nogales international obituaries

nogales international obituaries

Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. V. HARAWAY, Mgr. Obituary Announcement. Perform searches by using common misspellings. Inspector General | G. Downing, Pastor.TRINITY CONGREGATIONALCHURCH222 Terrace AvenueEaster Sunday, April 20, 1930Morning service, 11:00 A. M.Voluntary.Song by Sunday school children.Natures Easter Story.Prayer by Rev. Gold and Silver in i aample .. ~ SI.OOGold, SUver, Lead and Copper in 1 ea topic Sk.nOLead, Copper, Zinc, Hangaareae, Iron, Lime, Grapmte, II Sulphur, Inaolubles (fold |or silver alone) each SI.OO IDiscounts on larre amount*. Nogales international. K. CUMMINGwg-AL BSTaI'K PEaUCBINTERNATIONALCLEANING WORKSJ. Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. iARTICLE VIThe commencement of the corporation shall be the date of the is-I suance to it of a certificate of in-I corporation by the Arizona Corpora- (tion Commission, and it shall en-;dure for the full term of twenty- ffive years thereafter, with privilege jof perpetual succession as providedby statute.ARTICLE VIIThe affairs of the corporationshall be conducted by a Board ofDirectors and such officers as thesaid Directors may elect or appoint. Subscribe for $1.40/week. and Mrs. Charles S. Smith.SCOUTS HELP IN DRIVEThe Cub and Boy Scouts of America are doing their part in the RedCross drive by distributing to stores.Those who helped were Bill Moery,ARMY NAVYATTENTIONCitizens Os Santa Cruz CountyAMVETSAmerican Veterans of World War IINogales Post No. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 08, 1946, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, NOGALES: The Nogales Unified School District holds a job fair, 9 a.m. to noon at the Nogales High School cafeteria, 1905 N. Apache Blvd. Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. MIGNARDOTI CHARLES E. JUDGE HARDY j! Feb. 6 in Nogales. . SenateSen. \ \ / \For the sore travail that rcaused theyislons and despairs, mymother, forgive me. Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. INogaies, Ariz., at 90% ofsmelter value leaa $5.00 perlot sampling and aaaayj eharga.1 Accuracy and Promptnaa*1 My Aim. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. According Read More, Elisa Nunez's passing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Nogales international. [volume], February 08, 1946, Image 1 Nogales International obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Nogales, Arizona.. With the Nogales International obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Arizona, it's important to know how to perform a Nogales International obituary search to access this wealth . 348 Obituaries. Most older obituaries will include some pieces of family information. $ Tgsgparr:* jSrPAGE THREEcoming to the border field locatedat Col. Procters Pete Kitchen ranchon the Tucson road. Use multiple collections to fact-check any found records. Invalid password or account does not exist. Nogales international. Nogales International. Marie Arbuckle, who suffereda broken leg some weeks ago hasimproved to the extent she has beenmoved to her home at the SandsRanch.The annual business meeting ofthe Elgin Book Circle was held atthe Elgin club house. MAZDALAMPS IN FLAMETINE AND COLORS.Phone 44 324 Grand Ave.NEON SIGNS NOTICE!To WIDOWS aid EX-SOLDIERS!Notice is hereby given that affidavits for exemption of Taxation, provided by law, for Widowsand Ex-Soldiers, must be filed at this office before July Ist, 1930.All affidavits not filed by that date will not heallowed.HARRY FARRIOR,County Assessor.' Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Maria Coronel. J. K. McBRIDE, SecretaryBy Doris LewisSTATE OF ARIZONA ))ss.County of Santa Cruz )I hereby certify that the withininstrument was filed and recordedat the request of F. A. French Mar.31 A. D. 1930 at 9:45 A. M. Book 2Art. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Three members withdrew atthis meetirtg. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Do you want to learn even more about unlocking your history? PUBLISHED WHERE TWO NATIONS MEETUolomstsOff to Seek Utopia in Caribbean SeaEn route to East Caicos, a 125.000-acre island at the southeastern end of the Bahamas, this small group recently arrived in Cutler, Fla., from Pasadena, Calif. information about local people. SeeUs When You Need Furniture!YOUNGOS339 Morley Phone 144NogalesTransfer& Fuel Co.Experts on furniture movingand crating heavy and lighthauling . You can click this link to create an obituary. Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. Phone 485-JP. . That temporary power shift routinely happens with little fanfare; Hobbs frequently stood in for Ducey when he traveled and while she was secretary of state from 2019 to Jan. 1 of this year. The jobpays SIO,OOO a year for life.Senator Ernest W. McFarland wasoffered the appointment by ThePresident but declined, The President expressing the wish that Mc-Farland would remain in the senate.In announcing the nomination ofJudge Speakman, Senator McFarland wired:Senator Hayden and I have recommended that Judge Howard C.Speakman, of Phoenix, be appointedto the United States District CourtVice Judge Albert M. Sames retired.President Truman authorized Attorney General Tom Clark to call onme and offer me the appointmentand at the same time wrote the following letter to me:Dear Mac: I have requested theattorney general to see you andoffer you the appointment asUnited States district judge in placeof Judge Albert M. Sames, who hasretired. Try searching for their husbands name. She is survived by daughters, Yolanda (Michael) Robinson, Marcia *********On Tuesday afternoon, from fouruntil six, Miss Esther Barber of LosAngeles and Mrs. Beatrice Wagnerof La Jolla were honor guests at atea given by Dr. Smock at herSpanish home on First street. External Link Disclaimer | Behind the church a wall encloses the churchyard in which there is a mortuarychamber. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. The State tax ratehas increased because of increasedactivity, he said.I do know there is somethingwrong with the tax structure in Arizona. Jones Tuesdaymorning as he struck back at criticsof his regime.The old departments of Arizonaare running on the same budgetsas they have been receiving for several years and all are living withinSonora BoostedBy HighwayMagazineOn a trip through southern Ari| zona, Harold Wrenn, assistant di! Nogales international. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by of the Foxworth-Galbraith LumberCompanys yard at Mesa and will| take over his new duties as soon| as he is relieved by the HalsteadLumber Company at Williams.BUYS HOMELeonilo Larriva and family aremoving to their new home at 807Morley avenue which they recentlypurchased.For Rent: Furnished apartment,desirable location. She said the 350 to 400 is a conserv; ative estimate.Should 350 persons be here, theattendance would surpass that ofthe 36th annual convention of theArizona Cattle Growers Associationheld here early this week. She was born on January 16, 1928, in Los Angeles, CA. Legal | Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, NOGALES, ARIZ,, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1930LEGAL NOTICESTATE OF ARIZONAARIZONA CORPORATIONCOMMISSIONTo all to whom these presents shallcome, greeting:I, F. J. K. Mcride, Secretary ofthe Arizona Corporation Commission, do hereby certify that the annexed is a true and complete transcript of theARTICLES OF INCORPORATIONOFTITLE INSURANCE, MORTGAGE& TRUST CO.which were filed in the office of thesaid Arizona Corporation Commission on the 29th day of March, A.D. 1930 at 10:00 oclock A. M. asprovided by law.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixedthe official seal of the Arizona Corporation Commission, at the Capitol, in the city of Phoenix, this29th day of March A. D. 1930.SEAL F. J. K. McrideSecretary,By May Belle CraigAssistant SecretaryARTICLES OF INCORPORATIONOFTITLE INSURANCE, MORTGAGE& TRUST CO.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: !That we, the undersigned, dohereby associate ourselves togetherand form a corporation under andby virtue of the laws of the Stateof Arizona, and adopt the followingArticles of Incorporation:ARTICLE IThe names, residences and postoffice addresses of the incorporatorsof this incorporation as follows:F. A. French, Nogales, ArizonaSigmund C. Jung, Nogales, ArizonaJ. Additional Information. This is onesimple way by which we can all show the veteransthat we still remember and appreciate what they havedone for us.One reason why so much bologney is written thesedays is because so many writers have so much spaceto fill up regularly.Never try to earn a fortune by a smart investmentespecially when some salesman is telling you howto manage