wogdon and barton dueling pistols

wogdon and barton dueling pistols

Robert Wogdon (1734-1813) is arguably the best known and most respected maker of flintlock dueling pistols. Surprisingly, Lee was only lightly wounded and the affair ultimately ended without another exchange, in part due to Alexander Hamiltons role as Laurenss second. Church himself had fought a bloodless duel with Burr a few years earlier. (42.5 g); screwdriver (e): L. 3 15/16 in. Wogdon had apprenticed to the Irish gunmaker Edward Norton in Lincolnshire. (1219 g); powder flask (b): H. 4 1/8 in. Two shots are believed to have rung out almost simultaneously. An aesthetic vocabulary of blued, case-hardened, and browned steel and richly finished walnut, both with tasteful gold and silver accents, defines much of their best work. Pistol Kits; Chemicals and Compounds. This is an edited extract from Robert Wogdon, Wogdon & Barton, John Barton, London Gunmakers 1764-1819, price 75, published by Bonhams. The overall length of the pistols is 16in and the smooth-bore octagonal barrels are 29-bore. Lot 81: This historic pair of silver mounted H.W. Robert Wogdon produced flintlock firearms from the 1760s, and was particularly well known for his high quality duelling pistols. He is recorded as 'Gunmaker, at Mr. Maw's Haberdasher, Cockspur St., Charing Cross' in 1764. (36.9 g); bullet mould (d): L. 4 13/16 (12.2 cm); Cal. 1.5 oz. (41 cm); L. of barrel 11 15/16 in. Robert Wogdon made many and varied firearms - pocket and livery pistols, double-barrelled pistols, sporting guns and rifles, carbines and blunderbusses - but he was most renowned for his duelling pistols. [4], All component parts were manufactured, hand-finished and then adjusted with great care and precision, which made duelling pistols much more costly than standard firearms of the period. There was not just a single form for a proper duel. Stoneys dying wish was that Mary would marry him. Taking deliberate aim, was considered vicious and discouraged. If either party was injured at all, the seconds were generally expected to work to declare the duel was over. The butt cap and trigger guard are polished bright. Hamilton was morally and religiously opposed to dueling and is widely believed to have intended to delope (throw away his shot) rather than aim at Burr. [3][4] Wogdon formed a partnership in 1794 with John Barton, after which their pistols were signed Wogdon and Barton. [5], As duels were generally fought at short distances which were paced out, typically 35 to 45 feet (11 to 14m),[6] between stationary opponents, extreme accuracy was not required. 7 oz. The guns had several special features, including heavy brass forends for steadier aim and both front and rear sights for a more accurate shot. To refuse to take part in the duel would have had the same result. The doctors concluded that Stoneys injuries might well prove fatal. SOLD. Duelling pistols have long and heavy barrels - the added weight helped steady aim and reduce recoil. On 13 January 1777 at the Adelphi Tavern and Coffeehouse, Bate was accosted by Stoney and the duel proceeded without any witnesses. Two pairs of pistols allowed for a second exchange of shots if both missed and the challenger of the duel was intent on continuing. The barrels on earlier guns were cylindrical, while later ones tended to be octagonal. His pistols were so well known that "Stanzas on Duelling Inscribed to Wogdon, the Celebrated Pistol-Maker" from 1782 starts with the lines "Hail Wogdon! (30.3 cm); Cal. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/29592. 0.8 oz. SUBSCRIBE today for our lowest ever deal, SIX ISSUES for JUST 6 by clicking on THIS link. The Burr and Hamilton Duel at Weehawken, New Jersey, July 11, 1804 (9.6 mm); Wt. [13][Note 4], There were various forms of pistol duel. Graceful, understated, and built with fine attention to detail, it belonged to a cousin of George IV, Prince William Frederick, second Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, whose arms are engraved on the grips gold escutcheon. [20], The use of pistols in duels became popular in the United Kingdom, France, and colonial America during the mid-eighteenth century. This resulted in the death of a Member of Parliament, An account of an 1825 duel in Paris between two Irishmen states that one