Permitting Drug Abuse GRAND HAVEN A jury has found a Holland man guilty of first-degree murder after a trial that lasted more than a week in the Ottawa County Circuit Court. 0.0066 Tc 2.061 0 Td (expeditious )Tj Clermont County Prosecutors Office (, )Tj The Court is responsible for the operation of the Probation Department, which supervises those criminal defendants placed on community control as part of their sentence. endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 33 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 34 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 39 0 obj <>stream 513.732.7390 (fax), Judge Haddad Week of March 6, 2023 Clermont County and Brown County Emergency Management Agencies are excited to host an in-person weather spotter training on Feb. 23. The Court has appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. Indiana Supreme Court Discovery Company. You will be denied entry. 8.1 0 0 8.1 512.9 413.4 Tm ( )Tj GRAND JURY In addition to making sure that there are enough jurors to hear and decide trials, the Jury Commission is also responsible for citizen service on the Grand Jury. The Court also has the authority to issue injunctions and certain legal writs. Clermont County Public Defender Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights. appreciated. on June 30 on a total of twenty-seven counts of Rape, felonies of the first degree. 0.0129 Tc 5.299 0 Td EMC 0.0118 Tc 2.803 0 Td Ohio law provides a procedure where a party who is being stalked, menaced, or harassed by another person can get a court order (called a civil protection order) requiring that other person to stay away from and have no contact with the party seeking the order. uuid:53a94d49-95f0-4b2f-b370-f995deae1eee The General Division of the Clermont County Common Pleas Court has original jurisdiction to hear all adult felony criminal cases and all civil cases regardless of the dollar amount in controversy. Clermont County Domestic Relations Court We are pleased to place the unsigned reports of the Grand Jury online for your review. EMC /Suspect <>BDC (they )Tj EMC Upon receiving his law degree in 1977, Judge McBride was admitted to practice law in the State of Ohio and in the Federal District Court. Clermont County Law Library -0.035 Tc 12.9518 0 0 21.1 508.29 435.73 Tm Clermont County Prosecutors Office Today, there are two Adult Probation Departments in Clermont County serving Common Pleas and Municipal Courts. 2 min read. Clermont County Prosecutors Office (r )Tj CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. Probate Courtdeals with wills, estates, and trusts, adult guardianships, name changes, civil commitments, adoptions, issues marriage licenses. 513.732.7390 (fax), Judge Haddad Week of March 6, 2023 )Tj The Court is responsible for the operation of the Probation Department, which supervises those criminal defendants placed on community control as part of their sentence. United States Supreme Court, CLERMONT COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT, GENERAL DIVISION, 270 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio, 45103, COURT HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS, All courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his land, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and shall have justice administered without denial or delay. Ohio Constitution, Bill of Rights, Article 1, Section 16, Redress in courts, The judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas and divisions thereof, and such other courts inferior to the Supreme Court as may from time to time be established by law. Ohio Constitution, Article 4, Section 1, In whom power vested, (A) There shall be a court of common pleas and such divisions thereof as may be established by law serving each county of the state. . 0.0102 Tc 5.538 0 Td 2020-2021 Reports, in order of release. (was )Tj BT }R}l+)Z"v)$MP=wBK9X_!GVqDi7<35K 0.0085 Tc 1.678 0 Td Indiana Supreme Court 6.0359 0 0 8.8 489.21 389.4 Tm Clermont County Municipal Court This site has been created as a public service for our citizens and others who are interested in our operations. Designated Date (s): March 2, 2023. Clermont County Sheriff, Ohio 12th District Court of Appeals /T1_0 1 Tf Welcome to Clermont County, Ohio! 1g0Z,Mb!I1-dl4UDC'wMpm#S_ .pb"Zo|/L|mhr@K jV:W}.C\~acUyMEj=HV03XW-$X|FE4 D%_Z1u|WFrC:YjuQ"KfH2K6l;:(e3n"UQ?HN|VcAwW>r`;2O L:mB~JPXZ29=CuNdwj8 thJ Orqr*TC%$GD Ij%#G:&*Jx[eh[)or8xDfB\> T1W `e;s"F'zyvx|leNWAKf% +]6O"[]F>ld}C4CPm7 9g,!xBc]1FmV=$Xb/Z8T[c+F*h /Suspect <>BDC Phone513.732.7394. <003A0078003A006E007E0020>Tj Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 Hours of operation for Common Pleas Adult Probation are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. All questions regarding Individual judges may set rules for their courtrooms. <007E003B003A002E00B70020>Tj EMC Please click on each Judges practice preferences for details. The jury was considered a fundamental safeguard of individual liberty. U. S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, in Pena-Rodriguez v. Colorado (2017). Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much EMC Clermont County Bar Association (into )Tj Civil Jury Trial Verdicts October 23, 2014, 513.732.7108 (Assignment Office Phone) (report )Tj (that )Tj The phone number to call to check to see if you need to report for jury duty is (513) 483-4864. In addition, the Court presides over the Clermont County Grand Jury, which has the power to hand down indictments in criminal cases. Start of main content Indictment From the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost Clermont County Grand Jury indicts Jacob Bumpass in connection with 2010 Covington Kentucky Missing Persons Paige Johnson Menu Contact Us 4470 State Route 222 Phone 513.732.7500 Connect With Us! /Suspect <>BDC Portions of a highly anticipated report by the Atlanta-area special grand jury on their investigation into former President Donald Trumps actions in Georgia after the 2020 election was released Thursday after a judge ordered the limited release earlier this week. (witnesses, )Tj /Suspect <>BDC (We )Tj Judge Brock Week of March 6, 2023 EMC Price was indicted. The reports will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A juvenile called 911 at 2:41 a.m. to report that they had gotten . EMC Judge Brock Week of March 6, 2023 The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department provides services to felony cases. In front of a mostly full courtroom, Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill took her time reading the verdicts in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial as if she were trying to build suspense, calling out each indictment number and case number, numeral by numeral. Clermont County Clerk of Courts Clermont County Domestic Relations Court (:I\273 )Tj 0.0166 Tc 3.507 0 Td 0.0048 Tc 1.144 0 Td (:.\267\267; )Tj 0 Tc 2.104 0 Td Clermont County Juvenile Court Inmate Information 513.732.7540. In the Read more. 0.05 Tc 11.6856 0 0 10.6 317.41 677.41 Tm /Suspect <>BDC Beyond those 0.0249 Tc 10.6 0 0 10.6 74.38 449.4 Tm Q We are a suburban and rural county of 460 square miles located east of Cincinnati along the Ohio River. People entering the Courthouse will no longer be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. 0 Tc 46.1 0 0 46.1 389.88 367.33 Tm bona fide residents of Clermont County. What Court Staff Can and Cannot Do For You. 0.05 Tc 23.1332 0 0 20 279.35 744.36 Tm The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate, Article One, Section 5, The Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the State of Ohio. For assistance please call 513.732.7265, Common Pleas Courtdeals with adult felonies, major civil cases (both injury and contract), foreclosures, real estate, injunctions. 0.0058 Tc 2.684 0 Td jury duty is (513) 483-4864. 0.0134 Tc 2.381 0 Td at (513) 732-7596. 0.0127 Tc 5.005 0 Td EMC Clermont County Probate Court Batavia, Ohio 45103-9777 All Rights Reserved. (having )Tj In 1992 the County Court was converted to the Clermont County Municipal Court, and Judge McBride remained on the Municipal Court bench until he was elected to the Common Pleas Court in 1994, taking office in January of 1995. (and )Tj Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights. /Suspect <>BDC We stand united in our commitment to ethically maintain the highest level of integrity and honesty in all of the work we perform Goals Instead, the Grand Jury evaluates evidence presented by the county prosecutor and determines which cases should be subject to indictment and prosecution. Clermont County Clerk of Courts EMC EMC The Intake Division also includes the Victim/Witness advocate program as well as the Diversion program. /Suspect <>BDC w OO=qA>[ o$ix3>DIX]|i vy^b7P Ohio Supreme Court Law Library Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. 2023, Common Pleas Court of Clermont County. 0.0242 Tc 1.264 0 Td Clermont County Grand Jury Indicts three individuals for trafficking and possession of heroin On Thursday 3/9/17, three residents of a local hotel were indicted by the Clermont County Grand Jury on 38 counts related to their involvement in drug trafficking.
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