270 wsm superformance load data

270 wsm superformance load data

There's likely a reason for no data for 270 wsm but they will know. Since opening GA Precision, George has been building some of the finest precision bolt guns and custom rifles. /wp-content/uploads/2016/08/HODGDON_LOGO_DARK.png, https://hodgdon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/SUPER_1LB.jpg. gramps. Superformance uses progressive propellants that take your favorite V-MAX, NTX, SST, CX, and InterLock, bullets to levels of . Growing up on a secluded farm in rural southeast Kansas, Ryan spent the greater part of his childhood in the woods, plinking and hunting. Sponsored by many of the hunting industries leading manufacturers, he has conducted over a thousand hunting and fishing seminars across the United States and has hunted and fished extensively around the world. ALL, more economical than the dubious 65.0gr in an '06 case. Dies. I have some IMR 4831 and some H4831sc but I would really love to shoot the same powder in both WSM's if at all possible. Going to do some workups tomorrow and thought that this may be worth a shot. I used to get the annual Hodgdon reloader magazine but can't find it this year anywhere and I haven't bought one since 2008 (or that is the latest one I can find). Anyone load any 270WSM with the Hornady superformance powder? You can find Ryan on Shooting Gallery on The Outdoor Channel, and Realtree.com. If I ever want to shoot a really flat load then I would likely shoot 130grain bullets with a different powder. Bullets in the 90 - 110 grain range are the most interesting for me (lead free area), What powder do you guys want I have found about anything you want at a few places let me know what your looking for but natchezz has 8 lb jugs of Superformance all day and I use it with 130 sst doing 3250fps with same as factory charge. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. A devoted husband and father, Jake has formal degrees in sports medicine and youth ministry. Powders include Winchester, IMR, Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant, Vihtavuori . Two 8400's in 270 and 300 WSM and a 84M Varmint in 22-250. I have two 270WSM's (wife's and mine). Todd is also a sought-after firearms instructor for military, law enforcement, and competitive shooters around the world. A couple months later, Zach shot USAYESS competition in Grand Island. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. So I started out really low and worked my way up. But the Superformance that is sold with Hodgy's name on it, was geared around the 30-06 cartridge. charge for an extreme spread . Dianna has been highlighted by the NRA in American Warrior, the Washington Post and NRA Women. Bullet used was Barnes 140 gr Triple Shock in Federal once fired brass, full length sized and trimmed to length published in Hornady manual. After serving his country, George spent 20 years serving his community as a police officer. I know the Superformance powder is a ball type powder but it is supposed to be coated to maintain consistent velocities throughout realistic temperature ranges and perform like their Extreme powders. 2012 Rifle Elk Hunt Dallen Takes a 4x5 Elk with a X-Bolt 270 WSM. Bottom line, Superformance achieves superb velocities in the .270 Win that are very close to those seen in .270 WSM Barnes Vortex ammo. Superformance doesn't give the same results for every cartridge. They list it for 243 wssm, 25 wssm, and 300 wsm. Zach has several friends that are getting into reloading shotshells because of Zachs reloads. Handgun Ammo. He has over 35 years experience in shooting, with approximately 50 tons of projectiles downrange with the assistance of Hodgdon Powder. Wyatt has won numerous elk calling competitions at the ISE Best of the West Elk Calling Competition. From their home in Montana, Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha follows Chad, Marsha and their two boys-Walker and Wyatt-across the world in hunting adventures. I dont plan on stopping anytime soon and this year is scheduled to be as busy as any while shooting 4 different series. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 270 Winchester 140 Grain (SST) Super Shock Tipped Superformance 20 Rounds. SO, anybody loaded the 270 WSM with Superformance yet? Primer used was 215M, powder charge 58gr of Superformance, and COL was 3.203 in. Actually I sold off 6 rifles and accumulated the funds to purchase these three (you can go to Craig Boddington's page on Facebook and see what I gave up for these 3 rifles but it was worth it to me). That's on par with a 300 H&H Magnum, a 300 Remington SAUM, and 308 Norma Magnum. Used 59gr , 215m primers,.270 Win new unfired brass in Win model.70 push feed with 22 in barrel, and got 3150 fps from a Barnes Triple Shock 130 gr bullet. My name is Robert Brantley and I have been obsessed with precision rifle since 2007. She has also competed for the USA in two Pan-American Shotgun matches and the 2015 IPSC World Shotgun Ladies team that brought home gold! Any help out there? All I really have for data is the advertising but Hodgdon has touted their Extreme powders for years as the most temperature tolerant of all powders averaging less than 5-10 fps difference in temps from 0 - 125 degrees. Too much wind today. This powder travels faster than most traditional . .270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data. There's likely a reason for no data for 270 wsm but they will know. Dank der einmaligen Innovationen und der stndigen Weiterentwicklung von Produkten, welche die Przision und Qualitt von handgeladenen Patronen steigern sollen, ist die Firma Hornady schon seit nun mehr 40 Jahren uerst erfolgreich an internationalen Mrkten vertreten. Seeing the home-built