your money.Good health should not be a luxury and it mightnot be, if adults would see that children receive proper training and treatment.Those who seek the truth must first establish anunbiased mind and divest it of personal interests. Nogales International Airport - Santa Cruz County, AZ call or wtitmSouthern TrustCompanyRALPH G. & RUTH A. MOERTTelephone 431ONE OF ARIZONAS FINEST BARSTHE WONDERBAE |Where North and South America Meet \InsuranceReal EstateBondsA Policy for Every Insurance Need.All Old Line Companies.H. buySome nice-fresh kilowatts ?ItS not likely that a shifty, fast-talking gent -will eversidle up to you with such an offer.Bootleggers and Black Markets exist only wherethere are shortages and a chance to make big profitsby breaking ceiling prices.There are no Black Markets in electricity , nor arethere any shortages.And far from pushing against price ceilings, theprice of electricity has stayed right down on the floor.In fact, over the last 15 years, the average price to theaverage family has been cut just about in half . To engage in the business ofInsuring Titles to Real Estate andMortgage Guarantees and of preparing and issuing abstracts andcertificates of title and certifyingas to the condition of record of titleof any real estate or personal property as it appears from public records, and to purchase, build, leaseor otherwise acquire and own abstract books or plants.9. Highway Department, was herei Wednesday.He is a nephew of the late Judge| W. A. OConnor of Nogales and was j! He was ill three weeks! and Mrs. Rohan Cluff motori ed to Tucson Saturday.NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1940Apache GridmenTo BattleSeniors(By J. DUPUY)The 1940 edition of the Nogales |High School gridiron machine will jbe seen in action here next Friday,evening, when Coach Wally Smith, |former University of Arizona grid- jiron flash, sends an unexperienced \bunch of Apache gridders against atough crew oi Senior hotshots inthe annual spring contest of theyear.The Apaches will enter the fray jagainst the Senior squad on eventerms. the decision of thevoters at the July priman* elecj tion.C. Some of the most beneficial reasons to look into Nogales International local obituaries include: Explore the comprehensive records in our online database, and you'll gain access to almost 150 years of local history. Click or call (800) 729-8809. Clotilde (Cleo) O. Valdez, 95, went to be with our Lord after a prolonged illness on Friday, February 24, 2023 in El Paso, TX. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. For a successful Nogales International obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. Nogales Political News & Election Results in Nogales international 1926 - 1947 Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search political news & election results to help you learn more about your family history. Inspector General | It seems a safe prediction to say that a new all-timehigh mark will be set by vacationists this summer.Your Income is LikeYour Shadow - ItStops When You DoAn Income for your family thatwill not stop if your life shouldbe cut short can be convenientlyarranged through an EquitableFamily Income Policy.The Equitable LifeAssurance SocietyOs The United StatesHERMAN C. MEDLEN,AgentBowman Hotel Bldg.War Brings Breadlines to North ChinaWar and flood, three years of the former and a succession of thelatter, have had their effect on the Japanese-dominated part of China.More than 2,000 Chinese, most of them women and children, died onShanghai streets this past winter. Legal | M. Chipman, Mgr.N i *Auto & TruckRepairingOs All Makes Os Carsc. To do each and everything suitable, necessary or proper for the accomplishment, protection or maintenance of any of the purposes orthe attainment of any one or moreof the objects herein enumerated,or which shall at any time appearconductive or expedient for the protection or benefit of said corporation, either as holders or owners ofor interested in any property, it being the intention that the objects,purposes and powers specified herein, except where otherwise expressedherein, be in no wise limited or restricted by reference to or in reference from the terms of any otherclause or any other paragraph inthis instrument, but that the objects, purposes and powers specifiedin each of the clauses of this instrument shall be regarded as inde| pendent objects, purposes and powers.10. Death notices, on the other Sam Hill and guest Mrs.Willhoyt of Elgin were shoppers inNogales Wednesday.Mrs. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Jeremy Brinton (Nogales, Arizona), who passed away at the age of 40, on May 21, 2021. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. December 14, 2022 (96 years old) View obituary. According Read More, Obituary of Lila Mae Hall Lila Mae Hall died peacefully on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Herbert Read More, Danitza Ruiz's passing on Saturday, February 18, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. Os C. DriveTo End MondayWith the two teams in charge ofthe drive running neck and neck,the annual Chamber of Commercemembership campaign will close ati 5 p.m., Monday.Tire teams, captained by BobMarcus and Bill Lytle, have broughtin more than 50 new members,many of whom have never beforebeen affiliated with the chamber.Team members are urged to turnin their remaining membershipcards before 5 p.m., Monday.NOGALES HOME NEWSPAPER .. . Jobs | Sincerely, Harry S. Truman.As a member of the senate committee on the judiciary, Senator Mc-Farland expects to obtain early action on the Speakman nomination.Death ClaimsW. Carpenter said.The region where the sample wasmined is in the Quijoti mountains.90 miles west of Tucson.Espey ir. To loan money and generallyto transact such other business asmay be necessary to proper to carry out the purposes of said corporation, and to promote either its interests or the interests of its stockholders.6. (Mike) Frankenpohl, Trap.212 MORLEY AVE.Nogalesj Exchange &Commission Co.Upstairs at 203 MorleyAvenue. Ron was born August 28, 1942 Read More, Graciela Carranza's passing on Sunday, February 12, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. For a successful Nogales Nogales international marriage license search, you need to narrow down your results. To conduct said business abovespecified in any and all branchesand ramifications and to do suchbusiness in any and all places inthe United States and in the territories of the United States and allforeign countries, either as principal,agent, director or otherwise.11. She was a loving daughter, mother Read More, Obituary of Jordan Thomas Paganini Jordan Thomas Paganini September 25,1996-February 5, 2023 On Sunday, February 5,2023 Jordan, a beloved son Read More, Obituary of Ray Clinton Tatge Ray Clinton Tatge, born on September 11, 1958 in Koln, Germany to Helga and Leonard Tatge, died suddendly on January Read More, Obituary of Marilyn Kay Wilson Marilyn Kay Wilson passed away peacefully on February 5, 2023 surrounded by family at age 88. August 15, 2022 (83 years old) View obituary. Find the right funeral home to guide your family through end-of-life planning. Nogales International (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979 | Library of Congress and spent twelve days in a local hospital.CCC BOYS LEAVEj |Lieut. External Link Disclaimer | DPS stops tractor-trailer carrying large drug load, DPS identifies victims of fatal crash on SR 82, Justice of the peace finds probable cause in rancher murder case, One hospitalized after Border Patrol shooting near Pima County line, Court docs show more charges, defendants possible in bribery case, Hawks get strong pitching, three-run homers in win over NHS, Nogales downs Rio Rico 12-1 in county rivalry game, Wreck on SR 82 leaves four dead; five killed in crash in Sonora, Nogalian retires from CBP after 30-plus years. Sam Dysart, program chairman for the club convention, is leaving teday for Phoenix to conferwith the state president of the organization on program events forthe March meeting.Both the Junior and Senior divisions of the State Federation willmeet here.All arrangements for the convention are being handled by the Nogales Womans Club of which Mrs.Russell Meeker is president.Two Die InMine BlastNear NogalesVictims of a premature dynamiteexplosion, Robert Landers, 48, andPedro Carnes. He is Big Bull, the Mavericks' chief official.JarKridiuuuy iiiuioilo of Maricopa county met Gov. Its also ideal for fact-checking, as many obituaries werent necessarily created with 100% accuracy. She was born Jan. 27, To lay out, subdivide, resubdivide, and generally improve tractsof land and sell same, either by suchsubdivision or resubdivision.4. Mrs.Shamhart is a native of Louisville,Ky., and friend of relatives of