brought his pair of English, "Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols ca. Mary had already filed for divorce, unheard of in 18th-century England, and this only added to her notoriety. Compounds and Solutions for Wood. It is now half-stocked with a silver fore-end and a rounded, chequered butt with spurred trigger-guard. A Duelling Pistol by Edwards of Dublin. With John Barton, traded Wogdon & Barton from 1795, succeeded by Barton, 1803. Graceful yet practical and perfectly balanced in the hand, they privilege overall formal quality and flawless mechanical work over applied adornments. A Rare Pair Of 40-Bore Flintlock Overcoat Or Travelling PistolsBy Wogdon & Barton Of London, Circa 1800. By 1780, Wogdon had settled on the final form for his duelling pistols and saw no reason for any . The Mantons, Griffin & Tow, H.W. [12], It is often stated that duelling pistols came in identical pairs to put each duellist on an equal footing. The Duke had earlier indicated to Colonel Lennox that he wished to desire no protection from his rank. More has been written about this duel than any other in American history. Today, those walnut, brass, and gold pistols are located in the headquarters of J.P. Morgan Chase, on 277 Park Avenue in New York City. If the matter could not be resolved through formal correspondence, the conflict would most commonly be settled with a formal exchange of shots from proper dueling pistols: a Wogdon affair.. In some duels, the pistols were carefully and identically loaded, and each duellist was offered his choice of the indistinguishable loaded pistols. Use your arrow keys to navigate the tabs below, and your tab key to choose an item, Title: Not all fine, antique pairs of pistols are duelling pistols, though they may be called so. Gunsmith Wogdon & Barton British An Irish duelling pistol, dated 1774, a collectors term for a gun where the barrel is longer than 10in, with a short, straight butt. This is a very nice pair of dueling pistols by a well-known maker of quality flintlock pistols. [7] The bullets loaded in them could weigh 214 grains (0.49 ounces; 13.9 grams) in .52 caliber, or more in larger calibers. Look at any Wogdon duelling pistol, be it one from his early production years in the mid-1770s or one made towards the end of his career when in partnership with John Barton in the early 1800s, and they all have that unmistakable Wogdon style. This emphasis on the purity of form references the Neoclassical style then in vogue. Gunsmith Robert Wogdon British The custom fitted case has a later three-compartment powder flasks, balls, and an original section from the ramrod of gun "A." The barrels have a decorative band around the breech end. The refinished stock is also very good and has some dings and worn spots in the otherwise distinct checkering, some faint hairline cracks and repairs in the forend, hammering marks on the butt, and general dings and scratches throughout. When it came down to staring down an opponent, many men put their trust in gunmakers like Robert Wogdon rather than divine intervention. Four years later, in 1808, Burr met Jeremy Bentham, the noted English philosopher, and Bentham claimed to have been certain of his (Burrs) ability to kill Hamilton. All rights reserved. The crest and monogram strongly suggest they may have belonged to Wogdons son-in-law, William Butt Jnr. Bentham concluded that Burr was little better than a murderer. [Note 3], Most English pistols had smooth bores, though some had scratch rifling, a subtle form of rifling which was difficult to see with the naked eye. At the time, the Duke of York, second son of the reigning King George III, was Colonel of the Coldstream Guards, and one Charles Lennox, nephew and heir to the Duke of Richmond, was Lieutenant-Colonel of the same regiment. 1834); Theodore Offerman, New York (until d. 1937; his estate sale, American Art Association-Anderson Galleries, Inc., New York, November 1113, 1937, no. .36 in (9.3 mm); Wt. Exactly what happened next has been debated and veiled in mystery ever since. One of a pair of silver-mounted duelling pistols, hallmarked 1776, with the first recorded use of the helmet and falchion side-plate. 