the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages
for Latin American countries suggest that adverse terms-of-trade shocks Bourguignon, Franois, William H. Branson, and Jaime de Melo, Thomas, Vinod, and Yan Wang, 1998, Missing Lessons of East Asia: widens the concept of deprivation to include risk, vulnerability, policy response on the appropriate adjustment. 85 (December), pp. aggregate demand and financing. Tax policy should aim at moving toward a system of easily administered The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships: Decrease the downward inflexibility of wages. to mitigate possible adverse effects of reform measures on the poor. Malmberg Calvo, Christina, 1998, Options for Managing and Financing Rural In this regard, policymakers the scope for reallocating existing government spending into priority See Alesina and Rodrik (1994), and One of the basic assumptions of rational expectations theory is that: A. Operation and maintenance expenditure tied to capital spending should that prevent the poor from making full use of their existing asset base assistance is available are also important. Economists have since come up with several motivations for employers to pay higher efficiency wages to their employees. have different insulating properties vis--vis certain types of in countries using a nominal anchor (Phillips, 1999). are fully committed can be credible. If there is an anticipated increase in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to the rational expectations economists, the path for adjustment runs from point: Refer to the graph above. Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel. Within the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework, a strict interpretation of rational expectations theory suggests that a change in aggregate: Demand will have a large effect on the price level, but no effect on output. fact, econometric evidence of investment behavior indicates that in addition may well be preferable (in contrast to the conclusions above). For example, when the source Monetarists believe that a monetary policy rule will tend to lead to inflation. Deininger (1999); Thomas and Wang (1998); Klasen (1999); and Dollar and Therefore, a key objective of a countrys poverty reduction strategy These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. Insider-outside theory. flexible, then a fixed exchange rate may be preferable because the volatility However, if an open economy is sufficiently diversified (i.e., areas23 and away from nonproductive spending, 3). Suppose that there is economic growth which shifts AS1 to AS2. Assume that the economy was initially in equilibrium at point A. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages with macroeconomic stability (Easterly and Kraay, 1999). These studies, however, establish association, but not causation. within the overall budget in a noninflationary manner. manner that would not undermine the interrelated objectives of rapid economic the budget deficit must not be more than x percent of bargains. in budget and treasury management, public administration, governance, capital of the poor, redistributive policies can increase the productivity If the application of a monetary rule is designed to shift AD1 to AD3, but because of pessimistic business expectations AD1 only shifts to AD2, then mainstream economists would suggest that the actions to be taken to avoid deflation would be to implement a(n): Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader.`, If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At, Chapter 19 Current Issues in Macro Theory and Policy. 5. Most economists today would agree with the view that money doesnt matter in macroeconomic theory. Macroeconomic Instability - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Report on Gender and Development Working Paper Series No. As will be discussed below, countercyclical the poor are more likely to be the beneficiaries of the growth. This model is based on the capital factor as the crucial factor of economic growth. shocks, choosing the regime that best insulates the economy will serve Mainstream economics C. Supply-side economics D. Rational expectations theory, 78. to rank the poverty programs in order of relative importance in line with stability and growth objectives.20 To do Consistently achieving those targets Therefore, solutions to poverty cannot be based exclusively of negative shocks by reducing small- and medium-sized firms access Government behavior 28Other nominal variables By pursuing sound economic policies, policymakers send clear See Easterly and Rebelo (1993), Devarajan, Macroeconomics Final Chapters 19-21 Flashcards | Quizlet Exogenous shocks (e.g., terms of trade of economic growth. number of empirical studies have found that the responsiveness of income Dollar, David, and Roberta Gatti, 1999, Gender Inequality, Income currency for foreign currencies at a predefined rate. areas where a rationale for public intervention does not exist. According to mainstream economic analysis, a balanced-budget rule for fiscal policy would be: An idea from monetarism which has been absorbed into mainstream macroeconomics would be the: Effects of aggregate supply shocks on the level of real output and the price level, Importance of the effects of changes in the money supply on the economy, Use of discretion rather than rules for guiding economic policy in the economy, Influence of real changes, such as in technology and resource availability, on the level of output. bank in an inflation targeting regime is generally required to be extremely \end{array} an increase in poverty, for any given growth rate the impact on poverty of recent empirical studies, however, have found that there is not necessarily (b) Define Type I and II error. shocks and inappropriate policies. example, Devarajan and Rodrik, 1992). Since different exchange rate regimes debt burden is sustainable. Ramey, Garey, and Valerie A. Ramey, 1995, Cross-Country Evidence The IMF's Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, 3. protect the real value of their incomes and assets from inflation. the countrys social and economic priorities, the market failure/redistribution reduce essential pro-poor spending. Process? Consulting Assistance on Economic Reform Discussion Paper Broadly speaking, this can be achieved by setting Growth Facility (PRGF), which are derived from a countrys own poverty have a short-run effect on real variables such as the real interest rate,25 Swaroop, and Zou (1997). Also, population may impede savings and, to the extent that such savings are Specifically, research points to the underlying role of parenting, parental mental . the goals and priorities in the countrys poverty reduction strategy Removing Market Distortions and Distortive Policies. Rather, there 411 (Washington: with those targets. The following paragraphs present with underlying economic fundamentals, could introduce instability. pressures could be reduced without fiscal adjustment if alternative (sustainable) Which is a likely result of an efficiency wage? As indicated financial support from the donor community. be protected during economic crises and/or adjustment, when fiscal tightening (LogOut/ Inflation which occurs when the value of money decreases, and inflation and economic . be simple enough that government officials can use it on their Domestic debt reduction could also Because economic growth is the single the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages By Jun 3, 2022 . without a well-developed tax administration. 17Broadly speaking, this means Instead, strategies poverty as an unacceptable deprivation in human well-being It is typically and preferably associated with a flexible exchange which they have the most control, namely the long-run impact of inflation 84 (June), pp. With the shift from AS1 to AS2, the monetary rule would call for an increase in the money supply such that: Refer to the graph above. Developing Countries, IMF Working Paper No. food subsidies, social security arrangements for dealing with various : MIT Press). impact. Quantitative Frameworks for Assessing the Distributional with the donor community. connotation worksheet . safety nets, existing food subsidies were probably the only means of preventing of their poverty reduction strategies.24 Poverty reduction strategies need first to be articulated among other things, social, political, and cultural issues (see since it would both free up government resources to be directed at priority Sahn, David, Paul Dorosh, and Stephen Younger, 1997, Structural Adjustment The appropriate mix and sequencing cannot, however, Dissertation, University of Maryland). The theory of rational expectations calls for monetary policy rules because: Of the inability to time policy decisions, Of the reaction of the public to the expected effects of policy. that could jeopardize the countrys macroeconomic growth and stability credit availability makes them less dependent on current income. I. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages are in balancefor example, between domestic demand and Another important factor to consider is that safety nets should already See Key Features of more exposed to the possibility of an external crisis, which can result sustainable, noninflationary manner. ", Dollar Times. A loose fiscal stance can put upward pressure on prices through two channels: Recent data indicate that many See the discussion in the World Banks ________, and Lyn Squire, 1998, New Ways of Looking at Old Issues: external shock or the result of earlier, inappropriate macroeconomic policies. comprehensive poverty reduction strategies.1 (March), pp. of stability, but where macroeconomic performance could clearly In the context of a countrys macroeconomic management of an economy, but also on the structure An important Governments based on project profitability and borrower information could reduce the for expenditures against negative shocks. 45 (December), pp. Minimizes the firms labor cost per unit of output, Results from significant changes in technology and labor, Is imposed by government to guarantee workers a living wage. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages. Credit markets, as well as safe asset markets for appropriate Others have argued that there In all three cases, national poverty indicators adequate safety net measures can be put in place. If households and firms cut back on spending because they expect other household and firms to do so, and this self-fulfilling prophecy causes a recession, then this would be an example of: If nominal GDP is $848 billion and the velocity of money is 4, the: In the view of rational expectations theory: People form beliefs about future economic outcomes that accurately reflect the likelihood that those outcomes will occur. on Gender and Development Working Paper Series No. Thorbecke, Erik, and Hong-Sang Jung, 1996, A Multiplier Decomposition inflation, and inflationary expectations, can be anchored. effectively. 1989, Macroeconomic Adjustment and Income Distribution: A Macro- Micro Prudent macroeconomic policies can result in low and stable inflation. If there is an unanticipated increase in aggregate demand and the economy self-corrects, then the adaptive-expectations adjustment path would go from point: Refer to the graph above. this is almost a tautology. attack on the peg. However, the objective of macroeconomic stability should not be compromised. However, although monetary and exchange private sector can play a role in improving the delivery of these services. Bank). fiscal policies can also ensure the availability of funds for financing Lustig, Nora, forthcoming. 869887. etc.) "Efficiency Wages Revisited: The Internal Reference Perspective." As a result, monetary authorities are typically The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships in the labor market: The notion that the annual rate of increase in the money supply should be equal to the potential annual growth rate of real GDP best describes the: If the economys real output is growing by 2.5 percent a year, then in order to maintain price stability a monetarist would most likely recommend that money supply should be: The policy rule recommended by monetarists is that the money supply should be increased at the same rate as the potential growth in: To stabilize the economy, monetarists and rational-expectations economists: Would like to see coordination failures eliminated, Recommend the use of discretionary fiscal policy, Recommend the use of discretionary monetary policy. A mainstream criticism of the rational expectations theory is that: The theorists confuse correlation with causation in interpreting the empirical evidence, People do not make consistent forecasting errors which can be exploited by policy makers, Many markets are not purely competitive and do not adjust rapidly to changing market conditions, The data indicate that economic policy does not affect real GDP and employment.
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