pile of quality ammo grow was always a welcome sight and made my happy. Sign up for a new account in our community. Superformance delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum. Reloading the .270 Winchester The .270 Winchester is the first big-game cartridge the author ever handloaded for is still a great choice. I am trying to create a load for using the 140gr Hornady SST bullet. The .270 WSM By Chuck Hawks. The slow burning spherical powders pack more densely, so the longer bullets do not compress the powder as much at larger powder charges. Sierra lists 5 other powders that you can squeeze another 100 F.P.S at maximum charges. It's easy! Test notes: Both rifles were shot off lead sleds, on a . Make an introduction to Jake and youll instantly receive a big grin and firm handshake. .270 Winchester and its standardized dimensions. .270 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data. I was intrigued with 3-Gun since, as a police officer, I relied on all three platforms at work. Because there is no increase in pressure, regardless of the caliber, there is no increase in felt recoil but there IS an increase in efficiency and high speed performance. Good info thanks for sharing. There are a number of powders that will get those numbers in the .30/06. Disclaimer: Links on this website go to affiliate websites, which means we get a commission if you . Phillip is also well known as a nationally ranked precision rifle competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League circuits. Copyright 2000-2023 24hourcampfire.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sep 15, 2014. I can look in my Hornady books when I get home. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. That is one of the few that are easy to get. Case head expansion was compared to Federal factory 140 grain load and in both instances increased by 0.001 in. The COAL stated is this table is according to the SAAMI specification. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Thanks. I've never used Reloader powders. Posts: 588 Hornady just . 8x57 mm mauser Shellholders: Hornady #35 She has competed on the TV series, 3 Gun Nation as well as an upcoming show called The Big Gun on Sportsman Channel, airing in Q1 2016. Santa was very good to me this year and brought me a trio of new Kimber rifles. Reloader Rejoice. Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. In the 330 Dakota for a 225 grain TTSX bullet, Hodgdon lists 84 grains of H4831. ABOUT MARSHA: Marsha is the co-host of Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha and is a Licensed Montana Professional Guide. Chad is also the Director of Advertising & Media Relations for CVA Muzzleloaders, PowerBelt Bullets, Bergara USA, DuraSight Rings and Bases, Quake Industries and Konus Optics. 2019 Ted Fund Donors Just be aware that Superformance is a bit more temp sensitive than ADI stuff. The Hodgdon shop is closed until 2 January so I am stuck for now. Residing in Cheney Washington, Jake Vibbert owns JC Steel targets Inc. and is a strong competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and the National Rifle League. Phillip is a 10-year Marine Corps veteran having served his whole career in the Scout Sniper community. I've never used Reloader powders. 7 x 65R. Those speeds that you mention can easily be topped by RL 17. I shot a lot of Sta-Ball 6.5 and it worked well beyond expectations. Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Re: Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. I asked the same question about SF in a .260 and got less than favorable results. Quickly he was attending weekly, monthly, and annual shoots, which included Nebraska state, USAYESS, and many more. 100% of all my handloads are done withHodgdonbrands. It's about 100 fps faster than a 300 Ruger Compact Magnum. Powders include Hodgdon Gear Bags. All I really have for data is the advertising but Hodgdon has touted their Extreme powders for years as the most temperature tolerant of all powders averaging less than 5-10 fps difference in temps from 0 - 125 degrees. I'll use the 300 WSM when I have to get something fast and flat across the pasture but I just like a 270 and love the performance of 130 and 140 .277" bullets on deer sized game. Was wondering if I could take the 300wsm info and scale it down based on H20 capacity vs recommended load? ABOUT WYATT: Wyatt is 14 years old and has also hunted Africa, Hawaii and other states as well. scoutpylot, November 18, 2012 in Rifles, Reloading and Gunsmithing. Hydration Packs. accredited Proof Houses. Increase your rifle's performance up to 200 fps without extra chamber pressure, recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling, or loss of accuracy. All of them are asking their parents for shotshell presses now. The factory load averaged 2721 fps muzzle velocity. In Brians first full season, he achieved several top ten finishes, two regional match wins, and a 20thplace overall finish in the National Rifle League. Todd is a competitive shooter and firearms instructor. Chronograph Superformance load. 7mm PRC Precision Rifle Cartridge. That's only my experience. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. Item #80558 | 20/Box. I have one older can of H4350 but it is a single now with no more matching lots and I hate to burn through it because my 7MM-08 and a Weatherby in 270 Win just love the stuff. I should be able to adjust the loads in the 270 WSM until I get an accurate one and velocity really isn't that big an issue with me, especially with the increased velocities in these WSM's. SAAMI . IMR . has you covered. Rifle. Should anyone decide to try this powder do it only in cartridges for which there is published data using H4831, and do not exceed the weight quoted for H4831. I have plenty of other guns to hunt with so that isn't an issue but I wanted to play with my new toys and I can't till I get some data for the 270 WSM and Superformance. $2.00 Per Piece. In addition to shooting, Zach plays plays baseball, basketball, football, and track & field. Hornady Superformance SST Rifle Ammunition 20 Round Box. Be sure to follow case length and overall length recommendations for the cartridge/bullet combination. Anyway, I was in the Bass Pro Shops looking for some H4350 and of course all they had was some Superformance powder which had the 300 WSM on the label so I loaded 4 pounds in the cart, did a little limited research with the cellphone and decided to go ahead and make the purchase. I actually found two handloads that were posted in a reloader forum on another site and I might try those (starting way low of course and working up) but they both posted loads for 130grain bullets with one using 67.2 grains of powder and the other used 65.5 grains for velocities that were 3210 and 3170 respectively. JavaScript is disabled. My concern is powder and loading for the pair of guns. safeguards that all firearms and ammunition sold to civilian purchasers in member states are safe for the users. So I started with a moderate load for H4831 from the Nosler #6 manual and worked up in 1/2gr. She helps organize and coordinate Arizonas own national level event, the Tactical Precision Rifle Challenge. It provides very good accuracy and velocities to match factory loads in a lot of cartridges. Any help out there? Two 8400's in 270 and 300 WSM and a 84M Varmint in 22-250. I have one older can of H4350 but it is a single now with no more matching lots and I hate to burn through it because my 7MM-08 and a Weatherby in 270 Win just love the stuff. In fact start with charges that are 5-10% lower and watch for pressure signs. Baseball won over for a time when it took him to Gonzaga University on scholarship as a pitcher for the Bulldogs. Find the ratio for the 300wsm and apply it to the 270WSM? 7 mm Remington Magnum. Hornady 8061 Superformance 7mm Remington Magnum 154 GR SST - 20rd Box . Thanks for the offers, you are right, powder supplies are definitely starting to ease up. Was wondering if I could take the 300wsm info and scale it down based on H20 capacity vs recommended load? During his time, Phillip completed 4 overseas deployments and served in all billets available to a Scout Sniper, to include Scout Sniper Team Leader, Chief Scout Sniper, and Scout Sniper Instructor. I actually found two handloads that were posted in a reloader forum on another site and I might try those (starting way low of course and working up) but they both posted loads for 130grain bullets with one using 67.2 grains of powder and the other used 65.5 grains for velocities that were 3210 and 3170 respectively. 17 Remington Fireball . Reloading - Superformance in 30-06 - This powder just came out from Hodgdon, but can't find any load data for the 30-06. . Join Date: Nov 2008. 7 mm Weatherby Magnum. Load data for caliber ".270 WSM". If I could use the 4 pounds of powder I bought for both calibers that would certainly be a plus, especially with the scarcity of powder around here. Tenring, I missed the part of your post about purchasing a 300 WSM but the rest of my post still stands. I have found tons of data for the 300 WSM and Superformance but none for the 270 WSM. Shellholders: Hornady #1 A longtime resident of Virginia, Todd competes in over 16 different shooting disciplines (to include USPSA, 3-Gun, Steel Challenge, IDPA, Olympic Rapid Fire, Shotgun Shooting Sports). barrel rifle. After starting a life and career in Tulsa, she pursued barrel racing until she found 3-Gun in 2009. As of 2014, Ryan and Dianna have become full time hunters and competitors, focusing most predominately on 3-Gun. ABOUT CHAD: Chad is a world champion elk caller and two-time Eastern US Elk Calling Champion. I guess the online reloading center is more efficient anyway and the data there is the same as in the magazine but I liked to keep them handy for reference and occasionally use them to talk myself into a new caliber ruling from my throne. My understanding is Hodgdon will not publish any data for Superformance that does not give at least 100 fps more than standard because of a contractual arrangement with Hornady. I have not used 780, I saw that there is load data for it for the .270 and I saw that it has a slower burning rating then H4831. Superformance is listed as slower burning than H4831. SUPERFORMANCE ammunition is loaded with proprietary propellants that increase the velocity ratings up to 200 feet per second compared to other popular brands. Accessories. Target shooting or just plinking, take hold of the most current handgun data . The temp today was 40 degrees F. I would not recommend ever exceeding the listed H4831 charge. He is a four-time World Champion, 13-time National Champion, the only Triple Crown winner in Action Shooting Sports and has 600+ (and counting) local and regional shooting competitions. where did you get it at? It may be all BS but Hodgdon has advertised this for years and they own IMR powders and don't give them a break either. . No pressure signs or case head expansion. A: Ive compared the maximum velocities of the two cartridges as shown in various reloading manuals and it appears that the .270 WSM has about a 150 fps velocity advantage over the venerable .270 Winchester when both are fired in barrels of the same length. Electronics. Ryan earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Plastics Engineering as well as a Masters of Science in Engineering Technologies.

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270 wsm superformance load data