15"". Guns International #: 102053710 Seller's Inventory #: AH6322. Finally, a published letter made reference to a particularly despicable opinion Hamilton had expressed about Burr. Very good with more than half of the period refurbished brown, distinct Damascus patterns, and bright gold vent on the barrel; mix of brown and mottled silver-gray patina on the lock, gray and brown patina on the iron furniture, dark aged patina on the silver, mild oxidation/pitting, and generally mild wear overall. The poem later references him again and notes, "This death we lay not, Wogdon to thy blame; Cullum must have his fame as well as you. (136.1 g); cleaning rod (c): L. 15 1/2 in. See "A." This time by his father and Vice President Aaron Burr. Threading and drilling tooling. 14.75". A fine pair of flintlock duelling pistols by the master makers Wogdon and Barton of London, are coming up for auction in the Militaria & Ethnographica Sale at Tennants Auctioneers on 5 th October with an estimate of 14,000 - 18,000 plus buyer's premium. They have small blade front and fixed notch rear sights. Both parties presented and fired in succession. The next day it was Hamiltons turn to face Eacker at ten paces. Flints. The Museum looks forward to receiving your comments. He left no records and never used serial numbers on his guns. British, London, Medium: The lock, which is bright along with the cock, is marked in script ""Wogdon"". Standard flintlock pistols can have a noticeable delay between pulling the trigger and actually firing the bullet unless precisely tuned. This rare public showing marked the first time these pistols have been displayed in Washington, D.C. Patron of that Leaden death!" The name Robert Wogdon is one that appears frequently in tales of the most infamous duels. Free ground shipping on all US Online Orders over $100! Patron of that Leaden death!" (10 cm); Wt. ANTIQUE Engraved WOGDON FLINTLOCK Dueling Pistol Pistol Maker of the Pistols Used in the BURR-HAMILTON Duel! Hamilton, Burr, their seconds, and a doctor met at Heights of Weehawken in New Jersey, a popular but secluded dueling ground, on that fateful July morning. 1.3 oz. Burr, with his political prospects already fading, demanded an explanation of what Hamilton had said about him, and a series of notes were exchanged. This could certainly be a risky proposition if you didnt get to shoot first. The finest London firearms made in the classic British style of the early nineteenth century rank among the most stately and innovative in the history of gunmaking. They loaded the pistols and the parties took their stations. 2023 Rock Island Auction Company. .38 in. Robert Wogdon and John Barton operated at 14 Haymarket, London, from 1795 to 1803. The answer to the question frequently asked of the owners of Wogdon duelling pistols, Were these pistols ever used in a duel? must unfortunately therefore be, We just dont know.. [2] The name Wogdon became synonymous with dueling, to the extent that duels in England were sometimes referred to as "a Wogdon affair". [7], The most famous and innovative manufacturers were London-based companies such as Wogdon & Barton, Durs Egg, Manton, Mortimer, Nock, and Purdey. The best hunting horse. SCHEELS Pistol (a): L. 16 1/8 in. Tragically, on 21 November 1801, Churchs Wogdon pistols were used in a duel between Hamiltons eldest son, Philip, and George Eaker, a Jefferson supporter who had publicly made insulting remarks about Alexander Hamilton. Description The barrels are 10 octagonal, sighted, browned twist with bore size of .476 and scratch rifled. [16][17] The famous fictional duel between Pierre and Dolokhov in the novel War and Peace was of this kind. One particularly deadly option for a serious dispute was to have both men stand a set number of paces apart, cock and raise their pistols upon command, take aim at another command, and then fire simultaneously upon the final command. The 9 5/8" octagon 64 caliber swamped smooth bore barrel has a fair bore . Wogdon & Barton (founded by Robert Wogdon) was an 18th-century firm of gunsmiths based in London, England. Wogdon & Barton was an 18th-century firm of gunsmiths based in London, England. The overall length of this pair of flintlock dueling pistols is approx. 