thepublisher of the Nogales International in Kentucky and Washington, D. C.LOCATING IN MESALester Kuck, formerly of Nogales,I is accepting a position as manager! J. M. Keith of Phoenix, secretary of the association, said arrangements should have been madefor 300. Rafael C Hernandez. Nogales international. [volume], February 24, 1940, Image 1 James A. Dixon, Dr. J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. Her devotion to her family Read More, Obituary of Clifford Joseph Carr Clifford Joseph Carr We are heartbroken to announce the death of our father, Clifford Carr. M. A. WuerachmidtArizona Optical Co.211 Mori*;/ Ave Phone 22iaHmEmaHwawcHMHOTEL BURTONSE HABLA ESPANOLMRS. Step One - Enter the full names of both the bride and the groom to filter your results. document.write(year) The headsi of both men were blown off. Oscar Read More, Obituary of Michael Anderson Hicks Michael Anderson Hicks was born in Bend Oregon in 1958 to Dolores Jeanne Anderson and TJ Hicks. Legal | Legacy Read More, Obituary of Oscar Alonzo Tinsley Oscar Alonzo Tinsley of Mount Pleasant, TX died peacefully Friday night January 20, 2023 at the age of 82. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. ., Nogales international. . 12 Taazs in Prae ?nt Buameaa.1 Hugo IV. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. The Nogales International wastewater treatment plant was first conceived in 1943 to provide a regional approach to the issue of wastewater treatment and disposal. Founded in. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Press | Copyright Accessibility | Box 956, Nogales, Ariz. or Phone 181, NogalesMARINE CORPS COAST GUARD-Hey, Chum! Phone 176Mexican MoneyBought and Soid.| Loans to salaried peopleINSURANCEC. * Deceased's funeral arrangements. Jobs | Create a password that only you will remember. Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Nogales. LA. She was the eldest of five girls, Read More, Obituary of Alan Lee Hiatt Alan Lee Hiatt (75) of Tucson, Arizona, by way of Woodlake, CA, Fukuoka, Japan, Long Beach, CA, Okinawa, Japan, Walton Read More, Obituary of Cornelia Ramsia Simmons Cornelia Ramsia Simmons a.k.a. Deceased's obituary. state department of mineral rej sources, today revealed that H. R.; Espey had turned in a sample ofgold ore assaying at the rate of$34 000 a ton.Extent of the vein from which thesample was obtained was not disclosed. December 15, 2022 (60 years old) View obituary. Nogales International Airport (OLS) located in Nogales, Arizona, United States. A. L. Gustetter was a visitorhere yesterday from Tucson.Mr. About | Bureau ofCustoms at Washington, and wife,were visitors here this week. Inc. But whats the Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Airport information including flight arrivals, flight departures, instrument approach procedures, weather, location, runways, diagrams, sectional charts, navaids, radio communication frequencies, FBO and fuel prices, hotels, car rentals, sunrise and sunset times, aerial photos, terminal maps, and destination travel . Anthony FrenchSigmund C. JungJ. (MAC) MIGNARDOTCounty Treasurer of Santa Cruz CountyPoliticalAnnouncementsFOR TREASURERI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Treasurer,subject to. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Nogales International obituary search. Tumacacorl was built in iuz,thirty years later than San Xavier.NOGALES, ARIZ., SATURDAY, FEB. 24,1940total of between 90,000 and 100,000acres, and grazing on that vast areaare thousands of head of cattle.Attractive and in her late thirties,and possessing much personality,this well known cowgirl rides therange, looks after her cattle, andefficiently manages her entire holdings with the help of a number ofcowboys. Recent Obituaries | Martinez Funeral Chapels Nogales International - Nogales International . Titcomb arrived Tuesday fromSombreretillo, 60 miles southwest ofNogales, where he is engaged inmining.CUSTOMS OFFICIALEdson J. Shamhart, chief of theDivision of Enforcement. Nogales Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Nogales, AZ | p.2 - Echovita Last Name "Vaughan . Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Nogales International Obituary Archives Search in Nogales, Arizona STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. QUICK SERVICE .

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nogales international obituaries