181520", "THE TAMING OF THE DUEL: MASCULINITY, HONOUR AND RITUAL VIOLENCE IN LONDON, 16601800", "www.exetermemories.co.uk/EM/_events/last_duel.php", "Material Culture and Military History: Test-Firing Early Modern Small Arms", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Duelling_pistol&oldid=1132214902, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 20:30. Colonel Lennox fired and the ball grazed one of his Royal Highness curls. As the challenged party, Hamilton selected Churchs pistols as the weapons. The victor is presumed to be the just party in the case because the divine would have chosen the winner. Wogdon & Barton dueling pistols Wogdon & Barton (founded by Robert Wogdon) was an 18th-century firm of gunsmiths based in London, England. Lot 1275: Cased Pair of Griffin & Tow flintlock dueling pistols circa 1780. [11] The short range most duels took place at, combined with the accuracy of rifled pistols meant their use substantially increased the chances of a fatality during a duel. As the distance closed they could fire at will. The engraving on the escutcheon merits further research. The stock on gun 1, which is lighter than gun 2, is vey good with no cracks, a chip around the rear barrel key, a small chip at the rear trigger guard attachment pin on the right, and scattered usage dents and dings. (3.8 cm); Wt. Are they bred or made? 1.5 oz. This dueling flintlock pistol is by Robert Wogdon (1733-1813), a well-known London gunsmith from Lincolnshire who operated at Haymarket, London, from 1774 to 1802. The Colt Single Action Army revolver and the Winchester Model. If Hamilton were to admit to Burrs charge, which was substantially true, he would lose his honour. This resulted in a further duel between Colonel Lennox and Swift, which resulted in the unfortunate Swift being shot in the abdomen. The stock on gun 2 is fine with no cracks or chips and the dents and dings expected of light to moderate use. (10.5 cm); Wt. The hooks or spurs on the trigger guard can be used with your middle finger to help steady the pistol. The barrels are marked Wogdon & Barton London in script on the top flat. Dueling pistol makers continued to innovate through the end of the flintlock era and into the percussion era. The overall length of this pair of flintlock dueling pistols is approx. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. All the metal has a smooth gray-brown patina. (10 cm); Wt. One could be excused for not recognising the pistols used in the Hamilton-Burr duel as having been made by the famous Wogdon. 1.3 oz. Both pistols have their original iron-tipped ramrods with an attached worm at the end. Duelling pistols are often single-shot flintlock or percussion black-powder pistols which fire a lead ball. Starting in 1795 to 1803, he operated with a partner, John Barton, as Wogdon & Barton so this pistol is 1795 or earlier. It has a dovetailed blade front sight, "Wogdon & Barton London" in script on top of the barrel, a gold vent liner, notch rear sight on top of the breech, "Wogdon & Barton" on the . Provenance: The Collection of Joe M. Wanenmacher Jr. Holster pistols, or horse pistols were used on horseback and carried in pairs in a leather holster slung across a horse's saddle. By 1780, Wogdon had settled on the final form for his duelling pistols and saw no reason for any major changes over the next 23 years. They, and the cocks, have raised decorative edges. Churchs Wogdon & Barton pistols were used on July 11, 1804, close to where the young Hamilton had been mortally wounded. However, for at least twenty years before the BurrHamilton duel, English duelling pistols by all the top makers had been customarily fitted with set triggers. One of the most common varieties was having a set number of paces walked off and the positions marked in advance. Many later pistols have heavier barrels and half-stocks while the early pistols are lighter and full-stocked. Colonel Lennox and the Duke, accompanied by their seconds, met on Wimbledon Common on the morning of 26 May. Burrs shot had struck him in the ribs and caused serious damage to his organs and left him paralyzed. Price: 28,500 Maker: Robert Wogdon Date: circa 1780 Each Pistol with 10 inch browned swamped octagonal barrel signed along the top flat, engraved with a transverse band of beadwork at the rear of the breech and with silver fore sight, case-hardened foliate engraved tang decorated with a band of beadwork in front of the rear sight . 14.75"". Until the mid-18th century, duels were typically fought with swords. 0.00. Where neither principal owned a pistol, then a pair might be produced to be shared. Instead, the duelists should fire quickly. Somewhat reluctantly, Mary agreed and four days later Stoney was carried on a stretcher down the aisle of St Jamess Church, Piccadilly, to marry Mary Elizabeth Bowes, Dowager Countess of Strathmore. 283, sold to MMA). In some situations, the duelist who had already fired was also supposed to keep advancing until the opponent had fired. SOLD. By the time duelling with pistols had superseded duelling with swords in the early 1770s, the purpose had shifted from wounding or killing your opponent to demonstrating that, as a man of honour, you were prepared to risk your life to defend your reputation, or that of your family or your regiment. (1219 g); powder flask (b): H. 4 1/8 in. All the shooter has to do to set the trigger is press it forward, something readily found in examination by anyone knowledgeable with dueling pistols, and a feature I would expect the seconds to explain if one or both duelists was inexperienced. But you had never gained so great a name, In England had your pistols killed as few." With re-browned swamped octagonal sighted barrel (bore pitted) with crudely refreshed signature along the top flat and line of beadwork at the rear, silver fore-sight, border engraved tang with back-sight and decorated with a shell and foliage, signed detented flat . Nonetheless, smoothbore dueling pistols, generally around 28 bore (.54 caliber), were the weapons of choice by the late 18th century. 0.00. During the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, duelling became a sport in which shooters fired at each other using non-lethal rounds. Cobra Derringers are beautifully handcrafted with a wide range of calibers and barrel lengths that provides versatile and reliable service for a lifetime. We offer a wide selection of firearms, including: handguns, shotguns, rifles, ammunition, rifle scopes and optics, as well as collectible machine guns and other NFA/Class 3 guns. It has an iron blade front sight and standing notch rear sight (these were often used as target pistols) at the breech tang and a gold lined vert. This supremely elegant target pistol is among their most accomplished work. Click Photo to Enlarge Guns International #: 101363115 Seller's Inventory #: 190413 Category Antique Pistols - Flintlock Handguns - European Pistols Seller's Information Two Engraved English Flintlock Pistols -A) Desirable Wogdon & Barton Dueling PistolWogdon dueling pistols are among the most historical and were used in the most famous of all American duels: the Burr-Hamilton affair. Materials. Whether Lennox had used his Wogdons in his duel with Swift is not known. The seven days having expired and no club member recollecting to have heard such words, Colonel Lennox felt justified in concluding that they were never uttered. In the Lee-Laurens duel mentioned above, the two men resolved to walk towards one another and fire at will and exchanged shots at just five or six paces. Initially standard holster or travelling pistols were mainly used, but by the end of the century special-purpose duelling pistols were being made by craftsmen in England, France, Germany, Austria, and the United States. London proof marks and RW barrel makers mark. Steel and Brass Section, Rod and Sheet. (22.7 g); glass bottle (f): H. 1 1/2 in. The 10"" swamped at the muzzle octagon 67 caliber smooth bore barrels have good bores with light roughness. 19th September 2018. It is also only the second pair of Wogdons known with 16-sided barrels. Colonel Burr arrived first. During his lifetime Wogdons pistols were considered to be of unsurpassed quality and reliability, to the point that they were even sold to clients in North America. Wogdon apprenticed to Edward Newton in 1748, according to Howard Blackmore in Gunmakers of London, 1350-1850. After he finished his apprenticeship, he ran his own shop and then partnered with John Barton in 1795 and retired in 1803. Wogdons guns were designed to be aimed quickly, reliably fire, and shoot true. The plain stepped locks are simply engraved Wogdon, with a plain narrow safety catch.

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wogdon and barton dueling pistols